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Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Prayer is the most powerful form of energy...
2/22/2006 11:57:53 PM
Hi Neil, I wasn't even referring to your name in my response. How did you figure out it was about you? Do you feel my response was fitting your profile? I want to challenge you. Find a single post in this forum which originated from you and 1. had positive tone in it. 2. didn't criticize a person for their choice of values and convictions 3. didn't attack a person when they were talking about god 4. had single building element 5. inspire anyone 6. didn't make someone angry 7. made you friends 8. made someone feel good about themselves 9. motivated someone 10. shared love 11. encouraged 12. showed humility The list can go on. If you find yourself unable to pinpoint any post which had any criteria mentioned above, I suggest that you stop posting here as this forum is to do all of the above. I'm disgusted with all the negativity which comes from you and is used most of the time to attack everyone who refers to god in any form. God is many things to many people. It is about spirituality. It is not about Christians or Moslems. It is about humans ,their values and the world which can't be described by mathematical formulas or hypothesis. It is about our feelings, bad and good days. About love, sharing, supporting and being humble. We are not talking here about god to convert you or convert anyone to this or other religion. We refer to god as the area of ourselves which is capable of extraordinary things at times when we are in lost positions and don't know where to go. When we see other people in need and we use our compassion to help them. This is what some people refer to as god's work and this is their business how they feel about it. Let them express themselves and stop your attacks. It is your call. I don't disable responses to my posts as you do in your forum in fear that I might hear what I might not like, but I ask you that you leave this forum if you are not capable of accepting the fact that people have the right to their believes and what works for them is their business not yours. I know that this message will not get you to change your mind or stop what you are doing, but be not surprised when this forum won't be accessible to you in the future if you continue your patterns. Bogdan
James Settles

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Re: Prayer is the most powerful form of energy...
2/23/2006 1:47:16 AM
thank you bogdan I was going to do just the same thing you did but I probably would have not been as gentle as you I dont like when people just go to a forum just to pick a fight and I dont useually join many of them do to the negitive people that go to tear them apart I join a forum only if I can be of help to the people that are posting they're opions in a positive manner and in suport of the topic of discussion in times like this we need to suport everyone and not look for ways to upset people like that know where they should beand I will not say it for judge not for he will be judged and not by man.we our selve have no right to judge only he has the right to do so and will when your time comes. so thank you for helping me to be able to keep my cool and not be the the sinner that almost came out of me.
James Settles stocks,computers,internet join me in any and or all of these and make a steady income
Re: Prayer is the most powerful form of energy...
2/23/2006 1:41:27 PM
such a touchy subject! Your prayers are not always answered the way you think they will be... consider Jesus being crucified on the cross - I am sure many prayed for this to not happen, but there was a higher purpose for this to happen at which point FAITH comes in. Peace, War, etc. all have their purposes in God's plan, although we may not always understand. Like when a parent tells a child to not put their hand in the fire, the child may not know what it feels like to be burned and has to take the parents word for it that touching fire is painful. Or stick their hand in and find out the parent was right! The world as we know it can never be 100% peaceful, but we can find peace in it! This doesnt mean that bad things will not happen, but when you have Faith that all things are part of a higher purpose, bad things that happen dont have to have such a negative affect on you. Consider reading as it provides a change in thought process which is essential. And for those who want to know the truth about war, sex, politics, etc. read the book Disappearance of The Universe by Gary Renard. Best of luck to everyone as they continue on their life journey! Peace and Wellness, ~julie
James Settles

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Re: Prayer is the most powerful form of energy...
2/23/2006 5:03:24 PM
thank you julie I couldnt have said it better
James Settles stocks,computers,internet join me in any and or all of these and make a steady income
Marilyn L Martin

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Re: Prayer is the most powerful form of energy...
3/2/2006 3:13:50 PM
HI Bogdan, Thanks very much for today's quote.What can I say about thids quote ecept that it is true! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
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