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Susan Mahoney

1 Posts
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RE: Kore4 Upside Downline Builder To Infinity
7/30/2017 7:50:41 PM
Hi Ken, I joined KORE4 under Julie Broadwell. My KORE4 link is: Please add me to Splash page. I also joined AdLand Pro

Thank you!

Susan Mahoney
The Soaring Eagles Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Kore4 Upside Downline Builder To Infinity
8/6/2017 5:45:34 PM
Hi Ken, I joined KORE4 under Julie Broadwell. My KORE4 link is: Please add me to Splash page. I also joined AdLand Pro

Thank you!

Susan Mahoney
The Soaring Eagles Team

Welcome to Adlandpro Susan

Thank you for joining both Adlandpro and Kore4! I updated the Blog and this forum. Will do the splash page next. I also look forward to introducing you to the awesome people in this community! I will do that on the Home Page right now.


Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Kore4 Upside Downline Builder To Infinity
9/2/2017 10:40:01 PM
Earn the spotlight position by
joining Kore4 with the latest link now owned by Susan
or by promoting the forum, blog and Splashpage

I just sent the following message to 500 of our randomly selected friends
in Commando Mailer. It is one of our favorite and newest mailers.
More about it in a minute but first here is the message we sent:

Read this in the Adlandpro forum you go to for
credits where the graphics and links are
live,safe, and clickable.

Earn the spotlight position by joining Kore4
with the latest link now owned by Susan or by
promoting the forum, blog and Splashpage.

You will not need to be a member of Adlandpro read
and click the links in the forum bu it would be in
your best interest to join. It is a wonderful
community of like minded entrepreneurs sharing
strategies for success.

Go to this URL to join:

After you earn the spotlight position, make a
comment in the forum which will move it to the top
of the Deal of the Day Index. Share what you are
doing to drive traffic to the forum which will
also keep you in the spotlight. Newest members
earn the spotlight but those who promote the
forum, blog, or splashpage the most earn there way
back into the spotlight.

See you in the forum,

Ken Wolff
FB & Skype ID:

Here is more information about Commando Mailer:

I know your time is valuable and you're always on the look out for new places to promote.

Commando Mailer is here and your marketing is THEIR mission!

Put more eager eyeballs on your ads, and build your list fast with this highly responsive mailer.

You get all sorts of extras and awesome benefits to help you get more out of your efforts.

Take the plunge and enlist your marketing with Commando Mailer today!

To Your Success,

Ken Wolff

P.S. Be sure to pay close attention to that OTO when you join...You can grab yourself a LIFETIME of benefits for one incredibly LOW price!

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Kore4 Upside Downline Builder To Infinity
3/28/2018 12:50:43 AM
Just updated 3/27/18

2nd in line for the spotlight is Howard Glaves

Click HERE to join Kore4 with Howard

click New Reply or Quote below in the Adlandpro forum and comment in that thread including your Kore4 link and I will edit this post putting you in line for the Spotlight Position. Since this is going viral on the Internet I need to add that you will need to be a member of Adlandpro to post a message there. You can also comment in the blog, but another way is to comminicate with the team in the newly set up Skype Room Kore4 Downline Builder To Infinity. The quickest way of all is by letting me, Ken Wolff, know that you joined and who your sponsor is. My Facebook and Skype ID is: ken.wolff1

  • ===========================================

    You don't have to be a member of Adlandpro to get involved but it would be in your best interest to join.

    Click Here to learn more and join Adlandpro!
    Watch the movie and click on the ** Register here **

    Now it is important to join Kore4 with someone you know like and trust. Trust me! I hope you like me...LOL...

    If you don't know me that is easy to fix. Let's start by sharing strategies for success.

    Click HERE to learn more and join Kore4 with my link.

    If you join with my link, I will rebate 100% of your 1st month after your 3rd month, or rebate 100% of the commission that I receive until you break even or get into profit. That can easily happen quickly as we will work as a team to build your downline to Infinity.

    I will encourage everyone on our team to do the same thing. Pay it forward. Help your downline to succeed.

    Click HERE to join Kore4 with Elaine

    Elaine has also agreed to offer the same incentive rebating her commission to anyone who signs up with her link until they break even or earn a profit or rebating the fee for the 1st month after the 3rd.

    There are so many reasons to join Kore4 and exponentially increase the value of your online activity. You get 4 times the eXperience Points for your team for everything that you do in the CTP program.

    With that in mind I will add the names of the Kore4 members of our NoLimits 4 The Soaring Eagles Team in this downline builder to Infinity.


    Join Kore4 with Julie

    Click HERE to Join Kore4 with Julie Broadwell

  • Click HERE to join Kore4 with Akshoy Kumar Paul


  • Recent sign ups outside of the The Soaring Eagle Team:

    Click HERE to Join Kore4 with Renee Vorbach


    Click HERE to Join Kore4 with Anthony Slate


    You spend months and months working away diligently, yet despite all this, the rewards just don’t seem to come is as if the decks are stacked against you. Now it is different. You have a team to work with. We will work together to build your downline to Infinity.

    Ken Wolff
    Skype me @: ken'wolff1
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Kore4 Upside Downline Builder To Infinity
4/6/2018 5:07:51 AM
Get in the Spotlight Position right away by joining and getting in touch with me:

Ken Wolff
Internet Marketing Consultant
The Soaring Eagle Team on Facebook
Connect with me on FB & Skype ID: ken.wolff1
Follow On Twitter
Twitter ID: KenWolff
Your past cannot be changed:
change Tomorrow by your Actions

Click Here Take your life in a whole new direction!

Then get in over and over again by promoting the forum in Adlandpro,

the Kore4 Upside Downline Builder To Infinity Blog!

and Splashpage



2nd in line for the spotlight is Julie Broadwell

Join Kore4 with Julie

Click HERE to Join Kore4 with Julie

click New Reply or Quote below in the Adlandpro forum and comment in that thread including your Kore4 link and I will edit this post putting you in line for the Spotlight Position. Since this is going viral on the Internet I need to add that you will need to be a member of Adlandpro to post a message there. You can also comment in the blog, but another way is to comminicate with the team in the newly set up Skype Room Kore4 Downline Builder To Infinity. The quickest way of all is by letting me, Ken Wolff, know that you joined and who your sponsor is. My Facebook and Skype ID is: ken.wolff1

  • You don't have to be a member of Adlandpro to get involved but it would be in your best interest to join.

    Click Here to learn more and join Adlandpro!
    Watch the movie and click on the ** Register here **

    Now it is important to join Kore4 with someone you know like and trust. Trust me! I hope you like me...LOL...

    If you don't know me that is easy to fix. Let's start by sharing strategies for success.

    Click HERE to learn more and join Kore4 with my link.

    If you join with my link, I will rebate 100% of your 1st month after your 3rd month, or rebate 100% of the commission that I receive until you break even or get into profit. That can easily happen quickly as we will work as a team to build your downline to Infinity.

    I will encourage everyone on our team to do the same thing. Pay it forward. Help your downline to succeed.

    Click HERE to join Kore4 with Elaine

    Elaine has also agreed to offer the same incentive rebating her commission to anyone who signs up with her link until they break even or earn a profit or rebating the fee for the 1st month after the 3rd.

    There are so many reasons to join Kore4 and exponentially increase the value of your online activity. You get 4 times the eXperience Points for your team for everything that you do in the CTP program.

    With that in mind I will add the names of the Kore4 members of our NoLimits 4 The Soaring Eagles Team in this downline builder to Infinity.


    Join Kore4 with Cheryl

    Click HERE to Join Kore4 with Cheryl Fitzjohn


  • Click HERE to join Kore4 with Akshoy Kumar Paul


  • Recent sign ups outside of the The Soaring Eagle Team:

    Click HERE to Join Kore4 with Renee Vorbach


    Click HERE to Join Kore4 with Anthony Slate


    You spend months and months working away diligently, yet despite all this, the rewards just don’t seem to come is as if the decks are stacked against you. Now it is different. You have a team to work with. We will work together to build your downline to Infinity.

    Ken Wolff
    Skype me @: ken'wolff1
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team