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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/4/2018 1:43:08 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6400 Let It Be Enough When the Sun Does Shine, August 4, 2018

God said:

Beloved, it is a good day when the sun does shine. It is a good day when day has dawned. It is a good day when the sun has set and the stars are out. You arise, or you get back under the covers. In any case, you live under the blanket of Heaven named the Sky on Earth however the light may fall.

Join Me today. Join Me tonight. Join Me in life under the sun or under the stars. You are alive in Heaven and under the Heavens. We are alive together, you and I. There is a Cosmos, and We dance on it and above it. On the stars or under the stars, We dance, and We sing. Let Us make merry. We light the stars like street lights. We ignite the Sun. We ignite the Sun so that all may see the brilliance with which I lighted the Universe. Every day there is a parade of life like light itself streaming forth so that We openly make life merry. What is life going on but for Us to to be merry? Can it be you have been thinking any other way?

Merriness is the only message to carry and pass on. Make life on Earth merry for all. Leave no one out. Most certainly, do not leave yourself out. Absolutely not. Join the parade right now. Earth is to dance on. Let there be no sobering purpose here. Take life lightly. Choose to make merry and set the tone for all. No one is to rise touchy or grouchy. All are to dance in joy.

There is no doubt about this. You are not here on Earth for dirges. Heavens, no. Make happiness. Bang the gongs. Awake! Life has arrived today. Make nothing else of life but a blessing. Get up on your feet and connect to the Earth. Dance on the grass. Tap dance or waltz or polka. Leap! What dance do you choose today? Your heart is to dance on Earth on this very day. Wait for no other day. Let the dance begin. Lift your toes. Let life transfer throughout the Universe today. Let joy in life be your humble gift to Me today.

Well, what else do you think I would ask of you? Never do I request a frowning face or anything that covers up the dance floor of life. Start life today to the beat of My Heart. Shall We not swing from star to star and exalt the earth with all the love in the world today? Would We not? Why would We not join hands and raise a flag for today? Today, this is the very day that is Ours to share. To share it, We must. It isn't My day or your day, it is Our day. Today is for all. Roll out of bed. The minute your feet hit the floor - dance! Hum a tune. Wake up the world. Hold today and your head high.

You are destined to be the Light Bringer. You are to sing My Songs. You are here to open the world. You are the first to herald today. Join hands the way a chorus might march onto a Broadway stage arm in arm for a grand introduction. Every day is a grand overture. No two are alike. Every day is beautiful in its opening. Have you not known this? Beloved, wait for no man. Do not wait even for yourself. What have you been waiting for? Whom have you been waiting for? Simply strike up the band.

I say, "Thank You to Me, Beloved."

Say to Me: "You're welcome, God. Yes, it is for me to serve You in the Highest."

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/5/2018 4:30:18 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6401 A Commandment from God That Ye Shall Enjoy, August 5, 2018

God said:

Beloved, joy in life matters. Never do I ask you to take up suffering. Beloved, heed Me. You don’t want to heed the world before you take Me to heart. I refute suffering. Suffering isn’t good for you. It is by no means good enough for you. Suffering isn’t noble. It is ignoble. And it is not necessary. Phooey on suffering. Be done with suffering. Hold your heart high. It isn’t My desire that you suffer, not in silence or otherwise.

I charge you to dispense with suffering. With a little turn of the dial, give up suffering. Never were you made for it. Never were you destined for it. Suffering is not a cloak you are to wear. Never do I mean for you to be rag-tag. I mean for you to be enlightened.

If you are a child of God, you are meant to be led by the Light of God, not by shadow, not by dimness, not under heaviness or anything that is less than the light of day.

If you had never heard suffering advertised, would you be so familiar with a sense of feeling downtrodden?

I insist that you are here for joy and no less.

For a Human Being, the purpose of crawling is to learn to walk. And when you stand up, you are to stand tall. You are not made to lie down in life and be trammeled over. Furthermore, you are to walk in beauty. I place a Heavenly flashlight in your hands. Take it.

You are here to reach new heights. You are free to fly. Life is to grow upward. Whatever wonders transpire in life, there is greater yet to transpire.

If old eyes tell you differently, put on new glasses so you see as I see. Hear My urging you on to the golden milk of happiness. Do not accept renditions of sorrow and struggle. They are not meant for you. You are meant to see higher and higher yet. Of course, you are meant to see between the brambles. You are meant to see from a high vision. Never were you meant to crawl, not you.

Give up looking backwards. Forsooth dregs. Never were dregs meant for you. I will not hear of such a thing. Backward glances are forbidden to you. Do you get My drift? Enlightenment is for you. Bowing down to adversity is not.

The past, as you may have perceived it, is to be disbanded once and for all. Say no more: “God, look at what sorrow befell me.”

No, you are to say: “God, what boons are upon me?”

Now, you are to say: “What lighted turn in the road do I now take? No more muddy roads for sure. What is my flight plan? Now I fly and fly higher yet.

“Blue Skies for me, and nothing less. Why would I think of less? Now I do not even consider old propositions. I am at the helm of my life, and I choose to fly high.

“Of course I do. I accept all that Heaven offers to me as I stand tall. For Heaven’s sake, I hold myself in golden light and nothing less. This is the troth that God holds out and asks me to accept.

“God made me a high-stepper. He gave me dreams to foresee. He gave me dreams to reach. He gave me dreams to surpass. He asks me to dream His dreams and alight on them. Of course, I say yes, beyond a doubt. It is a forward-moving path I am on and I accept.”

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/6/2018 3:47:35 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6402 Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May , August 6, 2018

God said:

Beloved, each day is a new day. Look at life in this way. Each day is a New Bounty to you. No day, as you know days, comes again. Of course, it's possible to look at each day as a revolving door that you may enter anew. Today is a new day. Welcome it. This new day may not show up with Broadway lights and a drum roll. Nevertheless, something is up to you to see anew.

Rather than thinking of yourself as starting over, think of yourself as starting anew. You might like to live a new day rather than patch up an old one, yes?

You are on the brim of something new and joyous that is awaiting you to discover. Who doesn't want more joy? Start out on a new journey that you have never embarked on before. You are embracing a new start in life. This is the first time you have set your eyes on this journey. You look around for a starting place. That's all you are doing. What new discovery will you make? Make it. Make several. You are going somewhere today that you have never gone before. At the very least, you will step somewhere you never stepped before in the very shoes you are wearing this day.

You may love the familiar, and yet who doesn't love a new beginning as well? May your eyes and your heart alight on something new. Beloveds, life doesn't exactly allow you to sit in the same chair all your life as if you couldn't budge.

At the same time, you can have everything. You can. Furthermore, you do have everything. You are everything. You and you and you overflow with all possibilities. You don't come off the same assembly line at the same place every day.

You are not a commodity. Look at yourself in new light. Pick up on a new page. From here, you find out what you are about on this day. Yes, this is today. This isn't yesterday.

Whatever story you wrote yesterday, today move forward and write a new one. New means new. The picture you paint today has never been painted in the same light before. It has never been featured as it is today. Every day is a new day before you. Welcome this new day. Lead the way.

Every person you see isn't the exact same person you saw yesterday, and, of course, nor are you. You are on a new page of life. You don't have to lay out every detail. It's okay to start drawing and to see what comes. A scribble can become a discovery. You don't have to know every outcome ahead of time.

If you are planting a garden, plant the garden you want, and plant it as you like. You don't have to abide by rules someone else has made. You are, in any case, on a new venture. It is your money you are betting on. This is your life, not someone else's. You may be employed by someone else, yet it is still your life that you are living. It's not someone else's. Begin again.

You don't know yet what you may be on the verge of. You don't know what seeds may have blown in and will grow to your delight and surprise. You cannot know to a T how your garden will grow. Be open to new surprises before your very eyes. It is for you to discover how your garden grows.

Beloveds, scatter the seeds of your life before you.

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may." Robert Herrick English Poet

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/7/2018 3:21:17 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6403 In God's Image, August 7, 2018

God said:

Beloved, you, who may protest changes in life that arrive when you did not personally ask for them, may not fully acknowledge all that you do request and all that you do receive fulsomely. You may accept this as a matter of course and forget about it and miss out on an opportunity to say: “Thank You, God.”

Every limb of yours, every answer in your life, and every person in your life – whether present for long or briefly passing by – is here for a meaningful purpose, an essential purpose, even as you may take their entrance in your life for granted or for annoyance.
Every single person in your life, past or future, is a special gift hand-picked for you. You are also hand picked for everyone who travels in and out of your life as well. You may not know the purpose, yet purpose there is. We can say I am the Purpose.

There is meaning beyond measure in everything in life. Everything. Every incident fulfills a purpose. There are no accidents and no coincidences. When all is said and done, there is meaning. There is a reference point. There is a gift.

This is enough to know. There is also nothing that you have to wrap up tight with a ribbon or string. You don’t have to define. You don’t have to prove or not prove. You don’t have to know or not know, for a fact. You don’t have to have every curl of life in place to your satisfaction. Just know that your life is fulfilling itself up to the rafters.

When others don’t always please you, offer to others something worthy of giving. You can mean to give more, and you can succeed.

Your path is not decreed to follow what seems to get in your way. This is a wonderful proposition of life that you don’t have to follow others’ small steps. You can strike out on your own. You don’t have to follow another’s steps – not at all. Fulfill your dreams.

Step further ahead and give more than your heart may feel was given to you. You have your own heart and soul, and I ask you to follow Me. I will lead you to still waters and to green pastures and to a mountain top from which you can climb to this high peak from which, with My compliments, you take a deep breath of air surpassing the known capacity of your lungs.

You can follow a new path of your own making. You can yet begin to know the extent of your Self that is yours to follow and to reveal, most especially, to yourself. You may well have had pulled the wool over your eyes, covering your True Image.

You are not exceeding yourself. You are reaching out your hand to yourself. You are greeting yourself along the way. You are waking up to the depth and height of your existence. You are waking up your sleeping Self. You are learning the outreaches of your Self, Who Art in Truth, My Self.

Happy day. The day has come.

It isn’t exactly that you have turned over a new leaf. Not at all. You just are finding the treasure and expanse within you, which, in Truth, have always been free within you. You are not a new you. You are your True Self you always carried around inside you, and, perhaps, kept hidden from yourself and from all those around you as well. Shake hands with your Self now. I introduce you to the Truth of You, which is the Truth of Me. We have been a long time knowing the Oneness of love.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
8/8/2018 12:49:58 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6404 Summertime, and the Living is Easy, August 8, 2018

God said:

Beloved, make the most of life, of your life, and the gifts you are to give freely on Earth. You are deserving to give all you are worth to Earth and to all those who live on Earth with you as One. Sport around and abound on Earth for the joy of it. Blaze a path of joy in life. You are here – not for yourself – but to serve well on Earth as My devoted helpmeet. Have no other Gods before Me. My Will, not thine.

You are to be a friend to all and nothing less. Greet to Heaven all who cohabit the world with you. Move over a little and make life on Earth comfortable for everyone at the party. There is a welcoming required for you to give to all. Move over gladly. It is in service to Me that you welcome all to your door. You are My emissary on Earth. You are the One I have sent to make all welcome. Special courtesy is yours to hand out to your heart’s delight – and to Mine.

Serve My Will. Specialness is for you to give, and that’s it. You are a giver of God’s Will. Pass out Good Will right and left. This is what I ask of you in all humbleness. Be happy to give. No longer do you require assuaging of your ego. What use have you for the specialness of ego any longer? None at all. In Truth, you never did. Previously, you may have thought you had some need of personal embellishment.

You have no such fantasy now. Now you are aware that what you really are to give on My behalf. You are here to be true to Me and pass out God’s Card and to give again and again. You understand now what fulfillment feels like. No longer do you kid yourself that you are one big mojo. By now, you have given up ideas of grandeur. No longer do you play with ego as if ego serves you when you know now that ego holds no greatness for you. You cover a far greater radius in the world than ego.

You’re not sure when or how this happened. You do know that your ego got flattened out. You got out of it somehow once and for all. You have bigger fish to fry. You have more in life than sporting and supporting anyone’s ego – least of all your own.

This didn’t actually come as a revelation. It comes more like the way a cup of tea brews on its own. It is like you lean back in a rocking chair on the back porch. No longer do you have to sit front row center. What an easing to your heart this is. What a good thing it is to not have to hoard ego and simply serve.

You no longer have to come first. You are in no hurry. You can walk. You don’t have to ride in a tasseled chariot. Wonder of wonders, not at all must you. What a relief to be just anyone. No longer is there a hullabaloo about your importance.

What can you be missing when all of life is yours for the asking? Of course, you don’t have to make the headlines. Easy does it. You don’t have to do cartwheels to be magnificent. You can lean back and not have to be magnificent. Gain the idea that life is magnificent without any folderol. It is easy to acknowledge now that you never did need a drum roll, and you are glad for simplicity without fanfare. This is living life, and the living is easy.


One of these mornings you're gonna rise up singing.

And you'll spread your wings and you'll take to the sky.

Ella Fitzgerald

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