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Re: Health Product Challenge-Show me a more complete product than Vibe 101 and I will signup today!
4/7/2006 10:43:02 AM
Hi Tom, Great post and rebuttals. You know Tom, there are many health and wellness members in this community. We could be hooting our horns about each of our products. Let's face it, each member thinks they have the hottest ,most sort after product, but initially they are all good and probably have the same essential properties, just being called a different name. The fact is they are all good and it gives consumers a wide choice. If all the companies were to offer the same product, just think how boring the market would be. Consumers have a variety of great products to choose from. People's body makeup is all so different, what may work for you may not work for others, therefore with such variety, each individual can find a great drink that works for him/her. In the end though Tom, I congratulate you for putting up the challenge, it gives all the other health & wellness members a chance to come out of our shell and join the campaign. I could talk about our Lexxus Premium Noni- the healing juice and also the Lavie- the bodies greatest revitalizer and detoxifyer. I could go on and on to tell why they are the greatest and how certified etc. Thanks Tom Hortense
Tom Sparrow

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Re: Health Product Challenge-Show me a more complete product than Vibe 101 and I will signup today!
4/7/2006 11:27:39 PM
Everyone has to believe in their product! I do really realize that there are a lot of great products out there today! I congratulate anyone in this natural health arena! Now, my question to you is did you look close? If not, please take the time, provided you are open minded, to look again! I don't even like comparing us to any juice products, but it seems to be a pattern here. We already have Wolfberry (Goji Juice) in the Vibe plus many other berries! Around November, 2006, we will be adding the ACAI berry as well. Go to these specific sites: That should be enough! My Best! Tom :o)
Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
Re :Re: Health Product Challenge-Show me a more complete product than Vibe 101 and I will signup today!
7/7/2006 9:26:17 PM

I beg to differ that your product is superior. 


Introduction to Glyconutrients Reference: Miracle Sugars, Rita Elkins M.H.
Virtually unheard of until recently, the 8 essential carbohydrate monosaccharides (glyconutrients or sugars) offer a new hope in the universe of health potential. Numerous studies & research investigations have linked a deficiency of these extraordinary glyconutrients to everything from chronic fatigue to heart disease, cancer to ADHD to infertility, & many others.
Since these sugars are so essential to every individual cell in the human body, scores of illnesses have been linked to an imbalance of these sugars, & increasing their intake through diet or supplementation have led to the restoration & maintaining the overall wellness of countless individuals. As far as immune system enhancement goes, these eight simple sugars are absolutely essential, if not critical, for maximum disease prevention & health maintenance.
But what exactly is a glyconutrient?
A glyconutrients are natural plant monosaccharides . There are eight specific monosaccharides your body needs for cells to create messages that communicate with other cells.  These monosaccharides unite with proteins & fats to create glycoforms, which cover the surface of virtually every cell in the body.
Glycoforms function as cellular recognition molecules that communicate the messages your body needs to function in good health. Glyconutritionals provide your body the raw nutrients to create a proper glycoform & allow healthy communication between cells. Glyconutrients give the cells what they need to form healthy receptor sites on cell surfaces.

Glyconutrients provide the language of communication for your cells. Now what does that mean? Well, science has recently discovered that these eight sugars make up the cell-to-cell communication language. Unlike our own language, English, which has 26 letters to choose from, the cell-to-cell language has only eight. Now, you're probably thinking, "big deal, so what?" Well to explain this, I will use a methodology that I heard at a presentation night.  Healthy tissues make healthy organs and healthy organs make up healthy systems (e.g. your immune system).  It all relies on healthy and properly functioning cellular communication.
Think of your cells using a 'language' similar to the English alphabet. To make all the letters in the alphabet only requires four different shapes. But those four shapes combine to make 26 different letters, that spell thousands of words. If one of the shapes is missing, words are misspelled or not recognized.
How to keep your immune system functioning at an optimal level? Communication within your body is what keeps your immune system operating efficiently. Most importantly, it is the communication at the cellular level.  When our cells communicate properly, they can make healthy tissues, and they when our cell cannot communicate properly they do not.  So put simply glyconutrients defend, protect and maintain cellular health.  Glyconutrients fit into a new area of science and are a technological breakthrough. 

For further info go to and listen to the DVD links at bottom of page and :
The premier journal for researchers and scientists recently dedicated an entire issue to educating the science and medical community about Glyconutrients, Glycobiology and Glycoscience. March 23 2001 Special Issue: Carbohydrates & Glycobiology the "Nutrition Science Site"
The site is designed to provide information on nutritional saccharides --  glyconutrients -- that form the scientific underpinnings glyconutritional dietary supplements.  For people who are interested in learning more about the safety and effectiveness of nutritional supplementation.

NEWS in 2003 - Technology Review: MIT's Magazine of Innovation - The first innovation is Glycomics - the study of sugars for cellular communication. Article Title: 10 Emerging Technologies That Will Change the World.


Acta Anatomica  International Journal of Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology. Issue 161/1-4/98
Glycosylation is the most common form of protein and lipid modification but its biological significance has long been underestimated

Scientific American - 22nd January 2002 Changing Cancer Cells' "Surface Sugars" can Inhibit Tumor Growth


also look for this book:  Sugars that Heal - The new healing science of Glyconutrients by Emil J Mondoa M.D & Mindy Kitei

"Even tiny amounts of these sugars--or lack of them--have profound effects. In test after test conducted at leading institutes around the world, these saccharides have been shown to lower cholesterol, increase lean muscle mass, decrease body fat, accelerate wound healing, ease allergy symptoms, and allay autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, psoriasis, and diabetes. Bacterial infections, including the recurrent ear infections that plague toddlers, often respond remarkably to saccharides, as do many viruses--from the common cold to the flu, from herpes to HIV.
The debilitating symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and Gulf War syndrome frequently abate after adding saccharides. And, for cancer patients, saccharides mitigate the toxic effects of radiation and chemotherapy--while augmenting their cancer-killing effects, resulting in prolonged survival and improved quality of life." (These paragraphs is taken from part of the book)

Also seek out "How to Survive on a Toxic Planet" by Dr. Steve Nugent


Erica Schmidt
Tom Sparrow

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Re :Re: Health Product Challenge-Show me a more complete product than Vibe 101 and I will signup today!
7/10/2006 12:31:06 AM

Mannetech does have good products, but when you add up the number of products resommended to take for a full regimen, you are looking at spending between $150-$250 per month! Most people can't afford that today! Our regimen costs them $50 per month!

You may beg to differ, but there is only one way to know for sure...try it!!! Then you will know what I know and why this will be the last company to last me a lifetime!!! More info. here:

If you are into health, you will not find a more Complete Health Regimen than Vibe 101 from Eniva Corporation. Simply compare this to ANY product! This is NOT another "Juice"!!!  Vibe 101 ORAC SCORE = 83,200 and by November 1st, with the addition of the ACAI berry, ORAC SCORE = 100,000 / bottle!!!

*****Does it really work? You decide by listening below!!!*****

Here is another site with different written testimonials:

Ok, how about 2 more websites for review? Science and all questions answered   Look at the product section (OVER 80 products) and the opportunity!
   It doesn't get any better than this! I have been in Nutritional MLM's for over 15 years and have never seen so many customers get results like this and stay on the product! My customer retention rate is over 93%!!! This is unheard of but REAL! We are currently in the USA, CANADA, MEXICO, PUERTO RICO, AND BERMUDA! We will be launching into the UK about December, 2006! Products, timing, marketing plan, caring owners, and a superb upline make this an unbeatable combination that once you try the product, you will know what I know and call this your home for LIFE!!! My Best! Tom Sparrow 248-624-0942

Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
Donggeun Yoo

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Introducing a NEW Breakthrough Product!
7/12/2006 9:09:21 AM

Introducing a NEW Breakthrough Product!


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