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Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
2/23/2006 10:24:42 PM
AMEN to that, Ashley! Thanks for sending the card to Lola, I sent one too! God bless you! Carla :) WOSAT IS THE BEST TEAM AROUND!!
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
2/24/2006 2:43:30 PM
Dear Friends, I received several emails from Lola today. Stephen's surgery had to be postponed, but his fever has finally broken. She asked that I pass on her PayPal email address for anyone that wishes to donate and may be having trouble with Michael's donation button. Her PayPal email is She said the receipts will say Town Square Mall, which she owns. It sounds like she is going to have to either renovate her house, or move, in order to have wheelchair access for Stephen now, so any donations you can make will be greatly appreciated. Please, if you can, let us help our "sister" out in her time of need, if not by donations, then at least in prayer. Thank You,
Shannon Bolin
skype: shanbol
Flag of Carla Carey

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Re: Wings Of Success Advisory Team
2/24/2006 6:57:28 PM
HI SHANNON, I will definitely pray for her and donate when I can!I am sure she is going through a really difficult time and the more prayers we send up the better. Have a great day! Carla :) PS I cannot be at the meetings(board and membership ) for WOSAT this weekend due to work, but I know you all will keep me updated! THANKS!
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Flag of Monika Woods

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U.S. Tax Tips for Home Business Owners
2/25/2006 12:07:24 PM
Child employed by parents Payments for the services of a child under age 18 who works for his or her parent in a trade or business are not subject to social security and Medicare taxes if the trade or business is a sole proprietorship or a partnership in which each partner is a parent of the child. Refer to the "Covered services of a child" section below. Payments for the services of a child under age 21 who works for his or her parent in a trade or business are not subject to Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) tax. Payment for the services of a child are subject to income tax withholding, regardless of age. Take care and have a good weekend! Monika Woods
Monika M Woods Image Consultant GBG Take your vitamins and earn income too EARN $$$ Buying Gold at private parties - Extremely limited IC poisitions open
Flag of Kay Reeve

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31 so far....
2/25/2006 1:02:13 PM
Hi and welcome to all new members I have been keeping a count and have tallied 31 new members to our forum. I am not sure that all members are agreeing to take part in our teamwork, or just posting here as friends. There are 12 members so far who have made it clear that they wish to be counted in on the Wings of Success Advisory Team and share their skills with each other. I don't wish to cause any misunderstanding, just to keep an accurate count. This first stage is about forming the team, not about promoting individual products. We need around 100 members to this group so please go and invite your friends or colleagues. All we ask now is that you follow this forum and post regularly or if you change your mind at any time, please be courteous enough to let us know so we don't keep spamming you with info. Best wishes Kay Reeve

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