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FEATURE ARTICLE: Affiliate - Indirect Advertising
3/10/2006 9:03:14 AM
I am reasonably certain that anyone reading this article is familiar with all the free online advertising methods such as the all-too familiar Sp-m emails, Classified Ads, FFA pages, Banners, Text Ads, Traffic Exchanges, Newsletters, Guaranteed Visitors, Paid to Read, Paid to Join, Link Swaps, Pop-ups, as well as many other types of 'In-Your-Face' advertising, some of which may have been dreamed up since this article was written. What I would like you to consider is this: What do you think when you see this kind of stuff yourself? More to the point, what is your 'Frame of Mind' at that moment? My guess is you think, "Here we go again..." and your shields go up. You pull up your waders and trudge on through, oblivious to the thousands of messages ricocheting off your armor as you collect a few more hits for your own website promotion or product offer. With Millions of would be online Millionaires doing this hour after hour and day after day, is it any wonder that the Internet slows down to a crawl and even stops at times? Now consider the "Frame of Mind" of a visitor that came looking for you to see what you are doing. Maybe even to ask a few questions and give you permission to email them. Does this sound like a more productive environment? The online equivalent to this scene is being played out today and every day and you can participate for free. It is called 'Social Networking' and more information on this is easily found with your favorite search engine. Imagine if you are no longer perceived as another 'Salesman' but as a "Fellow Business Person" with similar problems and often good ideas for their solutions. Much like Napoleon Hill wrote about in his world renown-book, "Think and Grow Rich", you could be a team member of a virtual Mastermind Group. Chamber of Commerce Mixers have been an example of this approach for years and have been very successful for some who get it. Now you can accomplish nearly the same thing for your home business from your own computer. Keep in mind, this should not be just another place to plaster your links. The strongest relationships are formed by giving first. Do a mental inventory and come up with something you know or have that would help others more than yourself. Find a way to offer it with no strings attached, no signup or email address required, just give it freely. I know it sounds crazy in this dog-eat-dog world, but trust me it works. Alright, now it is all up to you. Continue contributing to the degradation of Internet bandwidth with the huge numbers of attempts required (many not even reaching their target) to get a single response, or try something that builds future relationships with new friends that are truly interested in what you are doing and not just trying to sell you something. Okay, let's see what else we can get out of the Affiliate - Classroom. Or, go to
10 Order Pulling Ways To End Your Ad Copy
3/17/2006 10:34:46 PM
1. You could end your ad copy by telling people what will happen if they buy your product. Use your most powerful benefit as the example. 2. You could end your ad copy by telling people what will happen if they don't buy your product. Use a problem that they won't be able to solve without it. 3. You could end your ad copy with a question they will always say yes too. They then will be used to saying yes when you ask them to order. 4. You could end your ad copy with a short review of your whole ad. Repeat all the major benefits and features they will receive. 5. You could end your ad copy with a deadline. Tell them it's a limited time offer and they need to order by a specific date. 6. You could end your ad copy with a powerful guarantee. Give them a lifetime or triple your money back guarantee. 7. You could end your ad copy with a testimonial. Use one or two of your customers' testimonials that is believable and includes specific results. 8. You could end your ad copy with a free bonus. When you give them a free bonus it increases the product's perceived value. 9. You could end your ad copy with a discounted price. Just list your regular price and then offer a discounted price off the order right now. 10. You could end your ad copy with a free sample or trial of your product. If your ad didn't attract them to buy, maybe a free sample or trial would.
10 Power-pack Ways to Spark Your Sales
3/17/2006 10:57:20 PM
1. Spend money on targeted advertising instead of mass media advertising. You don't want to waste your ad dollars on people who aren't interested. 2. Increase your profits by concentrating on small details. Improving small things like text size, color, or graphics can really make a positive difference. 3. Keep your offers flexible. If you offer a set price for your product, you could offer the people that can't afford it an optional payment plan. 4. Offer your knowledge or consulting as a bonus product. You could offer a free 15 or 30 minute consultation. This will add value to your product. 5. Personalize all your e-mail messages so they get read. Include the recipient's name in the subject line. This will grab peoples attention quickly. 6. Keep your web site consistent. You don't want to keep things on your web site that are unrelated to the theme of your web site. 7. Attract more subscribers to your free e-zine by giving them free bonuses like e-books, software, online services and other incentives. 8. Sell advertising space in your e-zine and on your web site. This will create an extra income stream for your business. 9. Make your web site ready for the public. Have an "About Us" page and clear descriptions of what actions you want your visitors to take. 10. Don't just start advertising everywhere, plan out your marketing. Locate places and publications that your target audience would congregate around.
NEWLY Tactical Way to Make $$$ with Content Marketing
3/17/2006 11:00:04 PM
I have received a lot of email from many asking for How I can make money quickly and the easy way on the Internet. Even if there is no such way to get reach quick or an instant money making machine; but you still find a way to make money online fast if you know how to do it right using "Instant Niche Site Builder". I don't use this software, but I can recommend it for you; for two reasons. The first reason is I know well the software's owner I believe in what he is doing. If you don't know Bryan Winters is an ethical and well-known marketer. 2nd reason is that you are not going to risk any thing. When you subscribe to the IGR membership site you can use the software. If you don't like it you can unsubscribe at any time you want and walk away with as many private label rights articles as you want. Here's what you can do when you become an IGR member... You can now create professional content / Adsense style web-sites packed with private label content, in just a few minutes! Each site is customized with *your* Google Adsense listings (where you earn a commission every time somebody comes to your site and clicks on one of the ads displayed), and *your* affiliate banner (the affiliate banner of your choice). The most amazing part...This software is *yours* for no additional cost, you become an active member of IGR at: (...If you're not already an IGR member, sign up right away at: (NOTICE: This software is SO new it's not even listed on the IGR sales page yet - but immediately upon becoming an IGR member you'll be able to login and start creating instant web-sites of your very own!) ...I'm aware of at least several online membership programs offering just 3-5 customizable Adsense web-sites or web -site templates per month (on topics/ that they choose to release) as their featured service, and charging up to $47 per month for it! ...With IGR's Instant Niche Web-Site Builder software, you're able to generate unlimited web- sites on the keywords and topics of YOUR choice, for NO ADDITIONAL COST as an active member! Want to to see a sample? Instant Niche Web-Site Builder is packed with exclusive features and benefits (you definitely won't find this software Anywhere else!)... -Generate unique web-sites based on the keywords & topics of your choice - and do it almost instantly! -Choose from a handful of professional templates (additional templates will be added in upcoming versions)! -Key placement of Google Adsense ads to maximize visitor clickthroughs! -Dynamically inserted news feeds based on your chosen keywords to attract additional search engine traffic! -Keyword rich, private label content straight from IGR's exclusive article database! This is a major advantage, as it means the sites you create will be as unique as possible... the software pulls articles from throughout the IGR database based on the keyword(s) you enter (vs. generating sites from article "packs" where everybody ends up using the exact same set of articles). -All sites can be customized in just about any way you desire (add content, modify existing content, change templates, add additional affiliate links, change color schemes, etc.)! -Automatically generated Terms of Use and Privacy Policy page! -Free upgrades & future versions! -And much, more! Click the link below to sign up for IGR today and have your first site created and ready to upload in just a few minutes from now!... I should mention it's just ONE of the many *major* benefits you receive the moment you become an IGR member... Other benefits include instant access to *thousands* of private label articles including IGR's exclusive private label article database, access to IGR's one- of-a-kind Instant Newsletter Generator (which enables you to generate professional newsletter issues instantly!), access to *exclusive* niche article packs and private label product packages (including sales letters and graphics!) an active members- only forum, and more! IGR is *the* place to be if you're serious about succeeding online and/or as an information marketer! Sign up TODAY to get a head start on creating your own arsenal of content / Adsense web-sites with IGR's all new Instant Niche Site Builder: Warmly, P.S. Instant Niche Site Builder will *literally* enable you to create unlimited content / Adsense style web-sites like the sample above in just 2-5 minutes EACH. And, each site utilizes IGR's *exclusive* private label article content - meaning there are NO author bylines or links to author web-sites included. And you can even modify the private label articles to your exact preference (if you so choose) - you may even want to insert your own affiliate links within each article, before uploading to your web space, for even GREATER profit potential!
Starting An Online Business? Affiliate Programs Make It Easy
3/18/2006 10:28:44 AM
If you have been longing to start a business online you may be coming across terms you've never heard before. You may also have found the opportunities available are overwhelming. Where do you begin? AFFILIATE PROGRAMS - EASY START Affiliate programs may be the easiest online business to start running. Why? With any online business you must have a product or service to sell. First you must create this product or service and then you must be able to fill orders. Selling your own product or service also means creating a website, learning how to write ad copy, setting up a marketing plan, being able to accept payments online and obviously doing the work. If you're selling a physical product then you will need to make or buy the item, package it and pay for shipping costs. If you provide a service than you will likely have to start by doing free jobs to build your credibility and then when you are charging for your service you are still limited by how much work you can actually handle. THE MAGIC OF AFFILIATE PROGRAMS Affiliate programs are a great way to get started in an online business. In fact there are even some 'Super Affiliates' who are making fabulous incomes from affiliate programs. So, what ARE affiliate programs? Affiliate programs allow you to sell another company's service or product and make a commission on every sale or lead. You do not even need to build a website or handle the transaction. Your job is to drive traffic (customers) to your affiliate link. An affiliate link is a special URL code that will identify customers coming to the company's site from your advertising. It will likely be the website address with a code attached to the end. Some affiliate programs also have tiers. That means if someone who is interested in SELLING the product comes through your link and signs up you will also get a small percentage of THEIR earnings. HOW DO I CHOOSE A PROGRAM? You should research the popularity of some of your interests. Try to determine if people are buying that product or service online. There are many sources for finding that information including free ones such as the Overture keyword tool. When you have found an area that is popular then type the subject along with 'affiliate program' into your search engine and see which programs have services or products for that area. You can also use an affiliate program directory. When you have found a program that looks interesting you should read the terms of the program. Make sure that payouts are not based on a high commission earning or you may never see your money. Also try to choose programs with high commission rates. Often you will find ebooks and downloadable software has the highest rates as there is no physical product to make or ship. If you are satisfied with the terms then you need to sign up - usually a simple process. START MARKETING The reason affiliate programs are so great for beginners is that you only need to focus on marketing - not making - your product. Many affiliate programs have information on how to market and give you tools such as banners, product feeds and more. You can also look for other information on marketing including writing articles, creating pay-per- click campaigns, commenting in online forums etc. As you gain experience marketing you will make adjustments to your selling and start creating a wonderful income!

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