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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/9/2018 2:46:34 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6405 Free to Give, August 9, 2018

God said:

Beloved, sure, We can sit around and talk things over. For the most part, you and I, We get down to business, which, in this case, means love. We get right on with life. We don’t haggle. We don’t make deals. We don’t barter. We don’t owe each other. Of course, We just are, One to One.

We are up front and don’t make trades, as the world does indeed make deals. We, the One of Us, is inviolate.

You and I are good and wish to uphold Our tryst. In Heaven, there is no owing. One hand does not feed the other. We give from the Goodness of Our immaculate Hearts. There is no obligation to be reimbursed. We give and give because it is in Our Hearts to give without indenture. Beloved, Our contract is not bound in steel. It is bound in love. You and I are free to give all We – I – have to give. We do not enact a forfeit. We are Free Will. This is how We like it. We do not have legal contracts whereby there must be recompense. The idea of freedom carries great lightness. We give because it gives joy to give. By no means are we chained to any reimbursement.

You might see that because you save ten lives that your physical life must stay intact. Only from fear of lack can there be an imposed weight of obligation. Free exchange is how it is. We do not encourage debt. We are here to encourage freedom of Will and freedom from anything requiring servitude. Service is another thing altogether.

Beloved, the significance of a free Heart of Love is quite different from indebtedness. Oh, for the life of a sailor, free at sea.

There is no book of debt between Us. There is no setting up of accounts. No one owes. We proffer. Giving does not have a due date. We don’t do exchanges. There are no pay-offs. There are no debts to write off in the first place. What We give, We give from a willing heart. What We give, We give freely, or it is not giving.

We, as One, do not incur debt. We are not here in life to add up columns. We don’t dot the I’s nor cross the T’s. We do not wash the hand that feeds Us. We love.

That We trust doesn’t mean that We have to compensate or to be compensated. We simply do not look at the other side of the ledger. We are not about paying wages. We give and let go, or We do not give. It is not giving unless We let go.

We do not hedge our bets. We do not make conditions or enforce results. The result of giving is the giving.

We engage in freedom, and We engage freely. We don’t carry adding machines with Us. Why would We? There is no gain in insisting. There is gain in giving for the joy of it. This is what We do, and this is where the joy is. Happy is the heart that gives because therein a fruit may grow.

We do not give to be seen as wonderful. When what a heart most desires seems to be withheld from you, you tend to see this as unfair. We do not incur nor establish debts. There is no expenditure, and there is no repaying that which is freely given. Beloveds, We do not attend debtor court. Let’s shake hands on this. We are free from obligation. We love.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/10/2018 3:05:57 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6406 What Does Freedom Mean?, August 10, 2018

God said:

Beloved, the way you perceive is modeled from where you sit or from where you stand. You have your own seeing range. You see from your point of view. You may adore something the way it is, or you may have no tolerance for something the way it is depending upon from where you take a look. Cannot life be fair game, or must life be proscribed?

You may see your view solid and down to earth, yet someone else who sees differently from you is equally convinced as you are of his rightness. The same book read is seen as marvelous or as not worth reading. The same color, perhaps chartreuse, can be your favorite color and to someone else, his least favorite. It has been said that there is no accounting for tastes.

Everyone on Earth observes what he observes. Does anyone truly make a decision, or is everyone encamped where he happens to be? The view from under the bridge isn’t identical to the view from the top of the bridge. Everyone may gauge everything differently from you.

For one son, mathematics may be joy. For another, grammar or fixing cars may be, and so on. Must there be only one correct temperature? Must all people scale the same heights? Must all digging be only yay deep?

What is to get in the way of anything and by whose say-so?

Is anything what it seems? Is this tree you touch the same tree your friend leans on?

Oh, yes, life itself seems to be a mixed bag, or is everyone simply mixed up, or can everyone be correct in his own way then?

Do any two people actually see the same or grasp the same at all? Is there any reason why any two must or must not? And how do you know this?

Is the world topsy-turvy, or is it each individual who is, and what does it matter anyway?

Must anyone’s take on life be the same? Why must everyone see the same or tell the same story and what for? Upon what thread therein hangs the tale hang?

Is there any reason why what means the most to your brother has to mean the most to you as well? If you say yes, by why divine right would that be? Just because? Because you want it to be, and that’s that? Can it also be that no two people need to see alike? Cannot it also be acceptable that everyone sees as he sees? Can this also be what is meant when it is said that there is room for all at the Inn?

Who is it that says that all must agree? Tyrants perhaps? Dignitaries or the indignant? Who would put the same glasses on properly or take them off at the same stroke of noon?

Exactness does not have to be extracted in the same dose, does it? What does freedom mean, after all? Freedom must indeed allow variation. Freedom cannot include some and exclude others. By whose say so?

Nor must everything be en masse, nor must anything be appropriated and something else not, and, upon whose say-so or not?

I say live and let live, and let the bells ring. I do not say to dictate nor to be dictated to. Is not freedom more desirable than imprisonment? Who is free to disallow another’s freedom? Upon whose say-so then?

I like bananas and you like banahnahs
I say Havana and I get Havahnah
Bananas, banahnahs, Havana, Havahnah
Go your way, I'll go mine
Ella Fitzgerald

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/11/2018 6:49:49 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6407 To What Do You Attribute Your Good Fortune?, August 11, 2018

God said:

Beloved, woes occur in life, and so does good fortune. Forsake woes, and focus on your blessings. There are more ways than one you can honestly look at life. You have the freedom to focus on what you see as misfortune. You also have good fortune to look in the eye. Everyone may seemingly be pursued at one time or another by tragic misfortune. Top-notch blessings also fall on everyone. Everyone on Earth has the choice of regrets his whole life long, yet why persist? Blessings fall where they may. Everyone is also blessed.

You are not obliged to cling to the tragic. You can remove any coat you are wearing and put on another. You certainly can remove the label attached to your present coat. There is no law that says you must cling to a past that you do not favor. Maintain your ability to smile. Truly, what is the point in pouting? There isn’t much now, is there?

If you carry scars, you don’t have to feature them. Not all that is considered tragedy has to stay wrapped so. You are under no obligation. As a matter of fact, you have an obligation to brighten up your surroundings. You do have an obligation to recall good cheer to you. Practice!

Sometimes, life cautions you to take a deep breath and rise above what seems to be before or after you. Brighten your perspective. Who told you that you are required to hang onto the seemingly hard portions of life?

I visit a simple man who is raising his three children by himself. Sometimes he has to take a deep breath in order to be the father he wants to be rather than the impatient father he feels like. He uplifts himself and therefore his children. He doesn’t have to stay in the impatient mood he finds himself in. He makes a deliberate decision to lead his life and not take himself so seriously. He no longer sees that it is his life at stake. He wants his children to know their father welcomes them. He lifts himself and therefore his children. He introduces them to his world that cannot be called self-centered. He acknowledges the opportunity he has been given to give. He outshines himself. Of course, he might rather take a nap or want to be uplifted rather than to uplift. Like the Little Prince who was lame, he finds the hero within himself. He stands up straight. He may not receive applause, yet he blesses his children.

Sure, his life could have been different from what it is. Nevertheless, he makes his life better for all.

He is a hero of Mine. Day by day, he is. He is heroic in that he pulls himself up, and therefore, raises his children with grace. Bravo, dear children’s father. By no means do you sacrifice your life. You honor your children’s lives and yours for the sake of all. You rise to the highest rung of the ladder with aplomb. You are someone to be remembered. Bravo, you take hold of life in all the right places. At the highest, you do.

I dub you Soldier of Good Fortune. You smooth the path for all to come. You restore your children. Oh, no, you are not a martyr. You are a father.

You discover resources within yourself. You take kindness by its shoulders so that you may be kind. All the circumstances of your life and your children's’ lives are not perfect, yet you are as good as you can be. What an example you set for your children. You give them goodness and mercy. Well-done, good friend. Well done!

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/12/2018 5:09:36 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6408 In Partnership With God, August 12, 2018

God said:

Beloved, dear Being, you who overflow with My Love, you are surrounded by angels. You are a mainstay of all the everyday miracles in Heaven and on Earth. You are a miracle set before your Self in tribute to Creation and to what We, you and I, embrace. You toss Earth like a softball through the galaxies all the way to Heaven. You set Earth in place without further ado.

As an emissary of Heaven, you stabilize Heaven. You may not yet quite see your Oneness with Me. You may still see separateness, yet not for much longer is this even a possibility. No longer can separation pretend to exist. There are no two ways about it. You do cartwheels in Heaven. No longer do you even imagine that you ride the rails.

Falling from grace does not even exist, for I am with you, and you are part and parcel of Me. We are integrated. Our cup runneth over. The Oneness of Love permeates every heart and soul more than you can believe. You will believe, however. You will furthermore know. You will take love and Oneness as a matter of course. This realization is long overdue. Hop to it right now. No more lollygagging. No more extending your stay between truth and consequences. You are here on Earth and not suspended between worlds. You are the sum of all that is valid and beautiful.

You are My own True Love. Come, sit at My side, for here is where you are meant to be. You are My everything, and I am yours. We are the meeting of Oneness. We are the truth of existence. We are definitely not fly-by-night. We are It. We are One. We are the song of life. We sing to beat the band. We, you and I, We discourse in Heaven. We set the record straight. We have set the record straight, only you have been lax about sitting up and owning your very Self as truth.

Truth is to grab, not to be hesitant about. Get yourself in place right now. Your place is the whole Universe. All of life is patently yours. You require no permission to be who you are. You are a gift of Mine set before the Universe. You are stellar. You are My Sunshine. You are no less. You are the Sun and the stars that I have bequeathed to all. Accept. Take My offer at full value. What else is there for you to do?

Accepting is your parity. Sign right here. Of course, there is no dotted line to sign on. You can sign only on the unboundedness of the Kingdom of Heaven where you reside in My Heart in its entirety. You need no seat belt. Of course, where can you possibly reside except in My Heart? Only truth exists. Truth is alive and kicking, which means truth is the ocean you swim in.

Dive in. The water is fine. You are fine. Life is fine. The song of life is fine. Life is better than ever, and life goes deep, and life explores Heaven with ease. Heaven is the content of life. And you are the content and revealer of Heaven.

You don't just breeze into Heaven. You are Heaven's Spokesperson. You set the tables. You decide the menu. You send the invitations. You accept the invitations. You are bona fide. You pull up a chair and seat yourself. You know all the heights and depths. You write the place cards. You are good at what you do. Everyone is invited, and everyone accepts. This will come to you as plain as day. What is more meaningful that remains to be said than this?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/13/2018 1:55:03 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6409 Forget Not Even One Heart, August 13, 2018

God said:

Beloveds, keep in mind the hearts and souls of all you meet. Certainly, you don’t fawn over anyone. Keep yourself on an even keel. Regard yourself as well. Overlook no one. No one is to be disregarded. No one is to be made small. Kick no heart into oblivion. No one is to be discounted, and this includes you. Regard all, including yourself. No one is to downplay anyone. Never are you to make small of anyone – certainly not yourself.

No one is run of the mill. No one is to be disregarded. Recognize all Souls. Come from simplicity and not flash. Discard no one. Minimize no one. Neither dismiss even one person nor aggrandize even one person because of some kind of world stature. Take no prisoners. Adulate no one. Care about everyone. Be true to Me whether you are in public or private. Be true to your Self. Be true to Me.

Regard all highly, and not the least, yourself. No one on Earth is incidental. Everyone is of significance. No one is to be tossed aside.

Remember hearts. Align yourself with love. Love accepts everyone on Earth as a tribute to Me. You don’t bend down as a matter of course. You do, however, bend your knees to tie others’ shoes when the laces are untied. You do this for Me.

You are no one’s servant except as you serve Me. Never are you obsequious. Everyone matters. You matter. Regardless of anything, everyone matters. No one is to be put on the back burner.

The famous do not matter more than anyone else. No one matters more than you or less than you. There is parity of Good Will. There is to be no lack of Good Will. Every Soul matters.

This isn’t a big deal. Everyone shares in common. Everyone on Earth is a representative of Me. Everyone has to know this. You must know this. You must own up to this. You must sing on behalf of every other representative of Me as well. Beloved, it is incumbent upon you to herald all life on Earth. No one is more important than you. No one is less. Every single Soul is heralded. Everyone is of note. Be clear on this. No child is to flunk. No one is to be denied. There is a rightful place for all. See to this.

No one is to lag. All are to be held high. No one is to be put aside. No one is to be sidetracked. No one is to be put under the table. No one is to be last. All are to shine in My God-given Light. Make no mistake. This responsibility is incumbent upon you and everyone, most certainly upon you. Speak for Me. Abide in My Light. Make My Light known before all. The Sun shines for all. No one is to be hidden away from My Light.

If anyone is inclusive, all are inclusive. There is a commonly shared humanity. No one is excluded. No one is in the shadows – no one. My Light is for you to shine on everyone the way the day meets the Sun. No one is raised higher. No one is put down.

No one is walked on. Honor is due all. This does not mean only some – some of the time. Homage goes to all. This is the least you do on My behalf. Raise yourself. Raise all. Attend to everyone, for everyone is My guest and due to shine My Light everywhere your glance may fall. Holy are All. No one is set apart. All are One, and One for All. You are One. Oneness holds the Earth high. You are the Highest, and so is everyone else. No one is to be less. Hark My Words once and for all.

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