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Re: If anyone is still in StormPay, this may be of Interest!
3/25/2006 5:23:18 PM
Hi John. Just log in to your StormnPay account and read it in their news section..... Your Security Friend in Las Vegas.
Re: If anyone is still in StormPay, this may be of Interest!
3/25/2006 5:24:48 PM
Jerome. Snap! Thats just what I'm doing my friend, I've got money in their I cannot get out,so I'm using it for advertising instead.... Your Security Friend in Las Vegas.
Re: If anyone is still in StormPay, this may be of Interest!
3/25/2006 5:29:18 PM
James. I know what you mean. Stormpay shut down the accounts of the Paid to Surf sites because they claim there was no money to pay members in them.. When the FBI case is finished & the court cases over, then if the attorneys have not taken all of the remaining money, any money that is left, I guess they will reimburse people for what they paid in to the paid auto-surfs, not what they expected to be paid out.... Your Security Friend in Las Vegas.
Re: If anyone is still in StormPay, this may be of Interest!
3/25/2006 5:39:08 PM
Hi Louis. WOW! that sounds like far to much to have to deal with, does your supplier not have a merchant bank account with credit card capabilities? I know it's expensive, because we have it on our Web stores, but no way is it that expensive... We have the Merchant bank account as we are a licensed, Insured & certified Corporation It's the safest way to run a business as it's security coded & fraud proof for the supplier & customer. Using StormPay or PayPal on a business website always seemed to be for one-off products or in the worse case scenarios one of the many scams that we are constantly being bombarded with, thats why the online processors charge so much as they are always getting chargebacks..... Sorry to hear your suppliers problems there Louis, maybe he should consider a merchant bank account. Your Security Friend in Las Vegas.
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Re: If anyone is still in StormPay, this may be of Interest!
3/25/2006 5:41:57 PM
Hello Anthony, WoW!!! They just don't seem to quite do they. I have not closed my account yet either but I have cancled all access to accounts and deleted credit card info. So my account is a dead end. I have no need to even keep it open. I give up with ever getting anything from them. I hope all is well with you and Pam. Keep in Touch. Your Jewel,

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