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Re: If anyone is still in StormPay, this may be of Interest!
3/25/2006 5:54:46 PM
Hi Lisa. It's up to you. I'm keeping mine open because they said that when the court cases & FBI findings are over & the facts sorted, they will reimburse Stormpay members with what the PAID IN to the paid auto-surfs. NOT what they expected to be paid out.... So if you leave Stormpay, as you will no longer be a member, I presume they would have no reason to pay you (if any money is left to pay anyone) You have cancelled your credit cards as we have. With our account no more money has been taken out, in fact some money has been put back in... So, I am keeping the account, if nothing else I'm doing the Stormclix & using the money earned to pay for advertising, just like Jerome is.... Your Security Friend in Las Vegas.
Flag of Trina Sonnenberg

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Re: If anyone is still in StormPay, this may be of Interest!
3/25/2006 5:58:25 PM
FYI... As far as I know, the people that StormPay owes, the little guys like us, have to get paid before the lawyers do. Trina
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Re: If anyone is still in StormPay, this may be of Interest!
3/25/2006 6:25:13 PM
Trina. That is an interesting point you raise. The paid auto-surfs actually owe you, me & everyone who paid money for 'advertising' in the hope of earning money. StormPay froze the accounts of these paid auto-surfs, because they said the money was not in the accounts to pay the members. Have you seen the Court Judgement from the case Claris (12dp) V Stormpay? It makes interesting reading. If you have not seen it, I can send you the pdf file that I have it saved on if you send me a Adlandpro personal email with an email address for me to send it too. Your Security Friend in Las Vegas.
Re: If anyone is still in StormPay, this may be of Interest!
3/25/2006 6:29:19 PM
Sorry Trina, I guess I should clarify that court case a bit more. It was actually the Securities & Exchange Commission Versus Charis Johnson, Lifeclicks, LLC & 12Dailypro. Your Security Friend in Las Vegas.
Flag of Sarka Ksandrova

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Re: If anyone is still in StormPay, this may be of Interest!
3/25/2006 7:15:41 PM
Hi Antony! I have read thats too, becom from sucess group and just now from Traffig G. Too Huc have me inform about and too, zhaz zhay work on thats take treir funktion on. Success! Sarka

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