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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
5/4/2018 1:41:43 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6308 Life is Tempering You, May 4, 2018

God said:

Beloved, yes, I know, that life is not always a simple matter to you of receiving instruction, reading a day’s Heavenletter, and, voila, your life is suddenly changed into a new perfection. Once in a while, you do see your life indelibly changed. However, not by a long shot is this your everyday experience, yet you keep growing toward this.

Through living life on Earth, your view of life changes. Life teaches you one thing or another. No matter how many times you may stumble, life will update you. The same you who enters life (which you may well see as the fray) isn’t the same you as you once thought you were.

You learn something every day. And one day, all your threads of learning come together and dawn on you.

We can consider that you are steel, and life is tempering you. Of course, you are far more than steel. You are gold, and you are gold being refined and redefined.

In truth, you do enter Earth life as pure gold, and, as pure gold, you also leave.

This may bring up the question in your heart: Does your Soul also grow along with you?

We can put it this way: Your Soul grows to become more aware of its truth. Yes, the Soul is more aware of its Vastness. At the same time, your personality grows to become less aware of its importance. You also become aware that your ego becomes subdued. Ego has had its day in court and humbly withdraws from its prepossession with itself.

Now, back to the image of you as tempered steel – tempering means pounded. A hammer tempers steel. The process is not seen as nice as slipping into the ocean for a pleasant dive as if you are a duck taking to water. You tend to experience upheaval in your life. This is the hard-tempering process.

We can also look at this process as if you are toothpaste, and you are squeezed daily through a tube. There comes the one day, however, when you are finished. What might this finished being look like? How do you appear?

One day you step out of the ocean as sparkling Golden Light as if you had never been anything else. From Golden Light to Golden Light, you transmute into a true image of yourself. One day you step out of the cooling waters, and now you are what you were all along – an Enlightened Being.

In plain language, what does this actually mean?

It means you are no longer hit or miss. You are not reactive or red in the face as to what any Tom, Dick, or Harry may make of you. Your feathers just do not get so ruffled. You become more true to thine Own Self. Being more true to thine Own Self means you are more true to Me. Yes, this is the true state of affairs. A whole filter has changed into technicolor even as technicolor was always the true state of your existence. Beloved, now you are becalmed on the shoals of life with Me.

You are back Home with Me. The Prodigal Son has returned. It is simple. It is so simple, yet it seems to you to take forever, yet time doesn’t enter into it. You and I enter into it. Eternity, which is timeless, enters into it. We can say that, for old time’s sake, We are renewed forever as One.

What do I say to you? I say: “Welcome, Sleepyhead. Finally, you awake. Now stay with Me, and never again imagine that you are anywhere else but here with Me.”

In your estimation, it’s not fun to grow to a higher approach to life, yet this is happening, and it is happening to you. There comes a day when a tube of toothpaste is squeezed dry, and here you are with Me.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Nathan Services Inc

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RE: Heaven Letters
5/4/2018 2:07:02 PM
This is a wonderful idea Myrna.
May the Heavens open her windows to your soul.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
5/5/2018 6:29:13 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6309 The World Is Too Much with Us, May 5, 2018

God said:

Keep your eye on love. Stay focused on love. What can the point be to herald lack of love or to pounce on any lack as if lack of love or lack of anything is what you want to extract from the Universe? No, you want life to shine love with all its might.

“The world is too much with us.”

When the extant world is overrunning your heart, how does it behoove you to run avidly after a track of disappointment in life when there are also other trains that cross the Earth that you can get on? Get off this train and onto another.

There is also The Good Ship Lollipop.

In terms of life, you do catch onto the idea of love evermore. Keep your eyes on the rainbow. You can greet life flowing all over with good intent. You can see life from new heights. No, no, no, you don’t want to turn into a Scrooge who minimizes giving. Give life a second chance. Be generous to life. See life from a new angle. See life in great colors. Begin life now on a better footing.

Life still has yet some welcome gifts to give you. Look forward, Beloved. Life may have visited what you see as hard times to you. So be it.

Think also about all the goodness life has vested in you. The Sun shines whether it shines forth on you its bright light every day or not. Life doesn’t have to placate you. In the midst of darkness, you can also know that the Sun is fulfilling its promise. Regardless, the Sun shines, and it shines on you, although you may not always feel its warmth on your face.

Life may not be everything you desire, yet life has also shows you what wonders it does perform. A love in your life cannot be returned to you as in yesteryear, yet a loved one was given to you, and life tomorrow also gives you a new Sun upon which you can view the world, and you can welcome life to you with a tip of your hat. Give life good cheer. Can it be that you are ungrateful to life? Alas, the Big Bad Wolf has had some say, yet never do I throw up My hands when it comes to you.

The Big Bad Wolf isn’t even in the same league with life.

Beloved, do you project outward what lies within?

"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings.”

Sometimes you also participate in your fate. Nor are you to blame fate nor are you to blame life nor are you to blame yourself.

I, God, bless you to life, and I bless you to your good fortune which you have a-plenty as well. Give life a good chance. Be for life and not hard on life or hard on yourself. Beckon life forward to you. Life is for you.

The World Is Too Much With Us
William Wordsworth

The world is too much with us; late and soon,
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;—
Little we see in Nature that is ours…
This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon;
The winds that will be howling at all hours,
And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers;
For this, for everything, we are out of tune;
It moves us not. Great God! I’d rather be
A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;
So might I, standing on this pleasant lea,
Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;
Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea;
Or hear old Triton blow his wreathèd horn.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
5/6/2018 5:02:55 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6310 Everyone Loves A Mystery, May 6, 2018

God said:

Life, as it occurs to you, doesn't altogether lead to a crescendo. Life seems to mosey along. The top layer of life you mostly ride on seems to do many about-faces. Instead of a clear point, life appears roundabout, spinning around, and you tend to conclude that often, too often, life is simply a joke on you, and it's not funny.

The punch line that seems to repeat itself is that you take the top layer of life very seriously. Sure, as everyone seems to do, you do too. Life, as you see it, often has not struck you as light-hearted. It may have struck you that your life has been more about untying yourself from a fence that you can't quite jump over.

When you see yourself as a victim, at some point in it all, it dawns on you that you are your own perpetrator of a joke you play on yourself. This is not to dwell on, of course. You are both the writer and the reader of the book you hold in your hands. Life, even when you are opposed to it, is dear to you. Life is really only a hop, skip and a jump away from you. From your personal point of view, what can you do but take all the ponderings seriously?

Even when it is only a shadow chasing you, you are, nevertheless, the one who is being chased. It is your very life We are speaking of. Your life may be nothing but flim-flam, yet it is your flim-flam. You only know how to hold life tight as if your appointed life actually is a matter of life or death, birth or demise. Understandably, you hang onto all this apparent fiddling around with all your might. What else can you do with this fiction in time? You are reading a romance novel or a spy thriller which you take to be an autobiography you stumbled on, and you are smack in the middle of it. What a page-turner you fell into with such precision and division.

How can you possibly wake up from this story when it is so bent on following you up and down the mountain trails? How can you possibly outrun life and get ahead of it? The story you follow runs far faster than you. You are like a racehorse who tries to outrace his own record. You are caught in a spell. You see no exit, yet you go as fast as you can. Try as you may, you are not great at outdistancing yourself.

There are others who accompany you in life who seem to go faster than you. You find them in front of you holding out nuggets of life to lead you on. There are also sometimes mysteries such as: Who is really a friend and who masquerades as one? And try as you may, you may not quite catch up to the kernels of truth of your life on Earth.

You would really like to become wise. You may keep falling for the same old tricks. There seems to be no way out for you. You trip over the same pot hole again and again. You wonder if there can possibly be others who repeat themselves as you do. Diligently, you repeat yourself again and again, if not to your defeat, at least to your chagrin.

You've been in this same spot before. You bounce awake, temporarily clamping your left hand to your dazed forehead and your right hand to your aching heart. You've repeated yourself for the nth time with no end in sight. We can say that life is an unending phase you go through, even as you have no real clue as to how it all began. Perhaps it's a mysterious kind of waterwheel you ride on. Oh, My!

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
5/7/2018 3:18:51 PM
God's New Series - Heavenletter #6311 This Is How It Is In the World, May 7, 2018

God said:

Beloved, It’s true. I tell you death is a beautiful experience awaiting you. Now, to the loved ones who have yet to wave goodbye to you, I will say that all of the Earth also says au revoir to you as well. All of Earth life will change because of your passing. This is how it is.

Death is beautiful and does not wholly qualify as a new experience, yet in your present consciousness, it is the first time in your recollection. There is something altered in the world when you move on. You will never be replaced, though many will fill in. Of course, you are unique, and so is everyone. No one will take your place. Whether someone knows you personally or not, your departure from Earth will make a difference to the world. No one is identical. This is how it is. This is how it is in the world.

If you are a cherry blossom, you are now a cherry blossom whose season has come to take leave of your cherry tree. All the cherry blossoms will move on, and yet all the cherry trees will blossom anew. The cherry blossoms are cherry blossoms that return to the soil. This is a beautiful thing.

In effect, cherry blossoms are refilled year after year with other cherry blooms anew and refreshing. Each spring, all on Earth is refilled, or restarted, however you like to describe perpetual renewal.

This is how it is. Just another fluctuation. Fluctuation or not, Beloved, it is a recurring fluctuation that you can count on.

Yes, this is how life seems to be in the outer world. All is arranged. All is taken care of.

There is constancy in the world, after all. There is permanency, after all. This is how there is no loss. I say this from an Infinite Heaven vision. From an Earth view, loss matters very much. It is heartache. Cherry blossoms, however, are well able to detach, and the deed is done.

Now I want to say, Beloved, I recommend, as much as you can, to not take change as a loss. You do not, as yet, see the whole picture. At the same time as time is non-existent, I wish to affirm with your passing – everyone’s passing – that Earth itself, as a whole, is also changed forevermore. There is no loss, yet there is change; just as many birds before winter migrate south and in the spring return.

It is no secret that every individual plays a vital part in each chain on Earth. Naturally, there is also a vaster picture as well, beyond any personal and emotional take on life.

To Human Beings, each change in the cast of characters in life – each migration, each surface change – changes everything else.

Now I say to you: Every link in a chain is precious and matters. Everyone who leaves Earth is precious, and it also matters which souls leave and how many. Everything matters. You matter. Those that the Earth may overwhelmingly say are unimportant, they also matter. All those that the world says do matter, they also matter the same. A treasure is a treasure. That there is room at the inn speaks for everyone. There is no one to be left out. Everyone is foremost, My Beloved, and precious to Me beyond a doubt, this is how it is.

Yes, the world may be fickle. I am not. I am here, and you are here with Me. Blessed be you, and you are an equal epitome in the Family of Man. Life is ever-changing. God does not. God is your Foundation. Know this in your heart. Know We are decreed as One. This is how it is.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.