Hi! I felt that I must pass on to you all the story of my brother. He awoke one morning, about 10 years ago to discover very large bruises on his legs and body. To cut a long story short, they discovered he had contracted a rare blood disease, and treatment could only be a bone marrow transfer. After many months, we found a donor in America who agreed to fly up to Canada and donate her bone marrow. After this treatment ,my brother had to have a steel plate put in his chest cavity, 2 hip replacements, he lost 40 lbs in weight and all of his hair. He was in and out of hospitals for many years. He also had a blood transfusion for his illness and then they found that he had been given tainted blood and had contracted HIV.
His skin was like paper and if he cut himself it was an emergency situation, as they could not stop the bleeding easily.
He fell downstairs accidently and was so badly bruised and in such pain, that the
medics could not lift him without giving him morphine.
This situation lasted 10 years, my sister in law had to give up everything to look after him, she could not go out and leave him alone,they lost all ability to earn money and lived on benefit.
The Doctor suggested that they move from Ontario to Vancouver to avoid the cold winters that were destroying his lung capacity, as he had difficulty breathing.
They moved to Vancouver to stay with friends
as the move had taken so much out of him.
He was there 2 months, when he took ill,
screaming in agony for 5 hours, no morphine could help until he went into a coma.
He died within 24 hours.
I tell you all this because not once throughout this ordeal did he ever complain.
He took his life, day by day,thanking the
powers that be for each day on earth.
He never admitted failure, he walked with crutches until he could force himself to walk with just a walking stick.Then he forced himself to walk without a stick.
He was always smiling, grateful for being able to eat , to talk and to have his beloved wife by his side.
He was an inspiration to all who came in contact with him. The doctors had originally given him 1 year of life, he made it to 10 years. most filled with pain and agony. He never gave up.
On his death bed, the Doctors said he would last an hour, he stayed with us for 24 hrs.
This man , my brother, was only 50 years old at the time of his death. I sat by his bedside for 24 hours wihout moving, holding his hand and willing him to leave this world of pain and suffering for surely, he had suffered.
This ordinary man had shown extraordinary
courage and I write this in his memory, to
remind us all, that life in any form is precious, even when filled with pain, and
we should always treat each other with dignity and caring and tolerance.
My brother died just one year ago, and I will forever walk in his shadow. ena