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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/3/2017 2:57:58 PM
Heavenletter #6127 Life, a Two-Way Street, September 3, 2017

God said:

In what fog are you today? What are you bewildered about or forlorn? Something is puzzling to you. Something is sad. There is something you want to begin, and something you want to be done and over with.

You are perhaps so full of activity that you can hardly draw a breath, or possibly you may not have quite enough to do. Being with insufficient activity pains you as well as having too much to do. You tend to always be wanting for something. Whether it is less or more, you want it when you want it, and the way you want it. You find yourself muttering about one thing or another.

In the midst of summer, you yearn for the world to cool down. In the midst of winter, you would like the heat of the sun on your back.

It's not totally that you are finding fault, yet you are clamoring for something you had and want now or do not want now.

Increase your gratitude quotient. Be a bit more forward-thinking. Give the world a break. By what Divine Right are you more disgruntled with Life than you are accepting of it? Admit, even when Life plies you with all you could ask for, you still might ask for something else or more.

You can ask for anything you want, of course. You may or may not receive what you want.

Is Life your servant? Are you not to serve Life at least some of the time? Why not? Why isn't Life a two-way street?

I ask you not to get overwrought with Life. Life is not obliged to cater to you. Be good-natured with Life. Where did you get the idea, if only some of the time, that Life owes you a living?

Give a thought to boosting Life. What if you opened doors wide for Life to enter? And then offer Life a comfortable seat and offer it a foot stool to put its feet up on?

Understandably, you may want Life to be especially alert to your preferences. Sometimes Life has to do what Life does do. Really and truly, it's possible that you could give Life a better press than you may presently give it. C'mon, give Life a break.

Life has no choice sometimes. Whatever Life may personally desire, there are times when Life in the form of death, for instance, takes loved ones away from their physical presence. Surely you know that Life, as the world configures Life, may not have any more choice about its delivery than you do.

Watch it that you don't miss out on Life. Give Life a chance for you to love it and lend your favor to Life. Whatever aspect of the Moon the world happens to be in, look at the Moon, and you may see that the Full Moon is beautiful and that a New Moon also is beautiful. It is the Same Moon, only you gaze at the Moon from a different angle.

The Moon is always up here in the Sky whether it is Night or Day, covered with Mist or Yellow Glow. Regardless, you can thank the Moon for being the Moon today no matter what garb it wears. Never mind, the Moon visits you every day. The milky rays from the Moon bless you every time.

Relinquish your hold on the Moon. The Moon is free to be the Moon as it is. The Moon does not have to be made of cheese. The Moon doesn't have to be anything but what it is.

The Moon and the Sun and all the Stars and all the People and Sights and Dawns and Sunsets interact in this that you call Life. There is an interplay you share. Life is here, and you are here to draw Joy. You can reciprocate. You can bless as well as being blessed.

Bless Life generously in Honor and Joy to Me.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/6/2017 12:28:08 AM
Heavenletter #6129 The Bread Crumbs of Truth, September 5, 2017

God said:

Most people intend well, yet intentions without action don’t count for much.

Sure, a good deed intended is better than no good deed at all, yet having an idea unacted on doesn’t go far. There is value in thinking of a kindness, yet words have substance as you follow through on them. Anyone can say anything, and often do.

On the other hand, despite all the Good Will you wish to follow through with, you ponder about the time and energy you don’t have. You would love to be an Angel on Earth if you didn’t have all the pressing obligations that have to come first.

Unless you back up thoughts of good deeds with action, then, beloveds, it behooves you not to advertise them. You don’t want false advertising to be your habit. When you still owe the bank money, the bank doesn’t give you credit. You have to deliver before credit is in your hand. Promises without back-up are nice words. Alas, nice words alone don’t take you far, and that’s it.

Promises are like your lying down for a night’s sleep and not getting one wink of sleep. Promises can be shaky premises, dear one. Shaky premises are not to be a way of Life. Ah, yes, all that you would do if only you could.

With a foundation, how good you will feel. Oh, to feel the solid ground under you. It is not your desire to row a leaky boat. You yourself believe in substance and not shadow.

Life on Earth can seem like a magic trick. Well, in fact, looking at Life from on High, Life is a magic trick. None of it is True. Life may be vivid and taken as True in the dream communally dreamed. Life on Earth is disarming. Nevertheless, you are to back up your dreams with all you are worth. Within the illusion you are to give greater than illusion. Within the dream, you are to be solid. Within the dream, you are to follow through. Within the dream, you are to deliver, and that’s it. This is your share to give. Even on false ground, you are to be true. Adhere faithfully to solid Truth within the dream.

What a difference it makes to the imagined world and you when you are true to yourself. What a lovely thing in this world are words made true.

Never mind the so-called past now. Now is what matters. You always matter. Sign your name on the dotted line.

It is My Name you represent, in dream or not. Deliver Truth to all the Seekers in the Universe. Everyone is a Seeker of Truth. And Truth is to be seen, and Truth is to be found. One day you will come to the Full Realization of Truth. Follow the bread crumbs of Truth.

Of course, you seek riches. Of course, you seek Love. Of course, you seek to receive. Of course, you seek to give. All the while you desire to discern Truth from fiction. Of course, you recall that Truth goes further than fact. Truth and fact are not even in the same ballpark.

Yes, please make the ground you stand on solid. Then you are in balance. Then you are as strong as strong can be. When you are as strong as strong can be, then with every breath, you contribute to making others as strong as strong can be. Have no regrets. Is this too much to ask?

I, God, love and bless you, and now bless yourself. Stand by yourself. Make your words speak loud and true.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/6/2017 1:55:24 PM

Heavenletter #6130 Daylight Savings Time, September 6, 2017

God said:

As much as you might like to, no one can be all things to all, do you agree?

However, you can be everything to Me. No, better than that, you are all things to Me. There is no shadow of a doubt. You are a dream of Mine come true. I cognized you. I created you. I did not create you for nothing. I created you in a physical body for greater than your physical body yet also for you to exist in the illusion of the physical for a little while.

I created birds to fly, fish to swim, lions to roar. I created you to soar. I created you to give what is yours to give. Not sometime, but now. Not later but sooner. Not tomorrow, but today. In Truth, only this moment between words exists.

Even as time does not truly exist, you are Prime Time, Beloveds. You hang out in the fantasy of time. If you live in the U.S., it may already be tomorrow in Hong Kong and so forth. Daylight Savings Time pretends to exist in many states and countries, yet not all. How can it be said that Daylight Savings Time actually exists or Standard Time either?

Nevertheless, this non-existent time makes the world go round. Willy-nilly, in the world, you go by the clock. The world rules you. That is, you accept the dominion of time. As erratic as time may be, you look at your clock; you set the alarm; you tell time frequently. Of course, you aren't telling time anything. Time tells you.

It is time that tells you when to get out of bed and when to go to bed. Time represents or misrepresents the rising and setting of the Sun and the Moon and where and when you are to believe you are. Indeed, time pulls your chain. Time became a consensus that overlords all.

You are a subject to the ruler named time. This ruler makes you fit to be tied.

Let Us not blame time itself as if it existed!

Time is fiction. It is made up, thought to be a convenience of sort, even as it belies Truth.

Of course, you yourself did not make up the Rising and Setting of the Sun etc. You did not make up the existence of Night and Day. You did not make up the Seasons of the Year. You did not make up the template for a span of a year. You did make time a way of keeping track. You define all this, and then you accept all this as a masterful accounting method.

In Creativity, you escape the illusion of time. In Love, you escape the illusion of time. When you escape time, you are in Infinity. Infinity is truly where you exist, and where you exist no matter what you or anyone else may make of where you are or when.

This which you call the real world does not exist. What you call the real world is where you do not exist. The so-called real word is make-believe. Nevertheless, make-believe is very much believed in. You entrust yourself to make-believe and establish yourself in make-believe. You may wear the unreal make-believe as a badge of honor. You will do anything to prove its existence. You will bleed. You will swear. You do swear your fealty.

This is the lay of the land.

Light does exist at the end of the tunnel. Truth be known, you are Infinity-born. There is nowhere else for you to be. You exist in Infinity. Everything else falls away to make room for Infinity even as Infinity takes up no room at all.

I am the God of Infinity that you and I share and have ever-shared. For a while you sleep on Earth. Indeed, there is Beauty on Earth, so gather the rosebuds while you may. There is Joy and Purpose in this semblance of time. Any way you slice it, you are blessed.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/7/2017 1:28:26 PM
Heavenletter #6131 Like a Hyacinth in Spring, September 7, 2017

God said:

Devotion is an actuality. Devotion certainly isn’t something you let go by the wayside. You may wonder where it is, this devotion you are supposed to have which, so far, does not descend nor arise in your Heart. You are not opposed to having it. When is it your turn? When will the devotion that may be buried within you wake up?

You have gathered that love from you to God is to blossom within you somehow somewhere, that High Devotion will grab your wrist and swing you high. How long can this Ringing of Devotion elude you? What can it be that keeps devotion just out of your sight? Have you been skipped over? Maybe devotion isn’t in your bailiwick this time around. Maybe you are to let it go.

Beloveds, in terms of a Grand Devotion, even a large-scale devotion with capital letters, it will come to you. Look, there it will be like a hyacinth in your garden, one early day in spring, a bulb buried in the ground, as if by itself, will burst forth to say: “Here I am!”
Like Spring, Devotion will spring up, and it is yours. You don’t have to water a hyacinth.

When it comes to the Flowering of Devotion, it is not a campaign that you have to make a to-do about. Devotion is not something you produce. You don’t have to manufacture it. Devotion is a natural blessing that arises of its own volition, and you may find that you have no choice but to keep your eye on the sparrow. Devotion arises so that you may acquaint yourself with what is already devotedly present within you. Devotion does not have to be a specialty, although Devotion may grow to be a speciality.

You know how Life is. Your eye has alit on many watering places. Nothing has to be forced to grow. Encourage, sure, yet not demand.

To begin with, you already have experience with devotion. It has been signaled in your heart. When you are blessed with a baby, you know the devotion that burst forth from within you. This takes no urging. It is My Devotion within you will not be caught napping. Something will touch your heart. You are no stranger to devotion. Nor am I. Leave it to Me.

When Devotion to Me knocks on your Door, answer, yet answering the Door does not mean that you must alter your Life. Let Me take care of your Devotion. You don’t have to make a big to-do of the Devotion that stirs your Heart. Hey, simply follow your heart where it takes you. I am secure in your heart.

I am the Enticer of Devotion. I am in Everything the Doer! You may hear a knock on your Door. It may be a light knock. You will open the Door, and here I AM. What Joy We will share. It will be easy. Nothing difficult here. Truly, you will hear Me knocking. No one gets missed. No one.

There is no effort at all. My arrival may be like when a timer goes off. You may forget that you had set the timer. You may find that you open the Door of your Heart to Me without having heard My knock. You just happen to open the door, and We are delighted to see the seeming Each Other. You are not even flabbergasted. You know, it feels right. You will have your turn. There will no longer be a door between us. Not even an opening really, just a Magnificent Oneness.

Dear Ones, no need to hang around waiting for a Great Sign to appear in the sky. The process of My Arrival rarely appears as a Grand Flash of Lightning. Usually, Life appears gradually and you wake up to it. You awake to Life at the same time as you take Life in your stride. Usually, Life takes you by the hand and leads you gently. It can often be before you even notice.

The fact is that We have always walked together. You turn your head a little now, and you see Me, and you wonder how it is you hadn’t noticed before.

We have a Grand Connection, you and I. We can count on it. When Our Grand Connection will light up abundantly, no one knows. One day it will light up. One day you will notice that you are secured in My Heart, and you will feel Our Oneness of Oneness Lighting Up.

You have quite a Destiny before you. Have no worries. I entrust Myself to you. Entrust yourself to Me. There is a Dance that is Ours to dance. And dance We will.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/8/2017 2:09:56 PM
Heavenletter #6132 You Can Change Your Mind, September 8, 2017

God said:

The dearest of My Children make assumptions. Of course, if you are to undertake any project in Life, you have to start somewhere. You can't wait until you are infallible before you begin. You now begin with a premise. And a premise is not locked in stone. Your premise and assumptions and conceptions and misconceptions can bend and swerve and grow. You start somewhere, and your bases also change. This is a part of Life on Earth.

In the overall History of Life, once the Earth was considered flat, and now it is considered round. Ideas change. Man's mind changes.

You know a lot. Certainly, you have learned a lot. And, yet, sometimes it can seem as though you have learned nothing at all. Often you are caught in your tracks. It may even be a good place to be to know that you don't know all that you had hoped. Yes, Life surprises you often enough. It can be a surprise you love, or it can be a surprise that leaves your head spinning.

There is much delicacy in Life. You want to have confidence, yet you don't want to be over-confident. God forbid that you be a know-it-all. You sure don't want to be entrenched in one point of view when, in this world, there are all possibilities.

With this awareness, you would throw out all prejudices. How much more time and Love would you now have available? How easy living would be. How free. How enjoyable when nothing has to be designated as you may have thought it must.

Ah, there would be room for all at the Inn. How relaxing and freeing for you when you are not obligated to be correct and, thus, someone else obligated to be mistaken. You may have thought such freedom would be disturbing when it could be quite relaxing as a matter of fact. This could be a burden you throw out. What a relief.

What a lovely thing when, in effect, you don't have to be the Fairest of All. What a lovely thing when there is no race to run, when you are off the hook, when you are out of the fray and have nothing to prove. How freeing to be relieved of responsibility that was never yours anyway. What would hang over your head that is heavy? You would be as free as a bird.

Do you know what else? The world itself would also be as free as a bird. The world would take off. Peace would be known. Tension would be out the door.

Everyone would know Life as a Blessed Gift. The world would be easy-going. No one would feel stepped on. Freedom would roam. Love would be known wherever you look. Everyone would be welcome upon Earth. No one would feel unwelcomed. Everyone would be at ease. What a wonderful thing ease would be. What a comfort. What an opportunity.

Life would take care of itself. No one would intrude upon another. No one would be downcast. No one would feel picked on. No one would feel abandoned. This is what Peace on Earth would make the world. All would know what contentment is. Who would have one complaint let alone a whole list of complaints? Who would have to repeat himself or herself?

Who would not have consideration for each other when all are free to be content? Dissatisfaction would not be rampant on Earth. It might be unheard of. Life would be excellent. This excellence would apply to everyone.

When Joy takes over Earth, who would commiserate with any other? Who would feel sorry for another as if feeling sorry were a good thing? Oh, no, Life would be packed quite differently from the way you may have been seeing it. The world would be new because you are new, and you welcome Life as if it were no longer disarrayed.

You will know composure in a Land of Peace for all.

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