Right on Ken! I hope a lot of people see this!
I don't get to the forums much these days...but my inbox is full of "friend" invitations that tell me nothing of the person requesting my "friendship"...no introduction just spam! Even in the brick and morter world a salesperson will introduce themself, shake hands, create some small talk, then into the product...Why is this any different? I was getting so tired of it...I actually wrote a very kind letter back to one of these people, explaining invitation ettiquette. I was so pleased to receive a very humble reply of appreciation and apology, we have since remained friends and this person has changed his ways.
Another thing was happening to me also...about once a week, like clockwork, I open my mailbox and I have a minimum of 10 invitations and usually more from the same person! Always about joining his programs. I don't want to offend this person, but this is someone who has been around alot longer than I...and should really know better. Finally, this weekend, after this occurred for the umteenth time, I just removed myself from the forum. Duh!
Sorry to hear of your recent downtime...hope everything is as good as new...
Hi Anthony, I love your idea of hitting reply and sending my offer...but I am always afraid it will open up a can of worms...and I will end up getting more and more spam...But it is getting so bad, I am willing to try it...
Your friend in Oregon
"The Ink Lady"