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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/1/2019 4:15:37 PM
Heavenletter #6609 The Flutter of a Heartbeat, March 1, 2019

God said:

Beloved, if I were to give you a one-word Heavenletter to write, the one word might well be Love, a one-syllable word that you would follow if only it were so easy for you to.

You would love to if only love were a decision you could shine. Sometimes not, as it happens, there are some stumbling blocks. Of all things for you to be flat unable to warm up to when your heart used to fall in love all over the place. You almost can’t remember any longer what it was like to have a heart that would leap forward at the drop of a hat or a flame of a twinkle in someone’s eye.

Forgive Me. Apparently, you are obtuse. You just can’t quite get your heart around love. You have some disinclination to love. You can’t quite find the words. Somehow your heart can’t quite leap to love. Love has fallen into disuse somehow. You can’t quite muster love. Apparently, you just don’t know how to be able to put love to good use. How can this be that your heart has sunk? You know for sure that love is a natural thing. To love by right is to be an easy well-apportioned gift from Me, your God. How did love come to be a stranger as if even you and a little flame had never met online? You don’t claim any longer a child who might want your love. You have been sleeping at the wheel.

You apologize to Me for not being made of one drop of true love these days. Somehow you have been dissuaded from love, as if true love had been pried away from you. Once upon a time, you used to be love born of truth. Almost loving isn’t good enough any longer. Love cannot be rigid. Soppy love doesn’t cut muster either. When, where, did your love fly off to? When did it happen that you started flying under less than your true colors? When did you swap truth for falsehood? You had thought you were a high flier. How radiant you once had been. How could you have fallen under the height of love just like that?

Once upon a time, you were light of heart. Beloved, what excuse do you have to give for having forgotten what a flutter of a heartbeat feels like again? What good is life without even a quaver of love? You can only wonder now how love in your heart could make a comeback. Could you even dream your heart into resurrecting itself once again?

Beloved, you ask Me where did love go?

The truth is that love could walk in any moment just like that. Allow Me to pick up your love just like that. Love Me. Give Me a glance of your true love. Whip up love for Me once again. Rest your head on My shoulder. Open the blinds and let the sun in. There is something about love. There is nothing like it. Perhaps you have now gone beyond romantic love. Make love a bird song. Make love a wiggling puppy. Write a song. Allow a sparkle in another’s heart. No, no, I don’t speak of being kind. Recapture adventurousness. Quicken your step for the fun of it. Rejoin life. Let go of thinking so much about the gradations of how life used to reach you.

Awaken your life now. Skip-to-my-lou. Cook a meal. Invite someone over. Quicken your step. Quicken someone else’s heart. Be a delight to My heart. Show Me a good time. Tell Me a story. Tell Me more. You are never unloved. That can only be an old wives tale. There is strong love standing right in front you this minute.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/2/2019 3:13:41 PM
Heavenletter #6610 Must You Accept No as Irreversible instead of Yes?, March 2, 2019

God said:

Beloved, are you on Earth at this time in order to shake your head no most of the time? Hardly. How can this be the best use of your time? We all know what Dr. Phil would say to this: “How well has it worked for you so far?”

How well has this worked in yay so many thousands of years of the life of the world you live in? Hmm, this hasn’t exactly been prime time. In fact, this has has been called Kali Yuga, which can be translated into hard times. Do you really have a choice to make?

Are you keener in proving yourself right than in being reasonably happy?

How is this favorable to you? Do you pat yourself on your back, and this feels good to you? This is how you move mountains? Huh?

Does no have to be your clarion call? Aren’t you getting a little tired of hanging on by now? Are you the early bird that catches the worm yet?

Perhaps your refrain is bye and bye, or later gator, or plain another time when I have more energy and feel more like it.

Sure, you’re always going to jump on this track – but when? How long have you been going to?

This isn’t the first time I have asked you, “When?”

Sometimes you have wondered if you are still sleeping on automatic.

Time to light a fire under you, Beloved. This waiting for a sure thing maybe only be a song and dance by now.

Go for it. How long does someone live in arrears? How long can you live on dreams, and why do you want to, or why do you wait to? Get on with it. Go for it. Get ahead or cut bait. Who says it’s better to wait than to be sorry? Add up the times you have sat back.

What if you do leap ahead? What is the difference if you make it? Why NOT make it? If you are the exception, then be the exception.

What if you do make it? What if you don’t make it? Not making it is better than never having gone for it. It is better to have derring-do than not ever going for it.

On the other hand, look what has been tried and worked. In for a mile than out for nothing.

Get up from the couch. Move.

Who limits you but you? Who decided that you are to be a straggler who naps all the time when you could be riding on a choo-choo? Getty up, little dogie. There’s a whole world out there waiting for you to grab it. Give yourself a mission. Get a wiggle on.

The Sun is shining.

Make hay while the Sun shines. What are you waiting for? When are you going to plant your crop? Beloved, the time is always now.

The sure way is to limp along, yet what fun is that? Go for some adventure. Better to have lost than to never have tried and then be sorry or something like that.

You were never made to be a straggler. You can straggle without ever trying. What good does that make? Toot your own horn. What are you waiting for – the trees to bow down to you? Make something happen while the dew is still on the grass. The grass could bow down to you. You have a chance. If anyone has a chance, you do. All you have to do is to get out there.

Nothing pondered, nothing found. Bet some money on yourself.

You may be sure I am betting more on you than money. Go for some get-up-and-go. I am rooting for you. Laws-a-day, now root for yourself.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/3/2019 5:31:31 PM
Heavenletter #6611 Life is Always a Bird on the Wing, March 3, 2019

God said:

Beloved, has anyone told you that even from mourning, you will have fun again at no one’s else’s expense? I mean, all to the good of everyone, at no hurt to anyone.

And not to your expense either unless you don’t happen to have the dollars for a fine meal.

You are not always meant to be solemn. Laugh, and then laugh again. You can even giggle. Enjoy. Have a picnic. Enjoy your children. You don’t always have to have a laugh a minute. A laugh one in every five minutes, and you’re off to a good start.

Even if you are alone, have a laugh. Listen to this:

Without any effort, let it be like the old days when life was your cup of tea. Look, while you’re at it, have some laughs. If you’re riding a sad train, get off and get on another train even for a short break.

Have a smile up your sleeve. If you used to have a laugh a minute, hark back to those days. Who tells you otherwise? I don’t tell you to keep a stiff upper lip. I see no virtue in it. You don’t have to keep a stiff upper lip. You can just be. Encourage joy. Even in time of mourning, you can be glad for mourning. You knew someone worth crying over. You did have laughs together. In terms of the surface of life, nothing is forever. Life is always a bird on the wing.

When a good meal is over, you don’t have to cry. Nor am I to say you are to rejoice, yet what is the point of life? At least, if you cannot make merry, you can be grateful. What you had was never a possession. It was a gift. It was a blessing. Hail to life!

You are on your way back to joy as it will come to you. Sometimes you may return to what you call painful. Everyone knows what mourning is. Life in its presentations fluctuates.

Somehow or another, you do ride the waves, and you do reach the shore.

Life isn’t a straight line. Life is up and down. No one escapes life. Life comes as it comes. Would you choose life without all the wonderful? I’m not saying that life is what you want every moment. I do ask you to consider that life is what it is when it is. Life shows up. Sooner or later, you do have everything, not that you can always pick and choose what and when.

Except, in a manner of speaking, you can. You turn the pages in life, and it’s worth it. Cloudy days also serve a purpose. Beloved, you do get out alive. Hear Me. The ride is worth it. Life is full of honey and also garlic and green onions. Each wave of life serves a purpose. Leap over the waves. Swim in the direction you desire.

I know that sometimes life is hard to take as it goes along. Life is still life. Good weather will return. Meanwhile, at least you have someone to mourn. Return love for love. What would your loved one ask of you? Do it. Keep on loving and giving love out. Give more love out. There will never be another love just like it. Never in a million years. Now you will come to love another. Allow yourself. Beloved, you don’t have to be young and twenty again. It’s all right. Your life will return once more to an Ode to Joy.

You’re right. You can’t mandate the same laughs. Engender new ones then. You have every right to find joy where it lies. Life will not always stay the same. You can be sure of that. This is life. By golly, you have to roll with the punches. In one sense, even joy can be sad. A good man doesn’t have to keep himself down.

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/4/2019 2:09:09 PM
Heavenletter #6612 There is Nothing Too Good to be True, March 4, 2019

God said:

Beloved, you are the Oneness from which all Blessings from God flow. It is God We thank from the bottom of Our Hearts from which all the blessings that flow. It is from God that all blessings flow faster than the speed of light. God always existed. God speaks every language. God even speaks in the language of Silence. God speaks. God communes. God has always had a closeness on each Soul for the betterment of all. Well, what did you think? God still communicates as One in all the nether regions.

All the Greatness in the world God sends forth. He is sending it forth now. His messages come through great people and also through everyday people who may not yet know the greatness they give forth. Greatness also comes through the media - perhaps despite itself. The fact is that all blessings flow.

You remember the expression that goes something like this: Welcome Whoever knocks at the door? It can be Christ who knocks at the door. It is inevitably God at the door. Even a beggar at the door is God. Of course, God is a Giver and no beggar at all, unless beggar by some chance means One Who drops off alms forever more.

And everyone who answers the door is also God, and so the world goes around. This is the world you live in. The Seeker seeks Himself. This is the straight goods. The Speaker is God speaking to Himself. The Soul Who speaks also answers, truth be known. You may believe in lack, yet nothing is missing so help you God.

Everyone who speaks speaks to Himself. The only thing that truly exists is Greatness. The deaf and mute can hear and speak. Whoever you are, you lack nothing. You are Greatness on high. You are the Oneness of the Universe. There is no more to say than that you are the Lilies of the Field. Oneness Is. All you aspire is already in hand. All goodness is assured. When you feel unhappy, you are as if cross-eyed. You certainly don't see a-right as yet. You are mistaken, for you are Holy Truth.

Own up to the Truth of your Self. What a beautiful Truth you are. One with Me. I say you are on the tip of My tongue. Hello, Greatness of God. We are One, even as all the world is illusion, for, in truth, We - I - in Truth, We are the One White Round Moon we love in the sky. I bow down to Myself. You bow down to Me. We are One. Believe. There is no difference. God is One, and God is All, and All are blessed. Oneness is. I declare Oneness, and so you are declared as Oneness safe and sound, greater than you ever dreamed of. Glory exists. You are the Glory of God, yes, You. Holy is Oneness. Loveness loves. We are love complete. Hail to love. We frequent love. Our Name is love. Who are You? Why, love of course, love forever loved and loving. Don't be fooled. Thy Name is Love, and One Love are We pure and simple. Keep Our Identity straight. One Love isn't star-crossed.

To My Own Name, be true. There is naught but One, and so are you the same One as I AM.

Take My hand. Our hearts are entwined and, this is the whole story of Oneness. Naught but love is. One Honest-to-Goodness Truth. One Heart isn't One in a Million. One Heart alone is. We are bonded in love. What else can love be made of but of Oneness, once and for all?

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Heaven Letters
3/6/2019 3:42:08 AM
Heavenletter #6613 What's the Hurry?, March 5, 2019

God said:

Beloved, Come with Me to treasures near and far, except there is no far. All is at hand. I don’t want to say to let us all treasures to prove. What has to be proven? We are. We live. Only My children are not so conscious as you would all love to be. You have a tendency to feel you may be wasting your so-called time on Earth. It feels to you that you must move faster. For God’s sake, you don’t want to be wasting time. What are you doing but wasting time, you ask yourself, if not wasting time unless you hasten?

You figure this is your year to giddy-up, little horsie. Have you even gotten started yet? Hmm, you may think that hastening is the best thing you can be doing. The best thing you can be doing is to be enjoying.

If you could lie on your back on the grass in a meadow, chewing on a straw, you would be going faster than you have been. You keep running, yet you are at a standstill. Patience was never your forte. Or, it’s possible that you have been ragingly patient when you could have been moseying along.

As you see it, you seem to be more or less going up and down on a merry-go-round when you would much rather be making hay while the sun shines.

You are sure now, after the fact, that you have been wasting time. You feel this while you have no clue as to how to get a move on.

This is not to say that you are not giving your all to your heedless life. The thing is, you don’t seem to be getting anywhere. You are rushing right and left, yet what do you have to show for it?

You know you are not a dunce, yet you might as well be for all the progress you seem to make. Are you no more than yesterday’s newspaper?

You have no way to adjust your sights. You don’t see millenniums of progress. In theory, you see further, yet if only you could see an ant’s worth of progress.

Beloved, you beg Me to help you. You suggest that you ride on a treadmill. You find yourself as having hardly begun.

You could cry for all the wasted years. As you see it, you are but a wastrel. You see yourself as slow as molasses. You don’t mean to complain, yet when is it your turn to move forward once and for all?

Of course, you have been applying yourself to your life.

Remind yourself that I have told you there is no time. Speed isn’t everything. Speed isn’t the wonderful thing you have thought. The fact is that you are not running a race. Life isn’t really something you are trying to accomplish. You are fabricating your own report card. Confess. If you don’t like your report card, write yourself a better one.

Enjoy your walk along the way. Speed is overrated. When did I ever say you are to rush to the finish-line. When did I ever say that there is a royal limit to life in your perspective?

I do say: Enjoy the walk you take. In case you are someone who races, know it’s okay to amble. Stroll. Wander. Whatever is, it’s fine. Your life isn’t a mock-up. Your life doesn’t have to be in living technicolor. You’re going to graduate in any case. What exactly is the hurry? Hurry could be a speed-trap. It’s OK for you to take your time. Sit back.

Are you looking to make a speed record, like being the fastest gun in the west? Heavens, no!

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