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Leon Horton

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Person Of The Week
Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (30th Edition)
2/12/2006 9:46:57 PM
John and LaNell, You have placed a very strong and deserving man in this limelight this week. Thank you for all that you do for us. David, CONGRATULAIONS!! Thank you for sharing your heart-wrenching story with us. It only goes to show that your strengths and talents are amplified by God's grace. Please enjoy your week in the spotlight. I hope you have a much better life from here on out. You have made some considerable strides since being left many years ago, so it goes without saying that you will still be able to continue. God Bless You and all of us for being a part of your history. Peace, Leon
Louis Pominville

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Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (30th Edition)
2/12/2006 10:00:35 PM
To John & Lanell, Thank you for your work introducing Dr. King to us as POTW. David, Reading your story certainly stirred up a lot of emotions; ranging from compassion to anger, from hatred to love. I thank God for having put the right people on your path and for inspiring you & guiding you to rise above the pain & hardships you had to endure. Seeing the people who have hurted you so much becoming sober and Christians must have been quite something for you to witness. If I can be so bold as to ask what happened to your sister and brother? Not so many years ago, these type of stories were considered family secrets and not many were told. It takes courage and faith to share these dark moments and I truly believe that by sharing your story, it will touch some people in a way to inspire them to either share or reveal theirs. God bless you and thank you for sharing, louis
Andrew Anderson

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Person Of The Week
Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (30th Edition)
2/12/2006 10:13:47 PM
Congradulations, Dr. King, What a powerfull and amazing story. Your faith and wisdom should be admired by all, as your story is uplifting and compelling. You life is a testemnet to the power of one's faith, and God's grace. It serves greater pourpose to have one's demonds become motivation for success and not an excuse for failure. Thanks for sharing your story and congradulations on your honor. Andy Zeus Anderson
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (30th Edition)
2/12/2006 10:34:30 PM
Congradulations on being chosen this week Dr.King, It certainly sounds like the circle of life is almost complete for you.May all your dreams and visions come to pass,kathy
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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (30th Edition)
2/12/2006 11:31:03 PM
Hello John, Thank you for the invitation to this POTW forum. Congratulations Dr King. It is with great joy and wonderment that the Lord Jesus Christ will take us through such harsh beginnings. Self doubt, unworthyness, unloved and baggage we carry through our lives to triumph and overcome and learn to love the unlovable and pray for them. Thank you for sharing your powerful testimonial, which was extremely inspirational and uplifting in the end. Kind regards Amanda Martin-Shaver

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