I am reasonably certain that
anyone reading this article is
familiar with all the free online
advertising methods such as the
all-too familiar Sp-m emails,
Classified Ads, FFA pages, Banners,
Text Ads, Traffic Exchanges,
Newsletters, Guaranteed Visitors,
Paid to Read, Paid to Join, Link
Swaps, Pop-ups, as well as many
other types of 'In-Your-Face'
advertising, some of which may
have been dreamed up since this
article was written.
What I would like you to consider
is this:
What do you think when you see
this kind of stuff yourself?
More to the point, what is your
'Frame of Mind' at that moment?
My guess is you think, "Here we
go again..." and your shields go
up. You pull up your waders and
trudge on through, oblivious to
the thousands of messages ricocheting
off your armor as you collect a few
more hits for your own website promotion
or product offer.
With Millions of would be online
Millionaires doing this hour after
hour and day after day, is it any
wonder that the Internet slows down
to a crawl and even stops at times?
Now consider the "Frame of Mind" of
a visitor that came looking for you
to see what you are doing. Maybe even
to ask a few questions and give you
permission to email them. Does this
sound like a more productive environment?
The online equivalent to this scene
is being played out today and every
day and you can participate for free.
It is called 'Social Networking' and
more information on this is easily
found with your favorite search engine.
Imagine if you are no longer perceived
as another 'Salesman' but as a "Fellow
Business Person" with similar problems
and often good ideas for their solutions.
Much like Napoleon Hill wrote about
in his world renown-book, "Think and
Grow Rich", you could be a team member
of a virtual Mastermind Group. Chamber
of Commerce Mixers have been an example
of this approach for years and have been
very successful for some who get it. Now
you can accomplish nearly the same thing
for your home business from your own
Keep in mind, this should not be just
another place to plaster your links. The
strongest relationships are formed by
giving first. Do a mental inventory and
come up with something you know or have
that would help others more than yourself.
Find a way to offer it with no strings
attached, no signup or email address
required, just give it freely. I know
it sounds crazy in this dog-eat-dog world,
but trust me it works.
Alright, now it is all up to you.
Continue contributing to the degradation
of Internet bandwidth with the huge
numbers of attempts required (many not
even reaching their target) to get a
single response, or try something that
builds future relationships with new
friends that are truly interested in
what you are doing and not just trying
to sell you something.
Okay, let's see what else we can get
out of the Affiliate - Classroom.
Or, go to