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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/11/2019 4:12:20 PM
Heavenletter #6619 Perceptions of Life in the World, March 11, 2019

God said:

Beloved, you must know that many are out there in the world who would cry from joy to be blessed with all that you have in your life that you may take for granted, that you perhaps do not take any notice of nor once consider singing out to Me: "Thank You, God!"

Beloved, don't expect a guilt trip from Me. Guilt is not wonderful. Guilt doesn't help you digest your food. I do not ask you to harbor guilt. Guilt isn't your friend. Guilt doesn't serve you or anyone. I ask you to enjoy your God-given food. Be good hearted. Do good, yet absolve your heart from imposed guilt.

Have you been long taught to bear guilt for another's lack? As a young child, your well-meaning mother told you to clean your plate because there were hungry children out there in a poor country with no food to eat at all while you waste food. Your mother may have shown you how to carry this guilt around with you behind the scenes. What were you supposed to do? If you could have reached your little hand out far enough, you would happily have shared your whole plate of food or more with the hungry child equally deserving as you sight unseen.

Take joy in life. It is not joy for you to think about the inequality of life, all that you have and all another child has not. You did not take food from another's mouth. Guilt is a burden, not love. No, guilt is not love. Guilt is a heavy penance. I do not encourage selfishness nor do I encourage guilt. Neither uplifts the world. Guilt is not from joy nor love, no not, do not reap guilt. Reap the Sun.

Yes, Beloved, life is not so simple. Don't carry all the troubles of the world. Guilt isn't virtue. Guilt is down in the mouth. Find a way to light the stars.

When you laden yourself in guilt, then what irresponsibility must you be accusing Me, God, of? - whether you consciously think it aloud or not.

I have no desire to remind you of those days in your childhood when your well-meaning mother might have opened your eyes to the poor children in Russia or in China. And, if your counterpart were lucky enough, he would go to sleep hungry under a tree or under a bridge. If he bemoaned his mother for anything, it would be because she was absent. He would not wake up bemoaning his mother for waking him up. If he bemoaned anything about his mother, it would be that she was absent. What if you had to bemoaned the lack of a mother rather than to bemoan the presence of a watchful mother?

What if it were not necessary for you to watch out for weight gain but wonder where you might find your next crust of bread? It is not My idea that either child forever be held responsible for when and where they were born.

What good can you give to yourself or to a world that you have ultimately been found guilty of? At the same time, there is also another consideration of what is Truth. The high thought that you have heard Me say to You, Who art Myself, that everyone is responsible to everyone for everything is also true.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/12/2019 5:16:44 PM
Heavenletter #6620 Wholeness on Behalf of the Universe, March 12, 2019

God said:

Beloved, where are you going? What journey are you on? This time around for you isn't likely your first time around, yet who knows and how significant is a question anyway? There are more meaningful matters than curiosity or stealth to account for.

There is Love Abundant. There is Love Abiding. There is Love known to stir your heart on My Behalf and on behalf of the Universe and also on behalf of yourself and others as well.

Of course, generally speaking, you are curious beyond measure - the Oneness that is referred to as You My Beloved, you at this moment. You don't have to be curious. It isn't a necessity, nor is curiosity a strike against you. At the same time, your curiosity doesn't have to be answered right and left. Please understand your place in the Universe.

Beloved One, You are the One Divinity that I Am, yet only in one sense. You have no right to take over others' lives as I do. In one sense, you are a mixed bag, and why not? Who says you can only be one way or the other? I say you are the same Oneness as I am. None other than I. I say you are Truth. I speak Truth once and for all. What can I possibly say but the One Truth which is to say that you are My way fully-blessed in My Heart, inseparable from Me, never severed.

You are on the adventure of your life no matter how many times you have been here on Earth with Me. Numbers are not of supreme importance. Important are you. Where are you going?

It is certain that you find yourself alive in this round on Earth. Anyway, the long and the short of it is Infinity, which means Oneness here and anon. Infinite am I. Infinite are you. There is nothing to make of this but that Oneness rides on a trolly. This is hard for you to wrap around what you refer to as your mind, true?

Ah, but your heart! Your heart is another story. You and love and I are One. There is no getting away from this. True love exists. One heart beats. One hearts beats as One. Your Self is the object of all you seek. There are not two. Separation is an impossibility.

There is One Name alone that can be answered to. The Same Name only be. Within, Oneness is included. It isn't that two can be stuffed in storage, in a closet or in an attic or a cellar or garage. Not at all. Aloneness is not a consideration you are to argue or question with Me. It cannot be said that there are two of Us existing on the same strata. Supposition is off-center. You are not a match game, for you are the real thing. I say you are the real thing, and you are not to argue debates with God, and yet, I, God, say you are One with My Self. You are the Supreme lying low. You are not really small potatoes. You are the real thing. Nor are you to take over anyone else's life as if it is your free range. You are not a masquerade. You are caught up at the top of the mountain with Me, I, God Eternal.

Discern your own life, make no mistake. Take over no one else's life, because you are not to trespass. This holds his own place. To each his own.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/13/2019 3:14:35 PM
Heavenletter #6620 Wholeness on Behalf of the Universe, March 12, 2019

God said:

Beloved, where are you going? What journey are you on? This time around for you isn't likely your first time around, yet who knows and how significant is a question anyway? There are more meaningful matters than curiosity or stealth to account for.

There is Love Abundant. There is Love Abiding. There is Love known to stir your heart on My Behalf and on behalf of the Universe and also on behalf of yourself and others as well.

Of course, generally speaking, you are curious beyond measure - the Oneness that is referred to as You My Beloved, you at this moment. You don't have to be curious. It isn't a necessity, nor is curiosity a strike against you. At the same time, your curiosity doesn't have to be answered right and left. Please understand your place in the Universe.

Beloved One, You are the One Divinity that I Am, yet only in one sense. You have no right to take over others' lives as I do. In one sense, you are a mixed bag, and why not? Who says you can only be one way or the other? I say you are the same Oneness as I am. None other than I. I say you are Truth. I speak Truth once and for all. What can I possibly say but the One Truth which is to say that you are My way fully-blessed in My Heart, inseparable from Me, never severed.

You are on the adventure of your life no matter how many times you have been here on Earth with Me. Numbers are not of supreme importance. Important are you. Where are you going?

It is certain that you find yourself alive in this round on Earth. Anyway, the long and the short of it is Infinity, which means Oneness here and anon. Infinite am I. Infinite are you. There is nothing to make of this but that Oneness rides on a trolly. This is hard for you to wrap around what you refer to as your mind, true?

Ah, but your heart! Your heart is another story. You and love and I are One. There is no getting away from this. True love exists. One heart beats. One hearts beats as One. Your Self is the object of all you seek. There are not two. Separation is an impossibility.

There is One Name alone that can be answered to. The Same Name only be. Within, Oneness is included. It isn't that two can be stuffed in storage, in a closet or in an attic or a cellar or garage. Not at all. Aloneness is not a consideration you are to argue or question with Me. It cannot be said that there are two of Us existing on the same strata. Supposition is off-center. You are not a match game, for you are the real thing. I say you are the real thing, and you are not to argue debates with God, and yet, I, God, say you are One with My Self. You are the Supreme lying low. You are not really small potatoes. You are the real thing. Nor are you to take over anyone else's life as if it is your free range. You are not a masquerade. You are caught up at the top of the mountain with Me, I, God Eternal.

Discern your own life, make no mistake. Take over no one else's life, because you are not to trespass. This holds his own place. To each his own.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/16/2019 5:12:34 PM

The Story of the Farmer and the Hat

The ways God can appear are limitless.Through other people is one of them. Here’s a true story:

A farmer at our local Farmer’s Market had a blanket laid out on the ground, filled with wonderful vegetables, some in baskets, some just in piles.

I held up a giant zucchini, and I asked him how much.

The man smiled and said, "It's by the hat. It's the hat method." I didn’t know what he was talking about.

He pointed to a big old farmer's type hat, filled with dollar bills, that sat on the edge of the blanket. “You just put in what feels right to you,” he said.

"Give me an idea," I said.

"Oh, no," he said, "then it wouldn't be by the hat."

He truly offered his vegetables for what people had in their hearts to pay. He was not attached. He really wasn't. He didn't even stay around. And he was so generous with the sweep of his hand that I had such a different feeling. I felt that I had been given a great gift, and, with all my heart, I wanted to pay him enough. It felt like joy to receive, and joy to give. He helped me to feel that these vegetables were the fruits of God and he was simply the deliverer.

He was there to be rewarded for his labors. The vegetables weren’t for free. Only he wasn't dictating the price. He truly let go. He wanted his vegetables to go to as many good homes as possible and give all the nourishment they were made for.

It is the same with Heaven Letters. The intent of Heaven Letters is to bring as many people as possible as quickly as possible in touch with God. We are happy you are here, and we want to emulate that beautiful farmer. Heaven Letters are the fruits of God, and The International Society of Heavenletters™ is simply the deliverer. We are putting down a big hat, and with it, laying out our faith in God. We appreciate your support.

So, help yourselves to Heaven Letters.Subscribe. Get a good taste. When your heart feels moved, your by-the-hat donation makes all the difference in the world. Financial help from God to support Heaven Letters™ comes through the commitment, respect, and generosity of readers like you. Thank you for contributing!

Another By-the-Hat (Heart) contribution that we love is when you pass Heaven on to friends and organizations that you value. Please feel encouraged to spread Heaven Letters. It would be wonderful to fill this hat to overflowing too.

Carolyn R. from West Virginia expressed this so very well:

"Martha is the person who told me about Heaven Letters. The important thing is that someone sent me a Heaven Letter as a blessing, and I look forward to Heaven Letters as continued blessings."

With love and blessings,

The Godwriting International Society of Heaven
703 E. Burlington Avenue
Fairfield, IA 52556
(Make checks out to Heaven!)

Contributions via Paypal can be sent to

P.S. When I saw the farmer on another day, I asked him where he got the idea of By the Hat. “From a dream,” he said...


Myrna Ferguson

16559 Posts
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RE: Heaven Letters
4/6/2019 2:03:55 AM
Heavenletter #1 God Speaks, November 17, 2000

God said:

Today you will sit back and be receptive and learn.

Today you will put yourself aside and listen to Me.

You do not need your agendas anymore.

You were born attached to your mothers so that you could dis-attach yourself and learn your Oneness with Me. You don't have to go anywhere. You do not have to distance yourself. You separate to learn there is no separation. Only, you have attachment to separation.

You have been attached to your individuality, and now you will make way for Me.

You are all pure receptacles of My love.

Receptacles are containers. A receptacle receives and holds, not in order to keep, but to be emptied.

As a receptacle of My love, you pour Me out. You don't have to do much. You only have to bend a little, tip a little, and My love will flow of Itself.

Yes, you will be a pure receptacle of My love.

Pure does not mean what you think it means. It does not mean that you are perfect in the eyes of the world, that you eat perfect foods, behave perfectly. You, of yourself, cannot behave what you call perfectly, because the individuality you are attached to knows so little and understands even less.

You will go higher today. You will leave your past behind. You will not depend on your past so much anymore. You are making way for Me, and to do that, you (that which you imagine to be you) must get out of the way.

That is all you have to do. Move over. Then you allow Me.

The receptacle thinks he is the owner of his contents. But a receptacle is not an owner. He is a conveyer. He holds only in order to convey. The contents are not for himself. A receptacle is poised and ready to surrender what it has held. The receptacle does not hold on but lets go.

I am Purity.

And you become the pureness of love you are meant to be by letting go of your individual sense of ownership. Your individuality that you prize so much holds you back. You think it is your importance, but it is your trial and tribulation. You think it is your doorway, but it is boarded over with your attachments.

The individual does not want to change. He may say he does. He wants that which is around him to change perhaps, as he sees fit, but he really wants to hold himself to himself as he already is, or as he thinks he already is. He wants to capture the world to him rather than opening himself to it.

No more holding on.

Instead, allow Me to enter and dispense the love you have been holding in store for Me.

Today get out of the way of yourself.

You are not the topic.

I am the topic.

The world of life is Mine.

You have flanked the world.

Now I tell you to enter it.

And enter into it as you came.

You came with nothing but Me. You came with My faith in you. Now you learn your faith in Me. Be innocent.

You did not come with suitcases. You did not grasp. Your hand was open, and so you had everything to give.

You contain everything still. All is contained within you. But you look to the outside to fill you. You are already full. You have Me within you. Know it. Let My thoughts be yours.

Today awaken to your holiness.

Pettiness is a pretense.

It is not truth.

Today you are learning what Thy Will be done means.

At present you dig the earth with your fingers, and all the while there is a huge Mover at your disposal. You shovel with a stick when you only have to allow Me to open the earth. You draw fantasies with your stick and complain about what you have fantasized and question it and worry it from every which direction and ask for every description and analysis of it so that your will can be done, and, all the while, your will is a little stick.

Join with My Will and come from a higher wider place of great Truth and great Love. Do you really think the finite can overtake the Infinite? Be not attached to your small world. Open to Mine. Open to Heaven, for I have poured it into you.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.