Thanks, Cheri. I'm looking forward to the other three.
Fellow readers of this thread: You probably have read information on lottery winners. Check with them 3 years later to see where they are.
There are some programs (e.g.,commodity options, network marketing teams)that attempt to educate their people to manage money. This, of course, is because there are too many people who cannot handle, for example, $x0,000/year. (Insert any digit for x.) It's the old story of the paycheck is gone before the month is. There are too many cases of people who may triple their income, but the story repeats itself.
Many people act as if they do not know the difference between needs and wants. Credit cards have provided for instant gratification. I am guilty, are you?
Yes, I know, I sound as if I grew up in a different era (and that's true!).