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RE: Angel Cuddle Cafe
9/30/2016 3:29:51 PM

You may have seen my note on the Angel Cuddle Trails FB page, but here it is again :

A quick note:- A lot of work goes on behind the scenes of Angel Cuddle Cafe and the Healing Hangouts. So that I can balance the Healing Hangouts with my other activities, from now on the Healing Hangouts will take place fortnightly while I continue to do a weekly newsletter (bringing love, healing, updates and very useful spiriti-practical tools).

So, every alternate Friday will bring a Healing Hangout with our wonderful guest speakers. The next Friday Healing Hangout is with the beautiful Camilla Lundberg, author and spiritual messenger (and a lot more!)

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Flag of Sarah Pritchard

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RE: Angel Cuddle Cafe
12/31/2016 3:29:08 PM

Healing of Forgiveness and Building Bridges from Glastonbury Tor

I love you.

I’m sorry.

Please forgive me.

Thank you.

Rowan with Sarah at Glastonbury Tor

Rowen with Sarah at Glastonbury Tor

Sun setting at Glastonbury Tor


Forgiveness is a work in progress. Forgive yourself and others every day for best results.

The non-forgiveness weeds can grow up again and again in your garden.

As you can see in the video, I use Ho’oponopono. You’ve probably heard about the therapist, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, in Hawaii, who healed a ward of criminally insane patients, without even seeing them, by forgiving himself and then forgiving the patients.

Everything outside you is a reflection of what is inside you. Take responsibility for that. Forgive yourself and lighten yourself and then you can forgive others.

Let’s build bridges, not walls.

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Flag of Sarah Pritchard

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RE: Angel Cuddle Cafe
12/31/2016 3:36:17 PM

Love and healing Christmas transmission video from Burrow Mump

St John Church Glastonbury

St John Church, Glastonbury. Christmas Candles

(Scroll down for the video)

Firstly, for those who celebrate, Season’s Greetings to you. I give thanks for Yeshua and his team mate and Beloved Disciple, Mary Magdalene and their teachings on Love and sharing the Christ Consciousness. They came to the Earth as a team and they continue to work together as Ascended Masters, hanging out on the 5th Dimension. I celebrate them both at this time. They are there as way showers for all of us, no matter where we live, symbols of the Divine Masculine and Feminine in harmony.

Brrrhh! It’s winter. As I am writing this, yesterday was the shortest and darkest day. But starting today, the light will continue to come back, just as it can come back into our lives.

I am and have always been a spiritual seeker on a quest for freedom. I know that many of you are too. As a light bearer, I have been asking some questions in my journal these past weeks, namely:

  • Why do so many people just go along with what is looked upon and promoted as the ‘norm’?

  • Why do so many just let the mediocrity and constrictions be their way of life?

  • Why do so many ignore the truth of what is going on?

  • Is it that they aren’t able to understand or see? (I don’t think so – they are choosing not to see the truth). Why?

  • Why do we give away our power in regards to our wealth, health, love, relationships of all kinds and their happiness?

I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, and I can’t. What about you?

I’m offering food for thought here, not being judgmental. I’m opening up the space in each one of us (including myself).

I have some visions for myself in 2017. This year has been a completion year. I am standing up and revealing my authentic self with Angel Cuddle Café. Hiding away has come to an end. I invite you to join me in this quest for an authentic, positively abundant, love-filled and joyful life, fully aware and standing strong in your power.

To help us and support you on this journey, I’d like to share a little video with you where I send out love, healing and light across the planet and beyond, building a bridge from the St Michael leyline at Burrow Mump, on the same love line as Glastonbury Tor. In fact, on a clear day you can see the Tor from the Mump. At the beginning of the video there is an amusing moment where I can’t remember where I am. Rowen told me Barrow Mump which I pass on in the video! But it is actually Burrow. LOL Please forgive us – it was really cold up the Mump. I had also fallen down on the slope, and the mud can be seen on my sleeve at one point in the video!

In the recording, after connecting above and below, I send out love and healing and request that we all be connected in love. I remind us that we are all One; we are Love. May we all be in harmony to help each other awaken and remember who we are, to bring love to the Earth, a harmonious life on Earth. The loving Light Language briefly comes in from Mary Magdalene.

As the year 2016 completes, let’s release all that no longer serves us and go forward into 2017 with new light and love energy, empowering us to create a better world on Mother Earth. What’s your extraordinary vision for 2017? What do you need to complete in 2016 before stepping into your power? Clear out that energy and make space for the new energy. In the words of our guest speaker, Michelle Carter:

“Filling with Pure Divine Love and Light”.

Some photos on Burrow Mump

Burrow Mump in the mist

Burrow Mump in the mist

Sarah Barton on Burrow Mump

I don’t look cold at all in this pic!

Rowen atop Burrow Mump

Rowen atop Burrow Mump is wondering how she is going to get back down!

Burrow Mump

I walked round the Mump to get a different angel…

Are you ready to BE more and not DO more? Release the need to be doing and let the energy of Being come in. What a difference it makes! Cheers to new beginnings! I love you.

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
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RE: Angel Cuddle Cafe
12/31/2016 3:36:53 PM
Hi Sarah,

Thank you for these prayers. I use them often.
It reminded me so much of Jill, that I could feel her presence with me.
So there you go I got my angel cuddle today.

Love you,
Flag of Sarah Pritchard

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RE: Angel Cuddle Cafe
12/31/2016 3:48:09 PM
Oh Myrna,

That is so beautiful.

You made me cry love tears of joy!

Thank you Dear Sweet Myrna

Happy New Year and some more angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs

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