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Tom Sparrow

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Health Product Challenge-Show me a more complete product than Vibe 101 and I will signup today!
4/6/2006 6:40:09 PM

Those of you who signup by 8/15 (don't wait or you may lose these FREE products)!!! Signup online here: and get the Bottle And A Box on autoship and receive $60 in FREE Vibe Junior Vibelettes!!! WOW~~~You may also call 1-866-999-9191, press 6 and use my ID # 144770!!! FREE SIGNUP AND 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!!! Tom

I only issue this challenge so that everyone can take a close look again and see why the Vibe 101 product has NO competition. Even though we have been compared to all the "Juice" products out there like Xango, Fruta Vida, Noni, Goji, Monavie, we are not another juice, but a FULL health regimen. I also know that almost every person on Adland is focused on their own buisness opportunties, but if nothing else, look at this product simply for your own Maximum health even if you have no time to promote it. Simply be a customer to help your body function at it's BEST! My Best! Tom

Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
Re: Health Product Challenge-Show me a more complete product than Vibe 101 and I will signup today!
4/6/2006 7:17:01 PM
Hey, I looked at this and was wondering if there are any doctorials to stand with it? I am looking into the company and the owners of it now, waiting for the results. Let us know to your success, Greg Hastings Ps have a look at this:
For every Adversity there is A Seed of Greater Benefit
Tom Sparrow

666 Posts
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Re: Health Product Challenge-Show me a more complete product than Vibe 101 and I will signup today!
4/6/2006 9:24:35 PM

Those of you who signup by 8/15 (don't wait or you may lose these FREE products)!!! Signup online here: and get the Bottle And A Box on autoship and receive $60 in FREE Vibe Junior Vibelettes!!! WOW~~~You may also call 1-866-999-9191, press 6 and use my ID # 144770!!! FREE SIGNUP AND 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!!! Tom

Greg-I sent you a direct email on our studies and research plus I will post it here too: Welcome to Regenerative Health 101-NOT just another Juice Welcome to the Most Powerful Complete ALL IN ONE Health Drink on this planet, VIBE 101 from Eniva Corporation!!! The call is absolutely free and is not a sales message, we call it our "Call to Wellness" message and it is a key to understanding VIBE 101 and the Eniva Solutomic Technology for assimilation! This goes far beyond the "JUICES"!!! Call Toll Free Anytime: 888-363-9480 Every Sickness & Disease Begins On a Cellular Level Why take several supplements, when only ONE is all you need? My goal in life is to help people achieve maximum health through supplementation. I have researched natural health supplements for over 15 years and have just recently joined a company who's primary goal is the same as mine-Eniva & the Vibe 101 product! By providing a complete ALL IN ONE nutrients in a drink & an awesome delivery system like no other product I have seen to date, I could not pass this up! See for yourself below... WHY DO WE NEED TO TAKE SUPPLEMENTS? FACTS THAT WILL SHOCK YOU!!! 1] FACT: 99% of ALL Americans are mineral deficient even if they eat organic foods! 2] FACT: Almost every single disease and health problems are tied to mineral deficiencies! 3] FACT: Even if you buy supplements at the stores including GNC and other health food stores, you are still not getting all the minerals your body needs! WHY? 4] FACT: Due to missing nutrients and low assimilation of those nutrients (5%-15% is assimilated, the rest is flushed out), our bodies are starving to death! Every store bought product is full of fillers to make a higher profit margin! Hence-less is utilized! 5] FACT: Think back if you can several years and how little we heard about these health issues that are so prevalent today! Heart Disease, Stroke, MS, Cancers of ALL types, ADD, HIV, AIDS, Children's major health issues, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Kidney and Liver Diseases, Tumors, Diabetes, Carpal Tunnel, Arthritis, Bursitis, and the list goes on and on!!! 6] FICTION: People think that by eating properly and even eating organically grown foods that they will have the protection they need to fight off these diseases, FALSE!!! Why? The fact is that we still remain mineral deficient due to lack of the proper nutrients in ANY of the foods we eat!!! 7] FACT: Even OUR children have major health issues today unlike many years ago, why? The fast food industry, doctors drugs, sweets, highly saturated fats in foods, chemicals in everything, lack of proper exercise (to much TV & video games), and much more stress today, ALL contribute to children's health problems! Daily, I see this with very close friends of mine whose children have problems like being sick a lot, ADD, Bipolar, brains not functioning properly (slow), memory problems, AHD, muscle & joint problems, diabetes, and the list continues!!! 8] FACT: We are actually killing ourselves with all the stress & chemicals in everything we eat, breathe, and our skin comes in contact with daily! Those with the weaker immune systems suffer first, and many later due to the lack of minerals to keep ourselves healthy! 9] FACT: Without proper nutrients, our cells cannot stay healthy, our bodies become weaker, we feel tired all of the time (can you relate to this?), and we are sicker more often! 10] FACT: Drugs are killing us as well! Why? Drugs ONLY treat symptoms, not the cause of the problem and with so many side effects, our body is telling us that this is NOT natural to our systems which in turn rebel! SO WHAT IS THE ANSWER TO OUR PROBLEM? Finally, a supplement has been developed that not only has ALL the nutrients your body needs, but 95%-100% is assimilated into your blood cells! How? Do you remember the term Colloidal Minerals? Well, even colloidal size particles can ONLY be assimilated at most about 30% due to the particle size being to large! We take the colloidal size particle, hit it with a laser and blast it into 10,000 pieces! Now, you have an "Angstrom" size particle which is 4 times smaller than your red blood cell!!! Hence, now your body can assimilate this size particle within 15 seconds of drinking this liquid supplement VIBE 101. For those of you who also have health as a priority, please feel free to review this material to see how valuable this product is to everyone on this planet! Two sites for review are: & the science behind the product: My ID is 144770. Call 1-866-999-9191 and use my ID to sponsor as a preferred customer for FREE!!! Also, those of you who want to see this product's value compared to several products on the market already like: Goji Juice, Xango Juice, Sea Silver, ACT, Agel, Noni Juice, & Young Living's Berry Drink, look here: & then go to page 2. ***Two EXTREMELY important testimonial calls to listen to as well to see why this product is SO effective are: 1-(620) 294-2704, option 2 (listen to option 1 for many more testimonials if you wish) & 1-(618)-355-1135!!! Here is my self replicating website which anyone who comes on our group will get for ONLY $9.97 / YEAR!!! FREE ONLINE signup: To order product to test yourself, use my website above, order the "Bottle And A Box" and setup AutoShip (smart order). Why? You will get 1 bottle of the Vibe 101, 20 sample package, and ALL of these items FREE: 5-1oz. samples, 10 colored flyers, 1 awesome CD that will blow you away (why we have to supplement due to lack of nutrients in our soils & foods we consume) & additional info. as there is NO FEE to signup, simply pay for product!!! Here is what happens when you get the above product almost every single time!!! People start by taking the Vibe and due to the impact almost immediately, they want to tell everyone they know about it! You simply give the people you care about (family and close friends) 2-3 one ounce samples, one flyer with your name, phone number and ID # on it and they can call Eniva and order product from the flyer after taking the samples. If they want to order online, and you don't yet have your switchtosuccess site setup yet, simply give them your ID # to place in the referral section on this web page: Once you have 4 people signed up on the "Bottle And A Box", you will get an additional 20% discount on ALL of their 80 products for life!. If you should do it in 21 days after signing up (very east to do), you will get a bonus check for $120.00 the following month. Do it in 31 days and get an $80.00 bonus check plus overrides!!! The more you research this, the more you will want to try it as there is NO comparable product on the entire market! FULL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE for 30 days!!! What is the worst that could happen? You get FREE product to try! How else will you know just how good this product is? For those who want to go further to see the research behind VIBE 101, please read on for a complete breakdown and more science behind the product! What “Exactly” Makes VIBE Superior to ALL Other Supplements? Those of us searching for the best quality in nutritional products can often be confused by the constant stream of “new” and more “exciting” health drinks and supplements which all claim to be the next panacea in nutritional healing. But determining a superior product depends on multiple key factors (not single or limited “miracle” ingredients). Those who have experienced first-hand VIBE’s life-changing benefits can attest to its unparalleled potency, but those who haven’t may often ask “why should I take this supplement over any other supplements that claim to be good?” Yet, rarely will they have the resources or the patience to sit down and research the matter out for themselves. Therefore, I took it upon myself to write-up a straight-and-to-the-point summary divulging not only the claims behind Eniva’s VIBE nutraceutical, but the science & research to back it up. Please take some time to review the following information. Summary: It’s verified, documented and undisputed, VIBE™ is the world’s leading and most advanced nutraceutical/nutritional supplement to be found anywhere, rendering most other supplements obsolete. VIBE™ is a LIQUID ALL-IN-ONE multi-vitamin/mineral/antioxidant/phytonutrient supplement with a proprietary SOLUTOMIC™ Technology that addresses all aspects of the aging process. Everything else is just “JUICE” or an incomplete health regimen! What makes VIBE™ so different and better than all other nutritional supplements, you ask? #1. VIBE's unique proprietary Solutomic™ Technology includes understanding that its minerals and nutrients are angstrom sized – a microscopic size that’s 10,000 times smaller than a micron and 4 times smaller than the human cell, which means that they are rapidly assimilated by the cells of your body within 60 seconds. Not just the bloodstream. In addition, VIBE has an unprecedented absorption rate of 99.9-100% according to independent testing (IBC Labs). [Backup: #1a, #1b, #1c] #2. VIBE holds the Highest Certified ORAC Rating (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity score) of any other nutritional product on the market today according to Brunswick Labs (the leader in antioxidant testing) and as listed in the PDR (Physicians Desk Reference 2005: For Non-Prescription Drugs & Dietary Supplements, p. 422). There are plans to increase the ORAC this year (2006). [Backup: #2a, #2b] #3. VIBE’s minerals are ionic, meaning they possess an electrical charge, just like the body which carries an electrical charge. As plants absorb minerals from the soil, they change them to be electronically charged. This allows the body to absorb the nutrients, as human cells also carry an electrical charge. It is this ionic charge that allows the minerals to be drawn to and immediately accepted by the cellular structure. [Backup: #3a] #4. VIBE is manufactured by Eniva Corporation in Class 10,000 Research & Development laboratories, the same conditions and hygiene where they make heart pace-makers and computer chips. Eniva has complete control over environmental factors such as air quality, temperature, pressure, and other variables. VIBETM goes through strict process controls and inspections to ensure both safety and efficacy. [Backup: #4a, #4b] #5. VIBE’s minerals and vitamins are not only highly bio-available and water-soluble, but are delivered to your body in Pharmaceutical USP23 grade water, the same purity that you would get from an Intravenous Drip in the hospital. The ohm is a measure of electrical resistance. In water products, the greater the resistance, the purer the water. The classification USP 23 (United States Pharmacopoeia Grade 23) is given only to select products measuring exceedingly high in purity. Eniva water purification utilizes reverse osmosis, micron series filtration, UV light processing, and ozone application. Eniva’s OHM rating exceeds the ratings of other spring or distilled drinking waters and establishes Eniva as the standard of pure drinking water which is used in VIBE. [Backup: #5a, #5b] #6. VIBE’s nutrients are within correct ratios and scientific balance. Eniva devotes a tremendous amount of research and development effort to its products. Ironically, the science of correct nutrient ratios and interactions is often overlooked by most nutritional manufacturers. At Eniva, the laws of chemistry and body balance have been respected. No ingredient is sourced, or technical process explored unless it is grounded in qualified, scientific principles. Volumes of research documents, clinical studies, and test results are reviewed by Eniva's R&D Team as new technologies are explored. VIBE truly incorporates the best of both science and nature. [Backup: #6a] #7. VIBE contains all the essential vitamins, minerals, and anti-aging nutrients that the body needs for an all-around healthy immune system. This means that not too many or too few ingredients are blended. Juice supplements usually contain one kind of fruit or too few ingredients, while other supplements contain too many ingredients—thus degrading their quality and effectiveness. The results then become disappointing. VIBE’s balanced blend not only contains all the essential nutrients needed for the body to function healthfully, but they are delivered to your body in Solutomic™ form—a form no other supplement in the world is currently capable of delivering. [Backup: #7a] #8. VIBE has undergone rigorous safety, quality, and efficacy inspections. Eniva is dedicated in putting these standards first and foremost with all Eniva products. Special attention is given to thoroughly conducting “In Vitro Safety & Quality Testing”, and ensuring that NO harmful substances of any kind are found in the VIBE nutraceutical. [Backup: #8a, #8b, #8c, #8d, #8e, #8f, #8g, #8h, #8i, #8j, #8k] Backup - [#1a] - (IBC Labs - Dissolution Rate) - [#1b] - (Physicians Desk Reference) - [#1c] - (Excerpt from the Eniva Nutritional Services Manual) *********************************************************************** - [#2a] - (Brunswick Labs - ORAC Rating) - [#2b] - (Physicians Desk Reference) *********************************************************************** - [#3a] - (Excerpt from the Eniva Nutritional Services Manual) *********************************************************************** - [#4a] - (Eniva Quality Website) - [#4b] - (Eniva Quality Website) *********************************************************************** - [#5a] - (Eniva Quality Website) - [#5b] - (Eniva Quality Website) *********************************************************************** - [#6a] - (Eniva Quality Website) *********************************************************************** - [#7a] - (Eniva Quality Website) *********************************************************************** - [#8a] - (IBC Labs - Microbial Contamination Testing) - [#8b] - (Midwest Analytical Services - Metal Contamination Testing) - [#8c] - (Beta Analytical Inc. - Radiocarbon Dating) - [#8d] - (IBC Labs - MSG Testing) - [#8e] - (IBC Labs - Chemical Contaminant Testing) - [#8f] - (IBC Labs - Chemical Contaminant Testing) - [#8g] - (IBC Labs - Chemical Contaminant Testing) - [#8h] - (IBC Labs - Chemical Contaminant Testing) - [#8i] - (IBC Labs - Chemical Contaminant Testing) - [#8j] - (Midwest Analytical Services - Mineral Label Content Testing) - [#8k] - (All Research & Investigative Studies) Conclusion VIBE has an unmatched nutritional value and breakthrough assimilation technology with angstrom-sized (four times smaller than the human cell), ionic, bio-available nutrients that can achieve cellular penetration within seconds (Confirmed and Verified by Independent Studies). We’re not talking about another money-game with a tasty fruit-juice attached to it. This is real nutrition, with real science, yielding real results! It doesn’t matter if it’s Noni, Goji, Xango, a plant derived from land or sea, or some other exotic berry sitting under the moon on a seashore. No single food is capable of supplying a daily complete regimen of all the essential vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants that the body needs. Your body needs this quality nutrition found in VIBE. Because of this fact, it is our moral obligation as individuals to share this marvelous innovation in nutrient delivery with others so that they too might experience a healthier and better quality life. Discover Eniva, share the Power and Learn why so many doctors and nutritionists are recommending VIBE to their patients. Let it be you who will realize the value in sharing this blessing with others. You will not only be helping people achieve their wellness goals, but life-long financial stability as well. So get out and tell your friends and the world before someone else does! Have a healthful and vibrant day! My Best Health to everyone!!! Tom Sparrow 248-705-9716 Direct Email: Website: PS-For those fo you that would like to read on about a testimonial on this product, feel free. If you are ready to try this product, it is FREE to signup and the VIBE 101 is 100% money back guaranteed for 30 days!!! Use the site above... Dear Ricky: Thank you so much for your persistence. Telling us about Vibe, Sending us samples and not giving up on us about Vibe. Even though we Shut you down several times. Vibe has quite possibly saved my life And improved the life of my Sweetheart Sherri We just want you to know how much we appreciate you and Eniva. We Know because of your ongoing efforts to get us on Vibe, we are Regaining our health! A really awesome thing has happened. Last evening, when we Received my lab results, we were very elated. First of all let me tell you that last summer my Dr. Put me on Toperol for high blood pressure. And last Sept. after having a High fever and flue for several days I finally broke down and went To the ER while on vacation in Utah/Idaho. When they did the lab Panel they found that my liver enzymes (which have been elevated in The past) where high, some indicators as high as 5 times normal Levels, which highly concerned the doctors, and needless to say Sherri and I Over the past 5 months Sherri and I have been using Vibe, do to your patient insistence Ricky we started out at two Ounces per day and moved up to six ounces per day of Vibe, Because of the Liver toxification, high blood pressure, arthritis, and Spine and knee pain. 1. The joint pain has diminished by over 80% 2. My blood pressure has went from an average of 180 over 100, to 124 over 76 (normal for a middle aged person. And have been off the Toporol for the last 3 months! 3. My liver enzymes came back to NORMAL OCT 03, 2005 ALP was 34, normal is 50 - 136 AST was 166.4, normal being 0 - 42 ALT was 347.3, normal being 0 - 40 March 10, 2006 ALP-106 AST- 25 ALT-20 4. Sherri and I have a much higher sense of well being and are Loosing weight - naturally! We are elated to say the least and want to thank God for giving Dr. Baechler the inspiration to create this awesome product to keep Us going, in a world filled with carcinogens, toxins, radiation From our computers, TVs and cell phones. As well as food additives And water pollutants that our Grand Parents never had to contend With. Sherri and I know it is a gift from God and I am so thankful To you Ricky for being stubborn enough to keep after us even after We said, "Not right now". You're a great friend. Thank You! Charles & Sherri N Scottsdale, Arizona For many more testimonials, listen to the recorded calls above!!! Thanks-Tom

Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
Re: Health Product Challenge-Show me a more complete product than Vibe 101 and I will signup today!
4/6/2006 10:30:48 PM
Hi Tom, My family and I have been on a product called Vemma for over a year now. I orignally bought it for my son who has allergies and was very sick with pnemonia last year and missed a whole month of school. It has helped him alot and he has perfect attendance this year - hasn't gotten sick at all! The rest of us take it and come to think of it, none of us have been sick either. Vemma is listed in the Physician's Desk Reference for Dietary Supplements - the only supplement of its kind that meets such high standards. My website is and to view more testimonials from people all over the world you may visit: Hope this helps! Sincerely, Christine Fogel
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Tom Sparrow

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Re: Health Product Challenge-Show me a more complete product than Vibe 101 and I will signup today!
4/6/2006 11:15:53 PM
Still, Vemma like the other juices are not a full health regimen. As far as the PDR, we are listed too with the highest ORAC value of any other nutritional product: Thanks for your post and I understand your feelings about the Vemma product. Now, try the Vibe 101 and see how it compares. Tom
Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716

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