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Re: How to Survive, Thrive and Profit Online
2/22/2006 5:04:03 PM
Hi Tim, I like Judy enjoy your forums. I also work full time. I have also made money autosurfing. I surf in the morning while getting ready for work and I finish when I return home in the evening. I lost alot of money in the stormpay fiasco but I am not giving up. I switched to PayPal and will continue on. Thanks for the great information. Take Care & Best Wishes!
Re: How to Survive, Thrive and Profit Online
2/22/2006 7:35:37 PM
Thanks, Tim. Lawton
Re: How to Survive, Thrive and Profit Online
2/22/2006 8:08:29 PM
Thanks for this Tim It is certainly very sound advice. Take care
Brad West

221 Posts
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Re: How to Survive, Thrive and Profit Online
2/22/2006 10:29:25 PM
Thanks Tim, Again straight talk and to the point. Thank you Brad
Making Heaps of Money is a Spiritual Experience. The Guild Blog Co-Op Fuzzy Wuzzy Anipals
Re: How to Survive, Thrive and Profit Online
2/24/2006 4:25:32 AM
Hi Diana and Thanks Tim for the invite, My name is Jack and I am new to Adlandpro - sort of. I tried a free website a couple of years ago and was too green to get much accomplished with it. I can really relate to what you are saying Diana. I have tried a bunch of things online and none of them have worked very well either. It is easy to get discouraged, but you know what, I sure have had a good time and I have learned plenty. And Hey, Edison failed more than a thousand times before he came up with the right filament for the electric light bulb. Heck,I've only tried about 30 things online. I'm just cuttin my teeth here. This may sound like advice,(you know what they say about giving advice: The wise don't need it and the ignorant won't heed it.) I'm really only sharing what I have learned the past couple of years. When I focus on the destination instead of on the journey I usually don't go anywhere. Isn't that weird? My experience has taught me that when I am focused on what I am thinking, feeling and sensing right now and not on where I think I oughta be -- things flow much easier, it feels much better and I see what I have been missing all along. Does that make sense? I'm not saying that we shouldn't set goals. On the contrary, set them and think about them "once" daily, then file them away. Concentrate on what you are doing right now and enjoy the moment. Believe me; YOU will get where you need to go. That's how it is working for me since I got that concept from my head to my heart, and that wasn't easy, at least not for me. Someone once said, "From your head to your heart is the longest journey you will ever take." They got that one right! Notwithstanding, (like that one?) I'm giving Adlandpro another go-round and participating in the forums. I just might have the right attitude this time. I'm here to be me, make friends and learn all that I can - period. With that in mind and you people to help me, success should naturally flow my way. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. It is my hope Diana, that you won't give up. You may want to consider looking at things with a new pair of glasses. I really do know how frustrating it can be at times and believe me I understand; so does Rodney -- "It's been a rough day. I got up this morning, put on a shirt and a button fell off. I picked up my briefcase, and the handle came off. I'm afraid to go to the bathroom." -- Rodney Dangerfield Remember -- YOU WERE BORN RICH DIANA! Jack
Jack Foriska I don't run in the RAT RACE anymore because I learned to think outside of the box at the Nouveau Riche University and so can you.