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Pauline Raina

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Re: God Doesn't Say No
4/9/2006 12:21:19 PM
that was a great post, thanks for the invite Pauline
Verna ZdarskiKeeble

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Re: God Doesn't Say No
4/9/2006 12:25:06 PM
Dear Linda, Thank-you for those plenty words of inspiritation. Thank-you for sharing. My thoughts & some experienced challenges. Life is a constant learning,& building faith & turst in our heavenly father. True trusting in God, learning the proper way of asking for guidance in life ventures. Even too when it comes from dear friends & acqauaintances out there in life, from the kind hearts sent our way. Learning ways of all life needs is a everday experience challenge when started from the world of not known & not thought during years of childhood. Sincerely, Verna ZK. _________ Guest Login ID: 805471
Arthur Webster

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Re: God Doesn't Say No
4/9/2006 2:14:38 PM
Hi, Linda, Do you desire wealth? Then BE wealthy first, and the Universe will respond. I had to read this twice to be sure it does say what I have read into it - to be wealthy - you must first be wealthy. I can live with that. Since my life is full of contentment and love, I must be doing something right. I have never hankered after material wealth although, when I had it, there were a lot of people around me who were envious and tried to make my life miserable. I wouldn't try to say what God intends for us on this Earth but I do remember he never promised to provide all that was required here - that was to be found 'in my Father's house'. Indeed, didn't he say that we would come forth in misery? Regards
Linda Miller

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Re: God Doesn't Say No
4/9/2006 2:20:03 PM
Yes, Art. BE what you desire to be and you will attract it to you. Wonderful, isn't it?
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Arthur Webster

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Re: God Doesn't Say No
4/9/2006 2:26:02 PM
As my Dad would have said "Aye lass - It's grand!" Cheers