I am stepping out, stepping up and STRETCHING myself, and my loving hand out to you…
As an angel ambassador and channel of Grace I’ve been led by the angels and spirit guides.to continue my “mission” on Earth by showing up as a healer, guiding light and sacred stewardess.
It’s time for me to show up and share my gifts and talents – Yes, I do have some! LOL. Oh, I nearly forgot – I’m a Mary Magdalene and Yeshua agent of change (Agent 0011[LOL!]). This Ascended Master team has much to share. They have also set me on another mission:
As I’ve agreed to be a light worker helping raise the consciousness on our planet, I’ve been led to share the “knowing” and the “wisdom” of others on the planet who are masters in assisting everyone to re-awaken and re-member who you are.
Drum roll please… Angel Cuddle Cafe is born… Empowering You to live with ease in Love, Joy and Abundance…
My intention with Angel Cuddle Cafe is to assist people in transforming and “healing” themselves with spiriti-practical tools, sharing my wisdom as an ancient soul, as well as drawing on the expertise of my master spiritual teacher guest speakers. You can get more details over at Angel Cuddle Cafe. While you are there, and if you feel drawn to this community, be sure to register as a member, receive a welcome gift and ongoing info about the weekly Healing Hangouts with my wonderful healers, transformation agents, teachers, masters…
As for the stretching, I have been holding back and my perfectionist side keeps stalling, but I’ve actually joined the Stretch Yourself Challenge with Kelly McCausey, over at Solo Smarts. Hence the stretching. I have committed myself to getting wagons rolling. I have so many bits started which I’m now committed to completing or sharing – videos, audios, writing, transmissions, creative pieces… I asked: “How am I going to get this rolling?” and Kelly’s challenge was put in front of me.
After committing to this, my ego shouted: “What have you done?” LOL
My heart calmly said: “Well done…”
My soul is yearning for me to shine and be the spiritual teacher that I am. I’m being nudged out of just learning. Yes, I should continue to learn, remember and re-awaken, but that isn’t enough. It is time to start taking action, sharing and teaching. So, I’m shining my light. Will you be drawn to that light? Big hint: Let your heart answer that question.
I know who you are and I’m here to remind you and assist you in stepping back into your power. It is my calling to reveal our truth as we live from the heart, together as one.
Angel cuddles, love and light,
P.S. If you haven’t already done so, you can like my Angel Cuddle Trails Facebook Page, where I will be posting updates on what’s going on at Angel Cuddle Trails and Angel Cuddle Cafe. I have already recorded some Healing Hangouts with transformational experts and have others lined up. So, I will soon be starting the Friday Healing Hangout broadcasts. Each expert is providing a gift for you, as a member of the Angel Cuddle Cafe community. I look forward to seeing you there and sharing our healing and wisdom with you. Don’t delay; come over to Angel Cuddle Cafe and get the spiriti-practical tools for your self-healing and empowerment for an authentic life.