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John Partington

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Re: How you can make or break Adland as we know it...
2/7/2006 5:05:20 AM
Hi Linda, I agree with your statement, I have however sent out three direct messages since the service started, but my last one was to help one of my friends who had deleted her profile by accident and wanted to rebuild her friends list. Best Wishes John.
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Re: How you can make or break Adland as we know it...
2/7/2006 8:38:36 AM
Spam is Spam no matter how it looks. The ability to bombard people with unwanted e-mail will only see more people be blocked in the long run. I feel that this service will only end up being abused in Adland as there is not enough collective intelligence to know how to make good use of this feature. I see this every day here, just look at the lack of understanding in regards to the other thread on 12DP and Stormpay. People were warned well in advance of the potential that what is happening could happen, but they did not listen and now they don't even take the time to fully understand what is really going on. I have seen posts where they have been advised to use a new payment processor. How can you make or break Adland? Simple learn or continue to go along as you currently are, willing to do things without doing your due diligence. Here's another good question; "How do you turn half of $97.00 into 32 cents profit?" It could only be done here at Adland, but it is being done.
Re: How you can make or break Adland as we know it...
2/7/2006 9:24:44 AM
Hi Peter, I follow your first statement of your last post but not the last statement. "How do you turn half of $97.00 into 32 cents profit?" It could only be done here at Adland, but it is being done. Can you shed a little more light, I don't get the rhetorical question. Is it 0.6% return on an investment? Jack
Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: How you can make or break Adland as we know it...
2/7/2006 10:03:36 AM
Thanks Linda for bringing another good topic. As always right on the target. You are right that Adlander "Direct Message" feature can be abused and as result of it annoying. I have run survey asking my friends what they think about it. 90 people responded to it within 1 hour timeframe. (Very effective) Not more than 5% thought this would be a problem. All 95% were ecstatic and only 40% of those were actually "Adlander" already. In general the feature has be well received. Also there is a limit of 4000 messages per month for each Adlander, meaning that if you have 1000 friends on your list, you will send 4 messages per month. We will also provide a link in the message to rate that specific friend for content sent through "Direct Contact" feature. This will be an indicator if becoming friend with someone in the future. Bogdan
Re: How you can make or break Adland as we know it...
2/7/2006 10:20:52 AM
Dear Linda I couldn't agree more with you as since this has come out I have received everything imaginable. I believe it is a great tool that appropriately used will be a true benefit to all However those that want to just spam spam spam could cause something great to be rendered useless. Thanks for posting this and the invite. I do hope you are feeling better and I am sorry to hear you were under the weather. Warmest Regards Dr King
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