such a touchy subject! Your prayers are not always answered the way you think they will be... consider Jesus being crucified on the cross - I am sure many prayed for this to not happen, but there was a higher purpose for this to happen at which point FAITH comes in. Peace, War, etc. all have their purposes in God's plan, although we may not always understand. Like when a parent tells a child to not put their hand in the fire, the child may not know what it feels like to be burned and has to take the parents word for it that touching fire is painful. Or stick their hand in and find out the parent was right!
The world as we know it can never be 100% peaceful, but we can find peace in it! This doesnt mean that bad things will not happen, but when you have Faith that all things are part of a higher purpose, bad things that happen dont have to have such a negative affect on you. Consider reading as it provides a change in thought process which is essential. And for those who want to know the truth about war, sex, politics, etc. read the book Disappearance of The Universe by Gary Renard.
Best of luck to everyone as they continue on their life journey!
Peace and Wellness,