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Re: Beware Of This: Supicious Website
3/24/2006 7:31:54 PM
Hi Jerome. Sorry If you mis-understood my original answer.. I was agreeing with what you had posted. The email you had received was not from Dave Lovelace personally & that people should beware of it as it is obviously a scam to get their information. The reason I said about sending it to Dave, was to inform him that someone was using his name & business to get hold of other people's information. I checked through Dave's many thousands of adverts to see if any of them were the same as the one you received, and could not find one identical to this one, well not one asking for that much personal information.. As Dave is a respected Internet businessman, a lot of people coud get taken in by this phishing/scam email. I'm glad you have the new IE7 with the Phishing filter & for people that use IE it is a good idea to upgrade to it. Sorry for any confusion Jerome. Your Security Friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Beware Of This: Supicious Website
3/24/2006 7:45:59 PM
Hi Again Jerome. The person who signed the email that you received. Jerry Briscoe... Could not find anything about this person through web-searches, however the name may be made up as when putting it in any search engine, you tend to get a reference to Jerry Orbach who Law & Order fans will remember played Detective Lenny Briscoe Below is one of the many, many thousands of Internet mentions Jerry Orbach, who played Detective Lenny Briscoe on Law and Order, died Tuesday aged 69. Aw crap. We'll miss you, Jerry. posted December 29, 2004 at 11:06 am. So Jerome, it's just another thought that the real sender is not who they seem...... Your Security Friend in Las Vegas.
Jerome Pfeifer

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Re: Beware Of This: Supicious Website
3/24/2006 7:54:20 PM
Hi Anthony,, I have to say I am sorry for the confusion too, as I was tire and trying to get more than one thing done and just misunderstood what you said. I noticed it when I came back and re-read it the next day. Any way I hope this helps people not to fall for any of these scams. We need to be aware of what we are doing and never fill out any forms when we are tired after surfing and reading all those sites. I as a rule of thumb will bookmark a site and read it when I am well rested before I input any of my information. Well you take care now and Tell Pam I hope she is feeling better soon. Jerome Pfeifer Sr
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