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Moving Past Pain By Using Affirmations
3/31/2006 9:43:58 PM
Use these affirmations to help you overcome the past and focus on moving forward. According to Charlene M. Proctor, Ph.D., "Every day we have an opportunity to choose our attitude and focus our intentions in the present moment." Never allow the past to hold you back from enjoying a full life. What have you got to lose, except a heavy burden? Forgiveness is usually the key to moving forward, which is why it’s on the path to gaining insight. When you forgive yourself, and those who have hurt you, you are able to release negative patterns that visit you over and over again. More important, you will finally sever the control that a memory of another person has over you. Stay in the present, affirm the good that has been a result of a bad situation, and love your authentic self even more than you did yesterday. You can do it! If You Have a Bad Attitude Today I change my focus by championing a new cause. I am the ambassador of positive thinking. I spread health, wealth, love, and happiness wherever I go. I love watching how my positive statements dissolve negativity in others. I am my own instrument of renewal of positive energy, and my positive outlook is stored deep within me. Every positive statement I make is rewarded. If You Can’t Release the Past Today I take all my unhappy memories out of my body and place them in a basket. My pain, my anger, and my resentments are placed in this basket. I have an angel that takes this basket of unhappiness from my hands and flies to the outer reaches of the universe and transforms it into loving energy that will revisit me later today. I forgive those around me and ask for divine assistance to hold me in a state of continual forgiveness. If Your Family Did Not Allow You to Bloom Spring is guaranteed to come. I can bloom no matter what the weather, because I am growing spiritually each day. Today I take time to notice how I have bloomed so beautifully despite my circumstances. I am capable of reaching for the sun and sky because that is my natural state. I am reaching upward every day and do so joyfully, knowing I am grounded in the life cycle of spiritual development. If You Have Frequent Family Feuds I choose to be a spectator, not a participant, in a negative energy generation. I facilitate healing by taking time to ask for divine assistance for this family’s difficulties. I visualize these family members embracing one another for their diversity and know that each one helps another on their soul journey. Every loving and positive word I speak about my family helps to generate more healing. If You Have Trouble Forgiving I forgive because I am capable of expressing compassion. By forgiving, I release this situation from my energy field and feel clear-headed and full-hearted. I forgive because I am able to rise to my higher self and feel lighter. My light knows no boundaries when I forgive. Life feels lighter when I forgive. If Your Family Has Patriarchal Attitudes I am a spark of the Divine; therefore I am of the same soul substance as everyone else. From this day forward, I recognize my gifts of both male and female energy and reclaim a balanced image of my infinite power. Those who do not believe in me are denying part of their own divine nature; therefore they have no power over me. I am supported by Mother God! If You Have Regrets Life is a curvaceous and fluid journey. Because I am always moving through leaning stages, I cannot look back or measure. I learn though my relationships because that is how I begin to define who I am. Nothing is unforgivable in life. I know nursing this hurt is holding me back from fully being with other; therefore I choose to thank the universe for giving me another opportunity to develop my soul by knowing another person. I move easily through this experience. If You Repeat the Same Patterns I keep experiencing the same events in my life because I have not learned a lesson at the deep level of the soul. I am committed to changing my behavior, attitude, and negative belief systems. I learn from past mistakes. Life is a self-educational process and I am a perceptive individual. I watch others as they model what I need to learn. I love all my talents as well as my imperfections because that is what makes me the beloved person I am. By Charlene M. Proctor, Ph.D. Marilyn L. Ali
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Re: Moving Past Pain By Using Affirmations
3/31/2006 10:07:36 PM
Good Evening, Marilyn. As you know, I started Chemptherapy this past Wednesday. While I was there, the nurse brought me in some gifts from a phamacudical company, a little red fleece blanket, a neck pillow, and a gift bag that had a personal CD player (with batteries included!) and a CD. I just glanced at it while I was there because they had implanted a port earlier before treatment so I was rather sleepy! Then yesterday while I was sitting at my computer (wrong place to sit!) I decided to listen to the CD. It is called a Meditation for Relaxation & Wellness by BELLERUTH NAPARSTEK. It instantly put me into such a relaxed mode that nothing got done on the computer until it was finished about 40 minutes later. There are affirmations in this session as well! Excellent CD! I looked her up on the net and she has a whole bunch of stuff! Hopefully when I get some money coming in I can afford to get some more of her CD's! Affirmations are important as well as some relaxation time. Take care, my friend. Julie T "Without a dream, you are not living." JET
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Re: Moving Past Pain By Using Affirmations
3/31/2006 10:57:51 PM
Hi Marilyn, It was nice talking to you earlier; if anyone knows how to positive think yourself your way out of pain, you sure do. Thanks for sharing these insights and THANK you also for doing such a marvellous job on the writing the welcome wagon, I know it takes a lot of time and dedication. All the best and God bless, Yor friend, louis
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Re: Moving Past Pain By Using Affirmations
3/31/2006 11:06:31 PM
HI Julie, Yes, I know you started chemotherapy this are you doing? I hope you are not feeling too sick from it! The CD sounds wonderful. I use to have a really awesome tape I use to listen to for relaxation and it was made by a lady that I use to go to for BiofeedBack. She was awesome on this tape...I would so asleep after listening to it for about 5 minutes. But that is the best time to be listening to a relaxation tape...did you know that? The subconscious mind will hear it and help your body relax, and will remember what is said better than your conscious mind will! I am glad that the tape helped you! Take care and God Bless, ' Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
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Re: Moving Past Pain By Using Affirmations
3/31/2006 11:12:13 PM
HI Louis, Yes, It was great to talk to you on the phone again. I have missed having our little chats. Thank you so much for your sweet and kind words...I appreciate that very much. I have to be positive all the time becuase the alternative will do nothing for me, or anyone else for that matter. As long as I have God in my life I have everything to be positive about! Take care my friend and I look forward to us talking again very soon! God Bless You, Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
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