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Re: Suicide IS painful!
5/5/2006 12:07:58 AM
Hello Again Ally And Julianna I am very happy to see you two getting along so well. Sharing your stories with each other is a wonderful way to begin healing. Yes, I believe you two will become life long friends and I hope that you both find all of the happiness that this old world has to offer. Keep up the great work my friends and never forget that you are not alone anymore. If either of you ever need to talk, we are all here together. Thanks for sharing your messages of hope. Sincerly, Bill
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Re: Suicide IS painful!
8/24/2006 1:11:02 AM

I know this subject has definitely been a big part of my life the last 2 years! 

My best friend of 35 years had her husband 2 years ago commit suicide out in their shed by hanging!  The worst part was.........their then 12 year old daughter and their other daughter who is my god daughter and was 16 at the time were the ones to find him! 

There was no warning and in fact the girls had just been out there talking to him not 20 minutes before.

So the last two years have been a very painful and hard couple of years for us all!  But i believe that hopefully the girls and my best friend will totally recover in time.


Re: Suicide IS painful!
8/24/2006 12:08:30 PM

Hello Tracy

   Yes it is true. Suicide is very painful. Often more painful to the survivors than to the victims. There are many painful emotions invilved here. The sense of loss is obvious but another emotion that is often overlooked is the sense of guilt. Many times, the loved ones left behind feel responsible in some way for the suicide. They feel that they should have or could have done something to prevent it. The truth of the matter is, most of the time there was nothing else that could have been done. In some cases there are tell tale signs of problems that could lead to suicide but even a trained professional can miss these.

   I think that it is very important for survivors of suicide to seek help in dealing with their feelings and emotions. Besides seeking professional help, it can be helpful to seek out others who have dealt with a similar situation. Sometimes just sharing thoughts and feelings in a group setting with others with this experience can be a big help.

   Tracy, if you or your friends ever feel they need someone to talk to or possibly even some professional advice, I would be happy to direct them to any resources that  am aware of.

    Thank you for sharing your story here with us Tracy. It is very important that people learn to talk about these things. It is through this sharing of experience and knowledge that we become more able to prevent such tragedies in our lives.

May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
Mental Health And Political Forums Respectively
The biggest little community in the world. The Spotlight Of Friends
The following link will take you to a program that I gave up on once but, I am now convinced that this is a great opportunity. The people involved have been very dedicated to their members and it is getting very close to " PAYDAY ".
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Re: Suicide IS painful!
8/24/2006 12:23:23 PM
Re: Suicide IS painful!
3/15/2007 12:28:41 AM
Hi Juliana I found your story interesting as we had to deal with a suicide in July of 2005. Our son who had schizophrenia attempted and succeeded at his first attempt. I know that it was different for him because he thought he immortal and actually had a lot of far fetched beliefs. On one hand I was afraid that he would try and on the other i could not imagine him doing it because he was very sane in some areas and really not a violent person. From reading your story I get the feeling that you did have control over your attempts and because you failed so many times, you really didn't want to die. I have thought about suicide being illegal and didn't understand how it could stop someone, but it stopped you. I also suffer from depression and know what it's like to think about just wanting to die. Luckily, medication helps. If you want to chat with me, send me a personal message and I will send my yahoo address or we can chat here. I think it is very important to share your experiences with others. We've lost both of our sons and I have learned not to keep everything to myself. So I encourage you to talk it out, whatever the reason for your depressing feelings that led you to want to commit suicide. Take Care H

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