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John Priestley

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RE: Mentoring For Free 2 My Friends In ALP!
5/20/2015 4:32:16 AM
Hi there!

I think you may have misunderstood the purpose of this forum. it is for sharing your experiences and not for promoting your products/services. So, tell us, how many people are you mentoring? How much time do you spend doing it each day? How many services have you joined to promote it (apart from this one, of course)? Did you upgrade from "free" to "paid" on any of them?

Over to you, John.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
This is what I use to help build my downline for free...
and you might like to check this out, while you are about it...
Ken Wolff

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RE: Mentoring For Free 2 My Friends In ALP!
10/3/2015 10:52:38 PM
Hi there!

I think you may have misunderstood the purpose of this forum. it is for sharing your experiences and not for promoting your products/services. So, tell us, how many people are you mentoring? How much time do you spend doing it each day? How many services have you joined to promote it (apart from this one, of course)? Did you upgrade from "free" to "paid" on any of them?

Over to you, John.

Thank you for the awesome assignment. I may very well have misunderstood the purpose of this forum. I came here today because I saw your Adlandpro page in Sweeva. (Sweeva is a great program btw). I posted this response to your ad there:
Hi John! Thanks for promoting one of my favorite programs here in Sweeva. I hope that people click on your profile picture here and connect with you...I just added you as a friend here. You and I both know that ALP is so much more than what you see on this page. It was social networking before Facebook, Twitter and many others. Everyone who is not yet a member can click on register in the upper right hand corner to join! :D

I hope that I can get back here and answer fully the questions that you asked soon. For many reasons I don't have time to explain right not it will have to be later. Let me just say now that my purpose online is not to promote my products and services. My purpose is to help others to be successful in promoting the programs and services that they are excited about. The programs that I use successfully I am an affiliate of, do not own, and it is all part of helping others.

I hope that helps. For now I need to get back to
Zoran Popov with the ALP affiliate program. I saw his affiliate program in a program that we both belong to called Ninja Surf. He was saying that he is promoting ALP all over the place and is not having much success at it. If anyone is having success with that let's talk about it.

We will probably have to find another place to do that as it does not fit with the purpose of this forum.

What ever you do ... make it a great day!

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
John Priestley

481 Posts
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RE: Mentoring For Free 2 My Friends In ALP!
10/4/2015 12:29:51 PM
Hi Ken,

Great to hear from you. I don't think that John is me John, but I will take a closer look as soon as I get a couple of minutes. In the meantime, keep on mentoring. You know it makes sense...

Have a grand day, John.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
This is what I use to help build my downline for free...
and you might like to check this out, while you are about it...
Ken Wolff

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RE: Mentoring For Free 2 My Friends In ALP!
12/2/2016 9:26:08 PM
WaaaHoooo!!! We won the ClickTrackProfit Chat Ad with this text link:

Mentoring For FREE!


Hello to all my friends here in Adlandpro!

To start this off I want to thank
John Priestley
for creating this forum. There are so many
places where you can find free things online.
I can and will guide you to the ones that are working
for me.

My challenge should you decide to accept it is to connect with me on Skype. It is free. Just go to and click on join us. Once you are in Skype put ken.wolff1 in the search box and send me a friend request. We can get started right away.


ClickTrackProfit is free to join and receive some of the best online marketing training available anywhere. Watch this video:

It takes about 30 seconds for the audio to catch up with the video. If you are in CTP and surfing the sites with the chat ad, you will the ad above. Clicking on it will bring you back here at the top.

Join CTP with Ken
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
John Priestley

481 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: Mentoring For Free 2 My Friends In ALP!
12/3/2016 9:17:09 AM
Well done, Ken! I hope the world is treating you well.

Stay in touch, John.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
This is what I use to help build my downline for free...
and you might like to check this out, while you are about it...