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Re: What are you most grateful for today?
2/23/2006 6:58:51 PM
Thank you, Linda, for that forum! I am grateful for the comfortable and beautiful home I live in and the friends who invited me to live with them, and be part of their family, for the two =^..^= that share our home, and for the snow capped Sierras that my grateful eyes can see every day from my patio doors. I am grateful for the two investment opportunities that have opened up for me right after the Stormpay/12DP hurdle happened. I am grateful for the serendipiteous miracles that have already happened, that are happening NOW and that will be happening on all the tomorrows! Izabel
Re: What are you most grateful for today?
2/23/2006 8:28:02 PM
Hi Linda, Gosh, I'm grateful for so much ~ today and everyday! I'm grateful for life itself, my family and my two Labs, my home and the ability to live in a beautiful area, for the freedom to work at home, for not having to keep to someone else's schedule, for all the seasons, all of my friends (online and off), for the near full recovery my husband made after his auto accident, for a God who watches over us and blesses us. Linda O
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Cheri Merz

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Re: What are you most grateful for today?
2/23/2006 11:31:29 PM
Hi, Linda I'm grateful for those who have guided me in both small and large, direct and indirect ways to an ever-deeper understanding of the Law of Attraction and the abundance that I'm now allowing rather than resisting. My opportunities are expanding so fast that I can hardly keep up! As Sandy mentioned, Linda, you are one of those guiding lights. So is Izabel (thanks again for GoGratitude, Izabel), and others too numerous to mention. I'm also grateful that the snow moved east of here and it was a balmy 48 degrees under sunny skies today. Doesn't sound warm, does it? But I was quite comfortable in short sleeves to go out and pick up my mail. High desert is a wonderful thing. Cheri
Re: What are you most grateful for today?
2/24/2006 10:56:04 AM
Difently my husband. I am so sure that God gave us each other for a reason! He is trully my best friend.... Thia
Re: What are you most grateful for today?
2/24/2006 12:24:16 PM
Hi Linda, I'm glad too that I don't have to go to a public job everyday and face the negativity. Today I am most thankful that I woke up feeling better today as I have been feverish and achy feeling all week. Take care and God Bless! Renee
Renee Pendergrass