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Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
6/15/2006 7:04:09 AM
HI HOLLY, I am ok and know God will watch out for him , in fact he believes in God but has strayed away from Him. It's his girlfriend I worry about but she is ok and I am checking on her when I can. See you soon! Carla :)
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
6/15/2006 10:05:55 AM
Dear Friends, This is a friendly reminder that the Research and Development Meeting is tomorrow night at 6pm EST, followed by a Sales Training Session from 8-9pm EST. I look forward to seeing you all there. Sincerely,
Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol
Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
6/15/2006 10:42:52 AM
Hello Newsletter/Blog Team: There will be a meeting in the conference room at 9:00 pm eastern time, United States. See you there! Kindest regards,
Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
6/15/2006 1:25:52 PM
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: The Newsletter/Blog Team will meet tonight at 9:00 pm United States Central Time in Conference Room #2. I will send you your links privately. If for some reason, you see this announcement before you receive your link, please contact me. You know how to do that! Kindest regards,
Flag of Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
6/15/2006 3:53:46 PM
Waw, what are you talking about Georgios? I didn't found sauch a mail! I just want to ask you to not delete me! I would do something just to know what! Please! I cannot show you my hands but I hope you see them! :-) Unfortunately I do not have SkyPe for the moment and I even lost the possibility to use Yahoo! I couldn't figgure our yet why, but hope I will soon. With friendship, Anamaria

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