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Tim Southernwood

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How to Survive, Thrive and Profit Online
2/22/2006 12:34:58 AM
How to Survive, Thrive and Profit Online By - Casper Stockham The Internet as we know it today has changed quite a bit from the bulletin boards days I remember in the early 90's. After leaving the military in my mid 30's I became totally mesmerized by the PC market. I worked on windows 1.0 when it was still an IBM product. Back then we never envisioned the mass appeal it was going to have in the market place. In fact Bill Gates was quoted as saying the Internet was a passing fade. Boy how times have changed. All we used computers for back then was playing games like pong and word processing with monochrome screens no less. Today there are no limits to the possibilities we can achieve with the right software program. People are using their computers and the Internet today for everything and some are gaining true wealth and freedom through their online efforts. However, the sad fact is most people are chasing after goals and dreams that they will NEVER realize. The amount of information on the Internet has grown to such levels it is virtual impossible to tell what information is real and what is pure garbage. I have been using the Internet even before it had a name. I have seen all types of programs and marketing guru's come and go. The trick to surviving, thriving and profiting comes down to just a hand full of key things. Even though these things are common sense you will find VERY FEW people using them. Instead they will look for the newest hot deal to join or some new way to generate millions of hits, etc. So here are a few things you can do TODAY to position yourself to survive, thrive and profit online. Understand, the how to's change as the Internet changes but these principles will always serve you well if you use them. My personal goal is to help 1 million people use the tools of today to live a better tomorrow. 1) Decide what you want or don't want (Decide what you want to do and get a plan. You either fail to plan or plan to fail.) 2) Decide what you are willing to give up to get it (Nothing in life is free, so what are you willing to pay?) 3) Associate with people who can help you accomplish your goals (Don't spend time with small thinkers if you want big things. Get help, find someone who is doing what you want to do and duplicate their efforts.) 4) Work hard and smart on your goals and NEVER give up (You can not fail if you don't stop. Pace yourself for the long run not a short sprint.) 5) PLAN do REVIEW (Always check your progress and if needed change something. The Internet is a moving target so what works today may not work tomorrow.) (Success Leaves Clues) 6) Have fun doing it (If you are not enjoying yourself you may be doing the wrong thing. Try turning a hobby into an Internet business.) FYI - If something is FREE to join don't be afraid to try it. Not all gems online cost money. Find a Mentor to help you in your online efforts. Casper Stockham 303 337-9432 ____________________________________________ Join our free Network - Success leaves clues -
Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
Donna Zuehl

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Re: How to Survive, Thrive and Profit Online
2/22/2006 12:55:01 AM
Very good article Tim. I hope I can follow the advice given. I have been working many hours per day on my internet marketing so am not afraid of hard work. Having a definite detailed plan is the difficult part, with so many different programs out there, some of which are scams. It's difficult to sort the valuable programs from the useless ones that just cost money, especially for someone new to this field. I would welcome more articles on how to make a living with an online business. DonnaZ
Diana Briere

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Re: How to Survive, Thrive and Profit Online
2/22/2006 12:55:22 AM
Hi Tim. Thanks for this forum. I have been very discouraged with the internet business this past few months. The advice not to give up has given me a little incentive to stay with it for while longer. My sites have not made any money for me in a year and a half. I think it has potencial but I got off on the wrong foot to start with. I feel the high energy sales pitch totally snowed me. I'm going to take your advice but may also wait until I get back from Reno in March. I want to study very closely what I plan to get into next. I don't want to keep failing on the internet and working for nothing. I think its all about people helping people. Thanks again From Diana
Bonnie Dale

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Re: How to Survive, Thrive and Profit Online
2/22/2006 1:06:33 AM
Thanks Tim Good Advice. I haven't done much in the way of making money either, but I am enjoying being here at adland pro. There are so many wonderful people here to help and I hope my situation will change and if not, I won't ever regret joining Adland.
Re: How to Survive, Thrive and Profit Online
2/22/2006 1:49:18 AM
Hi Tim, Great stuff, Thanx for taking the time and posting this, It's a good pick me up.
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