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Re: Monday Review (on Tuesday) - Shannon's Site
3/3/2006 5:57:14 PM
Hi Dave, "This is great! It's what Adlandpro should be about - true networking, which means sharing skills and ideas." Well spoken and very true. It seems that with some of the numb-skulls being allowed to lead people with a host of false promises and junky programs or idea's here, there is a lot that should just be taken out like the garbage. The ways in which Linda openly shares and teaches true values is a commodity that is sorely lacking these days. I use to always tell people that if you see Linda dragging her soap box out, then the best thing you could do would be to close your mouth and open your mind, as you are about to get an education that you couldn't buy. The way she continues to give of herself and her time is inspiring to say the least.
Cheri Merz

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Re: Monday Review (on Tuesday) - Shannon's Site
3/3/2006 7:22:27 PM
Shannon, You must be inexhaustible! The differences in your site from before are astounding. It's looking so good! I have a suggestion also, but I don't know how to do it, not being at all technical or html literate. I can't see your pictures well enough to distinguish between, say, the bold dangle earrings and the elegant dangle ones. Maybe you already meant to do this, but it would be very helpful if you could do those enlargements by clicking on the picture that I see on other sites. I'll add my endorsement to Peter's, and I'm not at all biased. I've learned more from Linda in a few months than in the past two or three years from everyone else put together. I was constrained by having to work with templates on my website, and I didn't have a clue about how to make it work to attract visitors. Linda's advice in my Monday Review caused me to have a long hard look at what I intended to do with it. As a result, I chose to abandon what I had done and ask Linda to work with me to redesign it. If you haven't seen it yet, take a look. It was surprisingly affordable and I think it's dynamite! As soon as we get to the unit in our test course about how to add content, watch me roar! So for those lurkers out there who aren't as clever as Shannon and Winston and Martha, and are afraid to post because of the frighteningly technical nature of this thread...Linda also does this for a living! What she does here for free is amazing, but consider what your time is worth and if you have the opportunity, hire the best. Cheri
Winston Scoville

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Re: Monday Review (on Tuesday) - Shannon's Site
3/3/2006 8:06:59 PM
============================================ I use to always tell people that if you see Linda dragging her soap box out, then the best thing you could do would be to close your mouth and open your mind, as you are about to get an education that you couldn't buy. The way she continues to give of herself and her time is inspiring to say the least. ============================================ Peter, I couldn't agree more. The information she has passed on to me through this forum, is priceless! And just think! We're fortunate enough here to have her words to read over and over! And we don't have to pay $29.99 every time she gets out her box! LOL Can't ask for more than that. And we shouldn't forget all the active members here either. I have learned just as much from them through their questions and comments.
Re: Monday Review (on Tuesday) - Shannon's Site
3/3/2006 9:14:52 PM
Hello Winston, And we don't have to pay $29.99 every time she gets out her box! How about something more like $229.99. If Linda were ever to start charging what her talents are really worth I think a lot of people would cringe at the estimates they might get for her work. She has so many talents that encompass what she does. The really sad thing, from my perspective at least, was reflected the other day in something Cheri said. (It isn't that you said it Cheri, it is that almost everyone says it) We were talking on one of these threads about how you can end up in the search engines and Cheri stated that when she looked under website design she didn't see Linda come up. I think it was when I made reference to the fact that Linda has never submitted her site to the search engines and her listings in them are fantastic. The fact is while yes, Linda is a web designer, her work goes into a lot more detail than just producing an appealing looking looking and functional website. The hours she puts into her exhaustive research on any design job would make your head spin. When Linda takes on a project, (a major undertaking on her part), by the time she is ready to hand the website over to the client, she will know about the clients business than they or their competiters will. She should not be called a web site designer, but putting a title on what she does and getting paid for the level of work she does, is never an easy task. As an example, she knows more about the health and diet industry than any 10 general practice doctors. She knows big pharma and all the BS about them, and all because she has (had) a client that owns a small chain of health stores. This is common with pretty much each and every project she takes on. Those of you going through her course while she de-bugs it are true pioneers and will come out on the other side much more in tune with what an on-line business is and should be. I think (know), that over the years even the search bots and indexers when they go to new site she developed all recognize a Linda Caroll when they see it and thats good enough for them. Gee I wonder if any of that sounds bias?
Re: Monday Review (on Tuesday) - Shannon's Site
3/3/2006 10:13:25 PM
Dear Cheri, I don't have a good camera yet, in fact, I think I took those pictures with my webcam, unfortunately. My other camera is not working right, and it wasn't a very good one anyway. And I don't know anyone with a good camera yet. I knew there would be some elements like that, but overall this is a HUGE improvement. I had hemp and crystal jewelry on there, and I took them down because the pictures were so bad, no one could see how pretty they were. I didn't want anyone thinking I offerred garbage. Hopefully, I can take care of the camera situation soon! And Peter, you biased? NOOOOO...LOL! Thanks Everyone!
Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol