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Sarah Pritchard

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RE: Angel Cuddle Cafe
8/31/2016 7:34:53 PM
Thank you for the encouragement Diane and Myrna.

I have had some delays but everything is falling into place now. No going back! LOL

Angel cuddles,
Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Sarah Pritchard

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RE: Angel Cuddle Cafe
9/2/2016 4:58:33 PM

Healing Hangouts have commenced over at Angel Cuddle Cafe

Today is Friday 2nd September, sooooo… Let the Healing Hangouts commence.

Well, they have commenced with Lisa Barnett”s healing hangout.

Sarah Barton & Lisa Barnett Healing Hangout

Lisa is an Akashic Record expert. We are friends and met in person at Chalice Wells Centre in Glastonbury, UK when Lisa held two Akashic Record courses over three days. It was an amazing time for me and I came away from Glastonbury a different and empowered person – more on-purpose and soul-filled. My heart opened to receiving more in this life.

You may have seen the trailer for the upcoming Angel Cuddle Cafe Healing Hangouts we made together, while we were there. You can watch it here (click on the image), if you haven’t seen it.

Sarah Barton & Lisa Barnett Healing Hangout trailer for Angel Cuddle Cafe

I think you will find it enlightening and healing.

It certainly gives you a taster of what to expect at Angel Cuddle Cafe, and in particular, the first Healing Hangout with Lisa.

What will you discover during Lisa’s Healing Hangout?

During the Hangout, Lisa reveals how you can use the Akashic Records for self-empowerment and learn about your soul contracts, in the Akashic Records. She explains:

  1. What the Akashic Records are.
  2. How the Akashic Records help you LET GO and move on.
  3. What Soul Contracts or Vows are and how they affect us in our daily life.
  4. How Soul Contracts affect our relationships.

[if !supportLists]5. [endif]How learning to access your own Akashic Record will help you…

You experience one of Lisa’s grounding processes at the beginning and towards the end Lisa leads us through two of the Healing Prayers from the Akashic masters.

Remember, you’ll receive three free gifts from Lisa and learn about how the Akashic Records can help you in your daily life.

Voilà! I’m looking forward to welcoming you at Angel Cuddle Cafe. If you haven’t already done so, pop along to the Healing Hangout and collect your gifts and listen to this hangout. It is worth your while.

A Healthy, Happy You means a Prosperous, Wealthy You

Angel cuddles,


P.S. Don’t forget to like my Facebook Page, Angel Cuddle Trails, for updates on free gifts, special offers and the upcoming Healing Hangouts. See you there…

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Sarah Pritchard

2408 Posts
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RE: Angel Cuddle Cafe
9/13/2016 9:56:05 PM

Friday 9th September… the Healing Hangouts continued.

With Michelle Carter’s healing hangout.

Michelle Carter Healing Hangout

Michelle, a fellow English lady, is a Divine Energy Channel and Author. She has the ability to connect directly with Pure Source Light and Divine Energies and to channel them to release blocks that are stopping people from living the life of their dreams.

What will you discover during Michelle’s Healing Hangout?

During the Hangout, Michelle reveals how to open your heart and fill with pure Divine love and light, releasing blocks and moving forward to a happier life in Divine Flow…

We discuss ‘spiriti-practical’ tools which can help you in your daily life.

You experience one of my grounding processes at the beginning and towards the end Michelle leads us through a powerful transmission.

Don’t forget to download Michelle’s free gift MP3.

Voilà! I’m looking forward to welcoming you at Angel Cuddle Cafe. If you haven’t already done so, pop along to the Healing Hangouts and collect your gifts and listen to this hangout. It is worth your while.

A Healthy, Happy You means a Prosperous, Wealthy You

Angel cuddles,


P.S. Don’t forget to like my Facebook Page, Angel Cuddle Trails, for updates on free gifts, special offers and the upcoming Healing Hangouts. See you there…

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Sarah Pritchard

2408 Posts
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RE: Angel Cuddle Cafe
9/20/2016 8:53:21 PM

This Friday’s Healing Hangout guest speaker at Angel Cuddle Cafe was Patrick Prohaska, authenticity coach and energy healer, with his own system, Thrive Energetics.

I recorded a separate introduction video because when we recorded the Healing Hangout we were both experiencing internet connection problems and strange weather. The introduction and reading of Patrick’s bio didn’t record very well.

Voilà, I added a new intro. If you click on the image you can listen to the intro straight away. Then listen to the Healing Hangout itself – it is well worth your while – Patrick shares much wisdom on being empowered and prosperity.

Don’t forget to collect the powerful free gift Patrick is kindly offering.

I am preparing for next Friday’s Healing Hangout with Alain Deguire.

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Sarah Pritchard

2408 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: Angel Cuddle Cafe
9/27/2016 8:57:05 PM
My good friend, Alain Deguire was my guest speaker at Angel Cuddle Cafe last Friday.

Healing Hangout with Alain Deguire

As a spiritual life coach, Alain talked about the Ascension process to 5th Dimension. He shared two wonderful and powerful free gifts with members: firstly a peace meditation video to support peace in the world and your inner self; secondly a beautiful video with a Power of Manifestation Invocation for support of your inner power as a creator.

There are sections of the Healing Hangout where you shouldn't listen if you are driving, or needing to focus on what you are doing, so find time when you can relax, to listen.

Voilà! I’m looking forward to welcoming you at Angel Cuddle Cafe. If you haven’t already done so, pop along to the Healing Hangouts and collect your gifts and listen to this hangout. It is worth your while.

The next Healing Hangout will be with Camilla Lundberg, an author and spiritual messenger. This will be in two weeks time. From now on the Friday Healing Hangouts will take place fortnightly.

A Healthy, Happy You means a Prosperous, Wealthy You

Angel cuddles,


P.S. Don’t forget to like my Facebook Page, Angel Cuddle Trails, for updates on free gifts, special offers and the upcoming Healing Hangouts. See you there…

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs

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