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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/24/2017 3:56:04 PM
Heavenletter #6148 Rise to Your Own Life, September 24, 2017

God said:

Many of My Beloved Children have the idea that they have been cheated in Life. Granted, in your way of looking, this may be true. You may indeed not have received all that you desire and all that you deserve. This may be so in terms even of the entire relative world.

What I am saying to you is that, true or not, the idea of having been denied, gypped, overlooked, hamstrung, neglected is beside the point. Across the board, this isn’t a helpful premise for you to come from. This idea of being owed is a concept that keeps you mired.

You see this, don’t you? No longer keep yourself chained to believing you are owed something. True or not true, you don’t want to keep even one downward-spiraling thought one second longer.

From the worst of circumstances, Beauty arises. This is also true. There is no end to possibilities, Beloveds. There is no end to the possibilities for you.

What do you think it means to be boundless?

Let go of seeing yourself as neglected. Let go of seeing yourself as vanquished. In case you may never walk again, let’s say, you are here on Earth for more than walking. If you have been seeing yourself as downtrodden, then begin seeing yourself blessed. If you have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, then pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

Here’s the thing: You are as you see yourself.

See yourself as victimized, then you are. See yourself as a Knight on a White Steed, then your Light will shine through, and you will be a new person.

When you see yourself as a Prince born to the King, how do you carry yourself? What is your posture like? It is not a posture. It is the Real You.

No matter to whom you are born, carry yourself as My Prince or Princess which you are.

When you are the Child of God, then it is not a stretch of the imagination that you are a Prince or Princess. What are all the variant stories of Cinderella about but that? Listen, you are a Child of God. You are welcome to My Kingdom. You are invited to My Kingdom. I will escort you through Life. I will ask you for the next Dance. Yes, please, dance with Me. It is My Wish that you will dance with me. We will all the treasures prove.

Dear Ones, no longer call out: “Foul.” No more.

No longer say: “Life has deprived me. My circumstances messed me up. I had no chance.”

No question, some Lives are easier than others. When the odds appear to be against you, rise higher in your estimation. Even without limbs, you can ride the waves. Rise in your estimation.

I tell you that you are not to settle for any physical perception of you. I tell you that you can grow wings. You can soar. You are meant to soar.

Even if you are in a coma, you can be traveling on roads you don’t realize. You can be a space-traveler. You can be a transformer of the world.

You do not have to have all the opportunity in the world that everyone else seems to have, yet you are here for more on Earth than you presently see. Beloveds, I say you are valuable. I say you will always be so. I say that within every damage lies a miracle for you to perform, a miracle for you to give from all the fortune I have invested in you.

What you presently see does not have to be the making of you. Look around you, and you will see great courage, and you may well be the courage you see. Even enchained, bolted to the wall, you, your thoughts, your Being can succor thousands. In fact, no one knows what you are on Earth for and the Vast Purpose you are to serve. You may indeed be the last to know.

Now, the idea of “Why me?” has a new meaning. What new meaning will you give to Gladness?

No longer is “Why me? To mean, “Woe is me.”

No longer does it mean you cry out: “Alas, what can I do in this condition?”

Now “Why me?” means:

“I get up. I arise. I surpass any situation. I am, without doubt, Pure Being, and I arise from the trenches, and I arise as a Blessing of Courage and Power to break all the perceived boundaries in the world. Be I coal miner in the dark or a preacher on the pulpit, God partners with me. Thank You, God.”

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/25/2017 3:14:28 PM

Heavenletter #6149 A River of Love, September 25, 2017

God said:

You may feel you flounder in a maelstrom of lack on Earth. Despite how you may flounder, I tell you that you live in a maelstrom of Love.

It is Love that is hard for you to accept. This must be so because you want Love to prove itself to you. You want to be assured that you are Loved. You tend to be unassured of your Truth.

The Sea of Life may be deep and yet, you rock the boat. Even for one day, if you could accept the Bounty of Love that you are and that you merit, how different your Life would be. How different you would be. You would not falter.

It seems that you may go at Love backwards. You do everything to assert that you are overlooked, and insist, that Love must be so plump and full that it knocks you over. And, yet, Love in the world doesn't come forth strongly enough and consistently enough for you to feel certain of it.

Do you see how you may approach Love in a backhanded way as you bide your time?

When you take a walk, you do not teeter and totter. If there is a place you want to get to, you stride there. You don't test the waters first. You don't fiddle around. You walk there without tiptoeing.

Dear Ones, when it comes to Love, count on Love even as there is no accounting for Love. Of course, what you are to have your attention on is the Love that lies within yourself. Add up the right columns when you think about it.

Let your Love flow. It is your Love Within to give that you are to nurture.

When you play tennis, you may be the one who starts. When it comes to Love, start with what is referred to as your Love. Dear Ones, Love is in your Court. Start up your so-called Own Love. Then Love will surface from others and reach you.

If you don't feel Loved or Loved enough, you have not come to the Scrimmage Line. Dare to throw your Love. Be concerned more with your throwing your Love than you are concerned with its being caught the way you would like. Throw your Love high and low and this way and that.

Where are you to look for the Beauty of Love? Within yourself, of course. Chase your Own Love. Toss your Own Love hither and yon. Where are you to seek Love from? From your Own Heart. It is your Own Love you are to discover in Life around you. First things first.

It is not for you to accumulate Love. It is for you to give Love. Be the first. Not that you really are taking notes, but rather where your Love is found is within all Love that flows from you. Ah, then, beloveds, you will ride the Waves of Love. It is your Own Love to rely on. You are the dispenser of Love.

I say you are Love, and yet you do not assume the role of Love. Be it. Be the Love. Open the windows of the Love that you already are. You don't have to import Love or manufacture Love. You just have to let your Love go out. Love will be known. Love will flow from the ramparts. Love will be known from on High wherever you look.

It is not that everyone has to Love you. It is you who is to Love in all your Glory. In and out of a room on Earth, you are the One Chosen to Love. Oh, what a world it will be where everyone Loves and never stints on giving their Love.

It is natural to Love. It is unnatural for you to withhold Love. Go ahead. Be free. Love the Universe. Flow on, sweet Afton, River of Love.

Flow gently, sweet Afton! amang thy green braes
Flow gently, I'll sing thee a song in thy praise...

Robert Burns, 1791

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/26/2017 2:31:31 PM
Heavenletter #6150 Welcome God, September 26, 2017

God said:

Sometimes you may wonder how I can carry so much on My Mind as I do, how I can assemble so much at one time, and how, unlike My dear Children, keep everything straight and in sight and calm and unhurried and unharried and never ruffled.

For one thing, the world resides in My Heart, and is not kept secularly in what you might emphasize as My Mind. My Heart and Mind are One. My Beloveds, I do not have to think and think about anything.

I am a free spirit, and all is organized for Me. Nothing is ever an effort for Me whatsoever. You order the world according to how you view it.

If you get tied up in knots, it is you who ties yourself up in knots. Never am I out to get you. Let Us take the High Road.

Here you are, Beloveds, seemingly torn between Free Will and Destiny.

You may see the world as computerized, as if your feelings are not taken into account.

I already create miracles every day. All I have created is verily a miracle and, perhaps, despite your objections, your Choice of Destiny.

I, God, work in subtle ways. It cannot truthfully be said that I work. I AM. I AM Being. I AM a God-Being. Effort is unknown to Me.

The Energy of Sun IS. The Sun shines. This is the Sun's Being. The Sun reflects My Light via its Bright Yellow Light and Warmth. The Sun shines its Natural Light of Life on all alike.

And so does My Love radiate. So do the Stars. And so are the Stars reflected on the Ocean Bright.

You might say that I am like a college football star. As you see it, I make some touchdowns and other times I drop the ball. Does your Love for Life and your Love for Me depend upon a score? Grant Me free range.

You will relax the grasp you have on what you call score. You will just Love and Love Me. At the least, you will be a good sport, and not count errors as though you were a sentinel or a wigged judge in a British court.

It isn't your duty to set the score right. Beloveds, keep no scores. There is no in, and there is no out.

How do you know that what you see as My intervention or saving the day for you is not already destined? It could be it is destined. It could also be your Free Will.

Am I God to be dissected? What is it exactly that you must question and must find the answers to? This may well be fiddle-faddle.

Come, when you take yourself too seriously, then make a choice to get off your high horse.

You are an explorer on Earth. Explorers may find Treasures of Gold. They may also find drought and floods. Explorers know what they would like to find, yet it is not foretold to them what exactly they will find. All they can do is go out there, cheer themselves on, and take their chances. As you see it, Life is a mixed bag.

Of course, be happy when the Sun shines, yet you don't have to scowl at clouds or rain. Soon enough the Sun will come out again. While it rains, explore the clouds and welcome their existence and gradations of color as well as the pounding of the rain on the roof and the puddles the rain makes.

I welcome you to participate in the unfolding of Life. Welcome to Earth. May you welcome Me, Beloveds, welcome My Being. I AM. I AM on your behalf. I bless you to Oneness.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/27/2017 1:38:09 PM
Heavenletter #6151 In the Heart, in the Heart, September 27, 2017

God said:

Unto you, I serve. I am for you. You are made for Me, and I am made for you. You are a fledgling. Our One Heart is at play. I, God, am One. Made of many Names in the world, I never stop Being. I am Eternal and Growing and made of many Names, and I also am known by your Name. As you come closer to the non-configuration of Me, am I the Flower and you the blossom?

Am I the Burst of Color of the Rose, and you the Shade of Color of Rose that I Am?

It is said that I am the Word. It could be that I am also the Language, and from the Language, a Word falls from Heaven at the moment you drop to Earth and from which you arise, and Words become an Expression of Life and Love and cries of Joy. Can Heaven be the antonym of Wilderness?

Is there something the matter with using the word Wilderness? Is it possible that Wilderness signifies unpopulated Nature that is sufficient unto itself without footsteps in the sand and snow?

Surely you know you are more than bones and gristle from which the World and you are known and made. Surely you are the Magnificence of Oneness.

Am I the Tree and you the Leaf, yet if We are One, how can you be less than the Tree? What is the Name of the Tree that I am and you also are? Can We (I) be the beautiful Cherry Tree that blossoms and you (I) the Blossoms, or are We, the One of Us, the whole Cherry Tree or can you be the cherry itself on top of the cake?

What if there are no words in any language to express the Unitedness of Oneness? You might feel a loss.

Am I the Wind that blows, and you the Breeze that blows as well and blows back like Waves in the Ocean, and therefore you are, indeed, the Ocean, and waves do not exist separately from the Ocean.

What does Oneness look like? You do know what Oneness feels like. You have experienced it. You have felt its Exhilaration. You also know what Being feels like. You know its Fragrance as a Sense of Remembrance of Being. This pause in non-existent time and space is exhilarating, and you truly are free of all boundaries. Neither happiness nor unhappiness exist. This Fullness of Nothingness is known by the Name of Infinity, yet, how can Infinity know Itself, or is it that Infinity knows only Self, and that brings us back to God and Beingness and the Fullness of Self and all the Love in the World that is too often despaired of.

Does sense have to be made of Life? Love is to be made of Life. Rather, Love is the Only Real. Existence IS Love. There would be no Life without the Existence of Love, this Love that is beyond Words and, yet, Words can only come from Love that so desires to express itself, yes, even in Words and the Sounds of Words.

Is the Sound of Words their meaning? What are the five Senses doing in this Land named Earth? How did Earth arise and you find yourself in it, that which you call here? Or is Earth there somewhere, or is Earth more accurately nowhere at all?

Is Nothingness really Everything? Can there be an Everything? If so, where can Everything be touched except within where no boundaries exist?

Certainly, within and not outside is where you and I exist, and We exist as One and flourish. In the Heart, Beloveds. In the Heart.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
9/28/2017 4:11:28 PM

Heavenletter #6152 Only on Earth, September 28, 2017

God said:

What are We really, the so-called you and the so-called I? If We are One, where are you then? And what are you but My Self?

How you long to be I, and yet how you long to keep the remnants of your teeny-weeny outer self as well!! How precious are you to yourself!

Sometimes you wear royal robes, and sometimes you wear rags. I mean, of course, how you present yourself to the world and how the world and you may miss out on your Splendor. You are at sea a lot as you swim in multi-directions back and forth and very often float on your back. Thankfully, you have the sky to look up at.

You want Everything. You don't want to become a conclusion forgone or not. Honestly, your limited personality is dear to you. You recollect your personal self as sweet even as you may regret your presentation of yourself in the world. You even seethe against how you interact with the world. You put yourself on a scale and weigh how you are doing as how you are doing is the summation of you, as if one approach is your whole story.

You see yourself messing up in the world more than you can bear. You may extol yourself even as you are appalled at yourself. Dear Ones, you may well be missing your cues. What if you didn't put yourself on a scale at all and find yourself wanting, how about that?

I have to ask you: Why hang on to apparitions noted from the past. You heap the past on the past while I say: Let bygones be bygones.

Isn't the word bygones much more lovely than the word past? The word bygones presents a clearer picture. We won't call the past a fly-by-night, yet We could. We could.

While you are housed in your body, you who are nevertheless Eternal, seem to insist on ruling out the possibility of Who you really are, and so you may choose to fiddle around and keep your illusions. Your illusions are not nearly high enough. You may tend to lower yourself by accepting less, perhaps even forgetting that you are meant to ride high on the Wings of Possibility and not just tread water.

You swear that time marches on and leaves you behind, as if you have no say about who you are.

If you find yourself on a ship, walk the bulwarks. Use your binoculars, and you will see further and dance to My Tune.

Aspire. Aspire beyond the day-to-day world. You are sure you are based on Earth and that's that, whereas I tell you time and time again that your base is in Heaven where you hardly dare to believe, as if in Heaven, you would be lost.

Get this into your head. Only on Earth are there either/or choices for you to make. This is your quandary. You put yourself in a spot whereas, in Truth, the whole Kingdom is yours. Surely, I created Earth, yet Earth is also of your making. You spin the wheel, and how you spin is the lay of the land. There is Earth, and on Earth, there are people, and people are the Captains of Earth. You are a Captain of Earth. As you go, so goes Earth.

I created a Miracle when I created you. I created you Love. Love, and you will create your own Miracles. I say, "About time!"

Faith in Me doesn't mean that you sit around and wait for Me to perform. Faith in Me means that you get up and deliver your Love onto all four corners of the world and beyond. Give away your Love all over the world. Pull the world up to Heaven. Pull yourself up to Heaven. Climb these steps. Deliver yourself to Heaven. Make no bones about where your jurisdiction is, for your jurisdiction is everywhere.

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