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Linda Miller

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God Doesn't Say No
4/9/2006 10:18:05 AM
Hello friends, This is another article from one of my favorite mentors... By Bob Doyle of: There are a couple of things you've probably heard said over and over. The first is, "Why doesn't God answer my prayers?". What you'll generally hear next is the response which goes something like, "God DOES answer your prayers. Sometimes he just says 'No'". The fact is, it's not God who says "No". In fact, God - the infinite source of "All that Is", ONLY says "Yes"! God is the ultimate "creation" mechanism. God responds PRECISELY to YOUR creative catalyst. So you say, "Well, I've been asking God for money, but he hasn't given it to me.". The answer lies in HOW you are asking! Remember that God - the Universe - responds in a very precise way! It's a matter of Quantum Physics! If your prayer goes something like, "Dear God. I'm in trouble. I have no money. I can't pay any of the bills. I need money!", then THAT is what will be real for you. You WILL be in trouble. You WILL have no money! You WON'T be able to pay the bills, and you WILL NEED MONEY. The Universe feeds back to you what you give it - and in fact, amplifies it! If who you are "being" is a person with what we'll call "lack consciousness", then LACK will be your reality! Every thought you have about "not having" will be mirrored in your experience of reality. Do you desire wealth? Then BE wealthy first, and the Universe will respond. The fact is, we are here for the express purpose of creating our realities and living incredible lives. We are the manifestation of God's experience in the physical. God does not desire for us to live in lack, and in fact strongly desires that we have everything we desire. It is WHY we have desires in the first place! We are not only meant to have our desires realized, but we have the ability to have them manifest in our lives WHENEVER we want! However, our egos and limiting belief systems have distorted our power. We have made ourselves "small". We have created thoughts about wealth and prosperity that make them inaccessible to us. Yet they are RIGHT THERE...waiting for us to experience them. God does not say, "No, you may not experience wealth." God says, "YES! EXPERIENCE EVERYTHING!". However the "mechanics" of reality creation require you to BELIEVE that you already have the things you desire. That's why it's so easy for so many people to experience "lack". It's easier for them to believe that they "can't have something" than it is for them to have everything they want because they have all this external "evidence". The fact is, however, that it is just as "easy" to have either one. It is simply a matter of your belief. Your current experience is the PERFECT manifestation of your current belief system. It is the EFFECT, not the cause. YOU are the cause your experience. When you can integrate that, you can begin to create consciously from the inside out (which is the only way you CAN create). You can break out of the "loop" which has you believing that your external circumstances are causing your experience. You must understand that whatever your experience is right now, it is God (the Universe, All that Is) saying "YES" to whoever it is you are being, thinking, speaking, and acting. To create consciously you MUST "be", "think", "speak", and "act" that your desires are already fulfilled - and they shall be. To the extent that you do these things, you will experience the "yes" that you REALLY desire from God much more quickly. ________ Bob Doyle is the founder of a complete course in creating Wealth using the principles of Quantum physics and the Law of Attraction available from
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Re: God Doesn't Say No
4/9/2006 10:42:46 AM
Hello That was good reading Linda I enjoyed it very much... great post! Thanks for the invite, have a great Palm Sunday. Warm Regards
Re: God Doesn't Say No
4/9/2006 10:53:20 AM
I would suggest people learn about what faith is and how it work. But what the artical does not say is the the person must be born again. The promises of God are yes and amen for those that believe.Non believers can gain from work justy like believes, God rain on the just and unjust. I promise you that if your living in sin you are not being blessed by God. You may have things(materalthings). Flowing into you life. But I remind you that Satan is a lier and the father of all lies. He is also calld the prince of the air. This means he can infulnce people to give you things. The Bible says all good gifts come form the Father above and there is no sorrow there with. Mean when it is God blessing you, you not regreting that new car you got because 6 months from now you can't make the payment. I get sick of people telling people you can just ask God and be blessed , with out telling them they have to live for God, be wholely and accetable before him. The owner of Hustle magazien has lots of money and stuff, but it did not come from God. And yes God does say no. He does say No when you don't have the sence to handle what your asking for. This includes money. If your not tithing the 10% of the 100.00 he gave you why would he give you 1000.00. If you robing him of the tithes of the 1000.00 why would he give you 1,000,000.00. He will not. You see faith is not bleiving the promises of God. Faith is believing the one that made the promise. You have to do that before you get the promise. I wish people that was going to teach about God had a better understaning of Him and his word. Moses said I want to know your ways Oh GOD. Moses wanted to know why God did want God Did this comes from spending much time with God. It is relationship, based on love. God says this to the reads now. If you want to know me come in to the prayer closet, I did not call it a wish closet. Leve your desires,wants, needs out side and come and seek my face not my hand. When you learn this I will bless you says the Lord of Host. Well I want add to that! God Bless Johnny
David Ellison

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Re: God Doesn't Say No
4/9/2006 11:00:16 AM
Hi Linda great post. Its called faith if you have faith of a grain of mustard seed you can say to this mountain be thou moved to yonder and it shall be done. Nothing is imposible with God. Also alot of peoples prayers may not be answered because they ask amiss. Pray believing :-)
Re: God Doesn't Say No
4/9/2006 11:12:44 AM
Hi Johnny Even though I liked the article I also felt more was needed to be said like the post in your reply. I wanted to express exactly what you posted but I wasn't able to put into words what I truly think and feel. I enjoyed reading your post Johnny, well said... have a peaceful Palm Sunday! Warm Regards

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