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Cheri Merz

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Re: Learn from Linda Caroll
2/23/2006 11:19:30 AM
Hi, Dave, Hope you don't mind me crashing the party! For some reason I don't get your forum invitations, although you're on my friends list. I found this thread because I'm a member of Linda's forum, and I had to add my endorsement to the others here. Linda is testing a new internet marketing course on a few of us, and I have to say I've learned more that has real value in the first two lessons than I had learned in the previous two years of trying to figure this stuff out. Way to go, Dave! I take every opportunity to recommend Linda to individuals and mention her advice or the fact that she is designing my website in my threads, but it hadn't occurred to me to make a whole thread doing it! I hope you don't mind if I borrow the idea and send a few more people her way. Cheri PS, Linda, I thought I was president of your fan club!? May I have a T-shirt, too? lol
Dave Cottrell

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Re: Learn from Linda Caroll
2/23/2006 2:39:10 PM
Hi Leanne and Trina, I know you're going to get a lot out of Linda's forums if you're interested in building a long term web presence and successfully getting your message out to the world. It really pays to slow down sometimes and find out what actually works. God bless, Dave
Dave Cottrell

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Re: Learn from Linda Caroll
2/23/2006 2:46:21 PM
Hi Linda, I'm happy to do whatever it takes to get my friends to your forums. They will gain much from their visits. I dont mind the linking at all! :-) That's what makes the community work. God bless, Dave
Dave Cottrell

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Re: Learn from Linda Caroll
2/23/2006 2:56:12 PM
Hi Gary, It's good to see you here - another "voice of reason" in this crazy online world! There sure are a lot of scams - I must have received 4 or 5 of those scam emails in just this morning. ------------------------------------------------------------ Dave, the thing that irks me most about e-books is that a lot of it is just rebadged, old tripe. Very little is original. A lot of it is just blatant advertising. Duh! --------------------------------------------------------------- Yes!! :-D One of my "favorite" scams is the plug and play ebook writer, that is advertised as a tool that will allow you to create your own, highly valuable ebook instantly by just plugging in a few words and clicking a few buttons. I can't WAIT to get one of THOSE books for only $19.95!!! :-p It's amazing that people buy these things. Anyway, Linda's forums are a real breath of fresh air. God bless, Dave
Dave Cottrell

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Re: Learn from Linda Caroll
2/23/2006 3:00:29 PM
Hi Cheri, I will make sure to notify you in the future until we find out why the notifications aren't getting through. It's always a pleasure to have you visit my forums. If anything you find here can help get more of our friends over to Linda's forums, by all means, use it. You will be doing everyone a great service. God bless, Dave