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Lisa Westberry

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Re: Poetry!
4/25/2006 2:33:09 PM
Hello Ana, This is getting good!!! Thank you May for your poems. I have both now on Blog. Still looking for pictures. I will let you know. We all really appreciate and respect your talent and the other talents. Warmest Regards,
I've a poem...
5/2/2006 8:33:14 PM
I've a poem! Argh... You didn't notice...
Re: Poetry!
5/14/2006 12:30:26 PM
I Quit My Job By Ray O'Neal I didn't like my work. So today was my last day! I finally just threw in the towell. What else can I say? The Money wasn't worth the aggrevation of the strife. So I just said that's it, I quit! Now to get on with my life. I know someday life will get easier. I just have to believe. In the mean time, I'm now unemployed. Help! Someone Hire Me! Poetry is my passion But music is my life If I could put the two together. As a Husband and a Wife. A song writer is what I'd become. That would be a dream come true. I could tell my stories and maybe some day sing them too! Ray O'Neal
Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Poetry!
5/14/2006 12:49:54 PM
Thank you Ray for posting your poem here. Looking forward to read more of your works. With friendship, Anamaria
Nan Herring

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Re: Poetry!
5/14/2006 11:26:45 PM
hi, i wanted to let you all know that i have a poety blog now and if anyone wants to have me post their work. i would love to. the link is below. personal message me if you would like me to post something also, i have learned that a copyright only costs $30.00 and will cover all your poetry. until you get it. mail youself your work and do not open it. the time stamp is legal while your copyright is pending. i love all these poems. nan