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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/29/2017 6:42:44 PM
Heavenletter #6153 “Let there be Light!”, September 29, 2017

God said:

When I said, Let there be Light, there was Light.

When I said, Let there be Stars, there were Stars, and the Stars are to this day, visible or not.

When I said, Let there be you, there was you. You arose. You appeared before Me all arisen. It took no effort whatsoever for you to appear before Me and the Whole Family of God to appear before Me. There was no impasse. There was no time that elapsed before you appeared. I called to you to arise, and you arose.

In effect, this is how Life appears before you.

Of course, you may say: “Hey, God, wait a minute. This isn’t how Life appears to me. Life appears to me like a struggle.”

I ask you why this is, and you may say:

“God, are you going to say that I struggle all on my own doing?”

Well, I can say that.

“God, do You say that I am simply not in a state to defray struggle?”

Yes, dear ones, I can say this. How aware I am that you also want to ask me:

“Well, God, where is your Almighty Power when I call on You for assistance? I don’t always get it. Sometimes You are absent, so it seems. Dear God, I don’t mean to be rude, yet, are you All-Powerful or not? God, or do You do pick and choose according to how You feel? Is Your Success dependent upon my valuelessness? That can’t quite be true because I understand that You do Love us all. Then, when, above all, I want my child to live, she dies. Do you let My child die, or does she just slip through your fingers?”

Now you wait for Me to speak. Beloveds, you do understand that you and your Child who departs Earth and you yourself whom you mourn are All My Beloveds. I love you and everyone the same. I favor all.

By the same token, because someone else’s child lives, perhaps someone who has ten children, whereas you and your wife, both bereaved, now may have no living child - the one whose child continues to live on Earth is not more blessed than your child who comes solidly to Me. Neither the other father nor you have yet the eyes to see.

You can be sure that your child who left Earth doesn’t feel more overlooked than the child who stays on Earth. The child on Earth is grateful. The child’s Earth father taught him to be so.

The child who leaves his family to enter deeply into Heaven learns spontaneously how favored he is by seeing Me right before him. Actually, he spontaneously arrives to see his Good Fortune from the moment he first arrives here on his own.

Would that the world could adapt a new view of Life and a new view from what might be called death in a pinch.

All God’s Children are the Beloved of all the Kingdom.

Your child, who has left Earth as what you see as prematurely, already knows better than you, for if you knew greater than you know now, you also would not mourn.

Alas, there is yet more for you to see. You do not see yet as I do see. There is a need for you to see more than you presently see. The Child who dies on Earth at this time and comes post-haste to Me directly no more compares himself up or down to the one who remains on Earth. He sees no difference of significance.

All parents will arise to regard all children as their own and, therefore, all blessed and no parent will grieve as how it is now.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/30/2017 2:20:54 PM
Heavenletter #6154 Wandering in the Desert, September 30, 2017

God said:

I have heard you wandering in the desert.

Sometimes you do not feel affiliated with Earth at all. Somehow, you are here on Earth, and yet you feel nowhere. You feel connected not at all to Earth. You don't know what to make of Life on Earth. You don't know what to do with it. It is so unreal to you. If it is a dream, it heads the list of absurd dreams that you may feel far away from. Nothing adds up. How did you get here, and where are you going if anywhere, and where did you come from even as you don't find any answers you can hold onto. You may feel that there is somewhere you will never pass again. Perhaps Life on Earth was a vague song you could almost hear, and yet not quite.

Then you may feel more bewildered when you hear Me say to you from a distance that Life on Earth is truly unreal. Compared to the Real Thing, Life on Earth is a blurry story, and none of it is real. Everyone may make the best of it, yet it may seem to you to be a half-hearted attempt, hardly worth squabbling over.

Once upon a time, somehow, somewhere over the Rainbow, you were. You know and don't know what you mean by this. Sometimes it seems to you that there is no meaning at all and no Rainbow to be over. Something has perhaps happened, yet it is irrelevant. You had a dream, yet you have no idea at all what the dream means, if it means anything, and if you really had a dream. It's as though you take an ocean voyage on dry land. No one really gets it. No one understands at all. It comes down to that you can take Life one of a dozen ways, Infinite Ways actually, yet you make a whole lot out of it as though Life were true and as though you are or are not adrift on a dry ocean or wet land. How unreal and bewildering is imagined Life in the World of so-called Reality when there is nothing much for you to hold onto or to get away from.

If only someone could give you an idea of what Life, when all is said and done, is about, or what is the difference anyway? Can Life be about school or a dream about school or about anything at all or about nothing at all? When do you graduate and what is it for and what does it really matter?

Some kind of façade has been perpetrated on you. It must be a fraud. In any case, you have been fooled, and what is the difference if you had been fooled or not, and yet, even so, Life matters to you. It matters a lot. You haven't wanted to let on what Life means to you even as it seems to make no difference at all what it means to you.

It is like you are in a parking lot walking around looking for where you had parked your car. You don't remember parking your car or what it looks like for even one moment. Would someone please explain this to you so you don't feel so estranged from all that which you are supposedly connected to and don't feel that you are?

Do you trudge along, or are you carried and pulled asunder?

If Life on Earth is but a moment, what makes it take so long? If Life is unending, is there no getting off? What if where you are going is nowhere and back again?

If there ever is really a said and all is said and done, where is it all said and done and found, or is it true, or are you simply waiting around to find yourself on the brink of a cubby hole?

Life feels like such a tangent, such a run-around, and so obscure. You may ask yourself if you are simply running around in order to pretend to keep up? Or, despite the unReality, is there any Truth to all this as you or someone or another is here wondering what can the matter be?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
10/1/2017 4:04:29 PM
Heavenletter #6155 For All Who Live with You under the Sun, October 1, 2017

God said:

Time is an illusion and no matter how much you recognize the fallacy of time, you are nevertheless overburdened with time. There seems to be no stemming the tide of erroneous time. Time holds you in its vise. To your distress, you may well feel yourself rushing to keep up with time, unable to rid yourself of a sense of being late, a sense of being out of time, no time at all, a sense of not ever catching up.

Time is ruthless. Time does not have to be a carriage that stops for you or slows down for you. Relentless time may not stop for anyone. Time has its own Will and its own tempo. Time isn’t thinking about your sense of fulfillment. Time isn’t concerned about your satisfaction.

The same time that goads you to go faster may make you wait for a long-awaited time, and even deny the appearance of what you may be sure time guarantees to you. Time may even withdraw its appointments with you, leaving you unrequited. Time rushes you, yet time doesn’t concede to you. Time may never keep its dates with you, and there is nothing you can do about it.

At its own call, time may rush off, and time may run off laughing at your discomfort as well. Time may disregard you and leave you hanging, leave you holding the bag without a backward glance, while you stamp your foot as time doesn’t care one whit about you.

Time and even Life take advantage over you. Time and Life can let go and change their course without any notice, whereas you have difficulty in letting go and changing your course. You may grit your teeth and, staying entrenched, you may hammer yourself into place even when you are avid to bend, and you really can’t just stay where you are any longer. You may be long past due to move on, oh, if only you could.

Left to your own devices, you are willing to move forward. The only thing is you are not always left to your own devices. Choices are not always yours even when you are sure choices must be at your insistence even when you no longer have the choice at your disposal. More’s the pity, yet maybe not. Even when moving on is not your first choice, it may indeed be the time for you to move on.

Let disappointment go to the wayside. Let go of disappointment. Keep moving.

Life on Earth is not to be opposed. It is to met with. Perk up. Rally around your Life and yourself. The least you can do is to be in your own corner. If you feel laid low, resurrect yourself.

This is the day before you. This is your Day to multiply right now. This is your day to multiply Joy and Love. There are many ways to multiply. Grab one. No dallying. Now you rally. If you don’t rally and rise to your new adaptation of your Life on Earth, who on Earth is going to do it for you?

I rely on you, Beloveds.

Give your Life all you’ve got. You have to be a good sport in this Life that stands before you. Embrace Life. Take a direction. Notice an impediment only once, and then take off from it. Be not at a stalemate with Life, why would you?

Beloveds, this is the day before you. Live it high. Put today under the Sun. This is the Day I give to you right now to behold and to make something Joyous for you to behold and to all who live with you under the Sun.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
10/2/2017 2:28:30 PM
Heavenletter #6156 “There Is Nothing Else but Love, So Help Me, God.”, October 2, 2017

God said:

Life surrounds you around every corner. While you are on Earth, it seems like there is no getting around it -- your surrender to Earth. You may have capitulated. You are waiting to be picked up, although how this occurs, you are unsure.

You used to have bravado and can't find a trace of it now. You used to be slick and wear cool sun glasses.

It feels to you that you got separated from yourself. Once you were one way, and now you are another. You may feel stolen from yourself.

Now you stir the ocean with a wooden spoon.

Now you are a grain of sand, and no one identifies you. Simply, you are a grain of sand. No longer do you write with a stick in the sand.

Once upon a time, you frolicked on Earth. You played volley ball at the beach. Life was your modus operandi.

Now you dribble your fingers in the Ocean. You long to hear someone call your name. You don't hear your name. It is a long time since you have heard it. You can no longer say your name above a whisper.

You can call My Name. I hear you, and I come to you, and I sit with you.

"It's all right," I whisper. "It's all all right. I am here. I am with you. You are with Me. We are One as We always have been and can nothing else be. We are not strangers. We hold hands, even as We are One. We don't have to talk. We can recline here, for time does not exist. Even if time did exist, We have all the time in the world. We enjoy abundance of everything. Nothing is lacking. I am here, and you are here. There is no rush. There is calm. There is peace. We are Love. We are naught but Love. There is nothing else but Love, so help Me, God."

Beloveds, We, as One, ponder the sunset from the beach. We meet the sunrise in the morning. We are replete in Our Oneness. We are One with Everything. There is nothing that is not One with the One that used to be seen as two or more of Us. We are One, simply and reverently, something like the way Sun meets the day and the Stars come out to put on a show for Us, and applaud Oneness in the Stillness of Love. The Sun and the Moon and the Stars penetrate our Hearts. This moment is enough to last a Lifetime. What more is there to ask for? Our hearts melt. Beginning or ending of the day are like fallacies.

Once We/You/I begin to spot Oneness, Oneness has begun, and then forever you are in its thrall. Oneness is everlasting.

This moment is an encore. I applaud you, and you applaud Me, although the One of Us cares not about receiving applause. We want to give it. We applaud the scenery every moment. We have it all right now. There is nothing but Me and the Stillness and Appreciation of this moment on Earth. We - I -- ring the bells, and We are enjoined in the Truth of Oneness. The night bows down to Us, and We bow down to this moment. As One, We are full of aplomb in a silent way.

Is this the morrow? Or are We in Infinity as We speak?

We have forgotten how to count. All We know now is to enjoy. We are perpetually in Joy. There is no tomorrow. Right now is enough. Right now is plenty.

There is no better moment in Heaven or on Earth than this moment We share in the Awe of Oneness. Look, We are sharing this Moment in Eternity. Our One Heart is full. What Heart beats greater than One Heartbeat all over?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
10/3/2017 3:38:32 PM

Heavenletter #6157 Do Not Feed the Egos, October 3, 2017

God said:

Don’t feed the egos here on Earth. Don’t feed your own ego, and don’t feed others’ egos. This isn’t good for the planet.

Aha, yet what specifically do I mean when I say not to feed egos?

If someone is wearing a pretty dress, by all means tell the wearer of the pretty dress that she is lovely. Complimenting someone truthfully is not feeding anyone’s ego. You’re not feeding others’s egos, nor are you feeding your own. A genuine comment isn’t flattery. You don’t express a genuine comment in order to profit from it, perhaps to rise higher in your own estimation. Certainly, give others attention. Absolutely, put some Sunshine into others’ lives. Say something nice without getting carried away. Never is it to be your purpose to flatter someone.

When this same lady is wearing the same pretty dress, and you choose to compliment the lady in order to gain some kind of favor or advantage in Life, to possibly be using her in one way or another to boost your ego,, then refrain from giving her a compliment. Be true to Truth. Be True to your Self and not to aggrandizement. How much is aggrandizement worth anyhow?

There is a difference between giving someone some cheer, and your trying to win points.

What if We are talking about your teacher at school. It is not for you to try to be the teacher’s pet. You may try to be pulling the wool over the schoolteacher’s eyes. You may sincerely like the teacher’s red dress, yet honestly, you are trying to hoodwink the teacher, and, so, then you are building a disguise thinking you’re smart. Is it smart of you to build a disguise? Think of what the word dis-guise means. You are not to be a sham in Life, Beloveds. Be True to yourself. Be True to your Self.

What We are talking about here is your being real. Do not be untrue, and don’t disappoint or mar yourself with ego. Ego is a false front.

Know your worth, and then there is nothing you have to build out of nothing, certainly not out of thin air. Respect yourself and respect others. Otherwise, you are trying to make a Life out of what amounts to vapor.

What is the value of a false image?

What is the point of bogus sentiments?

I understand how it is in the world. I understand how you can get caught up in Life and in ways to augment yourself. Stay away from schemes.

I do understand how you may feel compelled to raise your stature to where you would like it to be. I do understand how you desire to blossom and to be all that you would like to be and what I want you to be. Just don’t be false. Don’t.

How do you jump from as you are (as you see it) to what you truly want to rise to (as I see it)? How do you go higher without jumping off from where you are? The concept of Rising Higher is to be real. Beloveds, rising higher isn’t a performance you put on.

Listen carefully here. In the world, I do not ask you to be everything to everyone. You cannot be everything to everyone.

Never again can shrugging your shoulders and saying you can only be yourself be an excuse for your not seeking Greatness. Of course I do not say that you are to be a chameleon. Be, and do not dissemble. You don’t have to think of yourself as the Best in the World. There are many Great Ones in the world, and you can grow to Greatness. Absolutely, you can. For Real.

To desire to be Great isn’t quite the same as catering to yourself. Be. Be Greater today than you were yesterday. Be honest with yourself. We are talking about you and not anyone else. Be Truthful.

Ease up on yourself. There is no king-pin you have to be. Rest on Sundays. Go quietly within. You do not need to outperform yourself any day of the week. BE. Allow yourself to be the Real Thing and no less.

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