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Doug Woodall

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Re: OUCH ! 15 Million Malicious Websites !
2/9/2006 2:29:15 PM
Hi Cheri, Wekipedia definition is, File sharing is the practice of making files available to other users for download over the Internet and smaller networks. Usually file sharing follows the peer-to-peer (P2P) model, where the files are stored on and served by personal computers of the users. Most people who engage in file sharing are also downloading files that other users share. Sometimes these two activities are linked together. P2P File sharing is distinct from file trading in that downloading files from a P2P network does not require uploading, although some networks either provide incentives for uploading such as credits or force the sharing of files being currently downloaded.
Doug Woodall SpywareBiz,,,We take the Spy out of Spyware! Providing Free Information and Recommended Products to Combat Spyware.
Cheri Merz

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Re: OUCH ! 15 Million Malicious Websites !
2/9/2006 7:35:47 PM
Doug, Thanks. So it's not the websites that promote that activity in itself that are malicious, but dangerous like a drug addict sharing needles? You never know what virus is lurking in the file you download? Cheri
Doug Woodall

199 Posts
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Re: OUCH ! 15 Million Malicious Websites !
2/9/2006 10:21:42 PM
Hi Cheri, Depends on where you get the Dnload. But malicious Dnloads can happen just by visiting a site. They are called Drive-Bys. This is why its so important to have reliable Anti Spyware, Anti Virus and a Firewall. And then to keep them updated. I get so many emails from people who just assume they are protected, and they havent even enabled their automatic updates ! Take care,
Doug Woodall SpywareBiz,,,We take the Spy out of Spyware! Providing Free Information and Recommended Products to Combat Spyware.
Cheri Merz

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Re: OUCH ! 15 Million Malicious Websites !
2/9/2006 11:34:56 PM
Thanks again, Doug. I'm really getting quite an education from this forum. It's so helpful being able to ask clarifying questions. Cheri