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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/9/2017 2:47:08 PM
Heavenletter #6133 Beyond Your Ken, September 9, 2017

God said:

In the whole world, you find yourself in the precise place you find yourself in. You live in a certain spot on the globe. You live on a certain street. You live at a certain numbered address. At this moment you are in a certain room in your house sitting in a certain chair, or you are perhaps shopping in a certain store in the Universe.

Isn't this amazing? Of all the millions of people in the world, each person is somewhere specific. It must be that you are in an assigned place. It can't be that you exist at random, no matter how it may seem so. Can it be you were just tossed up in the air and landed in the place you were meant to land in by chance and not certainty?

Tomorrow you could be somewhere else. Tomorrow you could be on a plane flying to a different destination for a visit with old friends or on a business trip in another place in the Universe. Can any of this be random, or is all of it planned by a Master Intelligence? Not planned as you know planned, not figured out, yet gloriously orchestrated. This is all beyond your ken.

Your Presence cannot be an accident. This has to have been all an appointment. Who made this appointment? Did you make it, or was it assigned to you, or both with mutual agreement or with none? How?

How uncanny or ordinary is all this?

You may live in a hut in the country or in a big palace in the city. Everyone on Earth is somewhere exactly at this moment and not somewhere else.

Some may live in a tree-house. Some may live on the first floor or in a basement or on the top floor of a hi-rise. How can this be attributed?

Is there a computer somewhere that calculates all this? Is it true that you are in the right place at the right time even when it turns out to be that you are in what could be called the wrong place at the wrong time, and still be correct?

How much is Free Will, and how much is Destiny? How self-propelling are you really? And why does it matter? It seems to matter. Under which probability or improbability does so much hang on a thread? It would seem that everything is destined or everything is by chance, yet how can anything let alone everything be by chance, yes or no?

At the stroke of 12 noon you were born in a certain location and seemingly only there, yet it is ventured that you live in more than one dimension at a time even as space and time do not really exist. How can such seeming-contrariness exist amidst so much consistency?

How strange is your apparent appearance on Earth and also the foretold disappearance of this apparent body as well? How can it seem so important to My Earthlings to fathom this supernatural-seeming visit of yours to Earth? Yet who are you? It is incontrovertible that you somehow exist here for a passing time even as unbelievable as it is on many quarters in a Dream that is dreamed.

How diverse are you? You are a father or mother, or a sister or brother, a son or a daughter, an active person or a recluse and varied variances in between. One day you wear a red coat and another day a jacket and and and...

What are you in the midst of and what are you doing here beyond what you are perhaps appearing to do at a given moment? You are washing the floor at this moment, or perhaps you are scuffing the floor, or tripping over a rug, or taking a nap. All the possibilities. All the predictions and all the seeming necessities and all the routines and all the surprises wrapped into one.

What a world you find yourself in, not knowing how you got here, how long you are here for, and a long list of questions unanswered to your satisfaction. You are a puzzle piece that you do not always precisely fit, or do you?

Of all the possibilities, you are one of many. Were you chosen and by whom? Why are you here, and what are you here to do or not do? Who are you, beloveds? Why you? How can you be accounted for? What is the story?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/10/2017 3:20:48 PM

Heavenletter #6134 Life Is Just a Passerby, September 10, 2017

God said:

In effect, you sift through your Life. You sift with a sieve, Beloveds. There is a moral to the story here. Life once lived falls through the cracks. It is bye-bye.

You cannot hold onto everything or anything. How can you be sure that sifting through Life is a way for you to comprehend Life? Life will teach you without your trying to sort it out. Life already has occurred, and now you are in a new starting-off place.

If the past is the past, well, then, let it go. Verily, only Life Itself can teach Itself. It isn't that Life is insoluble. It's just that Life goes off the screen in the moment that it surfaces and happens, or, rather seems to happen. Life hops right along. Life doesn't stay still. Life on Earth is not meant to be memorable. Life is in one moment, and then Life is off and running in the next.

Hail to Life. Greet it. Then Life swims away on to New Adventures. You know what? Life does not stand still, and nor are you to stand still.

You may feel you are off to the races! Rather, you are transported to the Present. To the best of your ability, you digest what just has occurred, though, at the same moment there is no whipping a past moment into shape. It is not for you to conjugate Life. A moment ago is not your bread and butter. It is a passing shadow you glimpse out of the corner of your eye. You don't want to make too much of Life and so impede Life as it occurs. Life gives you a ride. Life contains you. Hmm, Life swerves ahead, and it is already passed. May your Life go beyond its past.

May Life take you for a new ride. Hold on! Life will go fast and never come back again as it once was or, rather, once appeared to be.

Let's make up a ditty:

"Life is just a Passerby, just a Passerby. No more than the Clouds and Light that pass overhead for one scant moment out of the Blue, out of the Blue, out of the Changing Blue to return again only as a passing fancy, only as a passing fancy, that's all.

"Perhaps, could it be, that the One who claims ownership of the Life that passes by be the Passerby? Does the Presumed Owner of the Life simply glide over the Life he purports to be his? Could he be the Cloud in the Sky and the Passing Blue, the Passing Blue, the Passing Blue... Could he have fancied himself?

"Does Life, this very Life, have to be interpreted now and anon? Must Life mean this, and must Life mean that? Must Life signify Miracle even as Life is a Towering Miracle? Everyone alive on Earth has a Life, has a Life, has a Life that flutters here and flutters yon, here and yon...

"The clouds and the Changing Blue and the Light are Momentous every day of the week. Must they remain Momentous, Momentous, Momentous when they are Everyday, Everyday, Everyday...

"Life continues into what is called an After Life, yet Life is one continuum called Infinity. Everyone, Everyone, Everyone rows a boat in Infinity, even as there is no rowing a boat in Infinity at all. There is Infinity Alone, nothing but Infinity, nothing but Infinity and no boats to row, no boats to row, no boats to row...

"Oneness Alone exists in Infinity. Being, Being Alone, nothing but Being exists in Infinite Infinity. The Oneness of Oneness alone exists in Infinity. The Infinity of Eternity and the Oneness exist in the Beingness of Oneness. Only Infinity, Only Infinity, Only Infinity. Infinity is Our Abode, the Infinity of Oneness, Oneness, Oneness...

"Hello, My Self, hello, My Self, My Self, My Self, hello! The Permanence and Beingness of Oneness, One Being, One's Being, One Beingness dubbed Infinity, Infinity, Infinity...a Breath of Life and Light Shining, Shining in a Dream of......"

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/11/2017 3:35:46 PM
Heavenletter #6135 You Are a Rose in Bloom, September 11, 2017

God said:

Whither goest thou when you are Infinite and there is nowhere to go and only to be? There is nowhere and nothing. The individual circumference of you does not really exist as you believe it does and want it to. You throw yourself before the winds, and you insist on existing as if you, this personality of you, were True. In this case, dream a bigger Dream of you.

In every which way, you try hand over fist to convince yourself that you exist when you more than exist and yet you leave no footsteps in the sand. You are a thought in time. You try to memorialize yourself. You frame a portrait of yourself. You border yourself. Now, take yourself out of the frame and fly around the so-called world and begin to erase the gilded frame you wrapped yourself in. Disappear in order to reveal yourself to yourself. What seems like a disappearing act is the making of you.

3-D in color isn’t so spectacular as you may have thought. You had a thought of yourself and another and another. It is as if you smeared yourself across the Universe. You thought you were Big Man on Campus. You thought that your precise existence was everything when it is no great accomplishment at all, a mere repeated event to cover up your True Existence Which Is Mine.

This is your struggle. Instead of catching on to the good footing that is actually boundlessness, you try to cut yourself down to a fragment. Yep. You hop around. You fantasize somersaults, you flap yourself around, when, all the while, your True Nature is Flying on the Wings of Angels. The corporal is not so grand as you thought. It is rather, We might say, a grandstand play.

You try to spotlight yourself when all the while, you are Light Brighter Than Anything That Exists in Your Paint Box. You excel in covering yourself up. You paint yourself into a corner when Wholeness is already yours.

You do know, don’t you, that you have to let go? Untether yourself. Untether yourself now. Free yourself from the bondage of exclusivity. Return to Innocence. Catch on by letting go.

You were sculpted long ago. I drew you. I am the Artist. I painted you whereas you wanted to stamp yourself at the post office even as if you were already wearing My Seal of Approval. You didn’t yet know your True Worth and Identity. You tried to make yourself bigger and higher when you were already of the Highest.

You wanted to reinvent what I created. You wanted to dress yourself up. You wanted to be The Great Artist. You wanted to make yourself Holy when you already were Holy. You wanted to improve on yourself, and so you distanced yourself from your Self. You kept adding mortar to your brick. All your attempts go dry.

Now is your opportunity to revisit Paradise. Now you go full-fledged ahead. Now you make headway. Now you begin to follow in My Footsteps. Follow Me. We are on a Great Adventure Together. We are reaching the Peak and then another and another.

You do this without trying so hard. You are Being, and your Being is already magnificent. You are not going to improve yourself by attempting a feat. You do not have to live or die in a Blaze of Glory. You are Glory. There is no need to glorify yourself. I give you My Light to reflect. What Light is Brighter than Mine?

You are not your Maker. I am your Maker. You need not apply make-up to yourself. You are already a Rose in Bloom. You need not be embellished. Follow Me. To follow Me is to find your True Glory which is My Self and Thy Self as One.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/12/2017 3:51:35 PM

Heavenletter #6136 In a Different Light, September 12, 2017

God said:

I am your Maker, and you are My Most Beloved. This is how it is. In common parlance, We Love. You and I - We Love. We Love, We Love, We Love and Love some more. There is no shortage of Love. No one has to teach you Love. You don't have to extract Love nor to be taught Love. Love is a Natural Gift given to you and to the world.

Dear Ones, even when you persuade yourself that you've been wronged by something Life delivers to you because it is not what your heart desires, even then don't question My Love, not for one minute.

Of course, no one dances up and down in joy when a truly loved one of yours leaves Earth for greener pastures. No one is looking to say Farewell, any more than you long for illness. No matter how wrong Life may strike you, withhold your judgment. Hold back. Don't give into false conclusions.

No matter how let down or betrayed you may feel, no matter how grieved and grievous your heart, no matter how unforgivable a situation may seem to you, no matter what, no exceptions, know that I do not break My Faith with you. Never do I shirk Love. No matter how hidden or contrary you may feel about what you see as what I have wrought, no matter how unthinkable, unbelievable, and how unbearable it may seem, don't toss away Our Love. Keep it. Treasure it. Keep it Holy.

Dear Ones, I do not test you. I do not experiment with you.

In the selfsame world you live in, a doctor may break someone's bone in order to heal it. Be assured, I do not deliberately break any bones, nor do I set out to wreak havoc and heartbreak upon you or anyone. I do not think of hurting your heart or limb for even a millisecond.

Yes, dear Ones, it goes without saying that My Vision extends far beyond human Vision. What you see is not the same as what I see. Because I have a wider picture, I don't see nor do I believe in what you call tragedy. My Vision goes far past the details and tragedy that you see. I see events in a different Light. I do not go along the lines of the Intellect that you do and which the whole world seems to weigh its Beautiful Self down with.

Even within the current state of Earth Life you live and try with all your might to make sense of, there are times later on when what you at first saw as tragic, you now no longer see as tragic. You may even see something now as fortuitous.

A day will come when you see the now-seen tragedies in Perfect Light and Understanding. Beloveds, a time will come when your Consciousness surpasses even the concept of understanding. You will see.

No longer will you struggle to understand anything, not one thing.

Even in the world you presently live in, before the Sun rises over the Horizon, you know Dawn's Light will once again appear right here before you. There is no effort or hard searching or anything of the kind for you to know that Daylight simply will shine upon you, and so it does.

When you were a young child, there was a time when you couldn't talk. Then one day you talked, and you haven't stopped yet. Talking became as easy as apple pie. Once upon a time, you couldn't read, and then one day, you caught on to reading, and it became natural and easy for you. No longer was there a struggle. And one day you will see Life altogether in a different light.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/13/2017 2:56:51 PM
Heavenletter #6137 There Is Also a Life of No Thought, September 13, 2017

God said:

You live in more than one world. You live on Earth, no doubt about that. Earth is a dream world of its own.

When you sleep, you are somewhere out of the Earth world. There is the world of sleep dreams, and there is the world of sleep where it seems that for a while, you do not dream and you do not exist anywhere, yet, you are Somewhere.

There is the Life of Daydreams.

There is also the waking state when you do not dream and yet you are not clearly in the conscious world.

There is the Life of No Thought which is also yours. Hurray!

Between words, you are on pause. In the written word, you can see the empty space where there is no thought between words.

The True You lies in Infinity. You are no stranger to Infinity. You are someone who has great wealth and may not know you have a bank account filled with wonders. The bank account belongs to you just the same. You don't have to be conscious of this for it to be so.

You are possessed of Great Intelligence, yet you may have no idea of the breadth and depth of your Intelligence. Or you may have an idea, yet a vague one. There is no question but that you underestimate yourself. You are good at underestimating yourself. You may even be proud of it. You are modest to the hilt, as if you would not be seen in Bright Sunlight, as if you would only stay hidden from yourself and everyone in the twilight. You prefer to stay in the shadows. And so, you hide yourself and consider yourself smart. You take great pride in your modesty.

Strange, isn't it, that you fool yourself and everyone as did Little Jack Horner in reverse from you:

Little Jack Horner

Sat in the corner,
Eating his Christmas pie;
He put in his thumb,
And pulled out a plum,
And said: "What a good boy am I!"

Little Jack Horner honored himself.

Or, are you the Gingerbread Man who thought he could elude the world: "You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man."

Of course, he was caught and ate his words after all. How smart is it really to kid yourself? How wise is it? How worthy is it?

In the tale of The Emperor's New Clothes, two swindlers led the Emperor to believe that only the best of leaders could see the fine weaving coming from the swindlers' loom empty of yarn. Everyone in the world at the time chose to pretend he actually saw woven cloth, for everyone wanted to be seen as a best leader, and so everyone pretended to see what he didn't see until at the Emperor's Parade, a child cried out the Truth:

"But he doesn't have any clothes on!"

Of course, the moral of The Emperor's New Clothes is pretending you see what is not there. In denying your Greatness, it would seem that you are adept at swindling yourself of your own Light, as if it is smart to pull out a plum from a plum pie, or to believe you can run faster than everyone else, or that you can fool yourself and others that you are less than you are, as if you are a whiz kid to hoodwink yourself and everyone else about your proclivities that are True and belong to you while you repeatedly shake your head No.

Look for your True Nature and find it. The fact is you are Blazing Light that you have chosen to blindfold yourself to. Open yourself to receiving the Light I have given you. No, no, no, don't withdraw yourself from all the opportunities I set before you. Consider the possibility that the attributes I declare are yours ARE, in fact, YOURS.

You don't have to be a rabid hunter for great feats. Just be open to receiving, for your time will come, and Great Vision will be upon you, glistening for all to see. You will reveal yourself as Who you are. How about in this lifetime, what do you say?

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