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Mohamed Hassan

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RE: Mentoring For Free 2 My Friends In ALP!
2/17/2015 12:59:29 PM
Thank you John and Ken for this rich discussion.
Really Hardin Monie's forum thread "May I ask who is Ken?" was a good opportunity for more of people to know already , Who is ken!

Wish you both continuous success,

John Priestley

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RE: Mentoring For Free 2 My Friends In ALP!
2/17/2015 5:17:35 PM
Hi Ken,

No need to run away. I was just hoping you would tell us more about why it is the bee's knees (smile).

Stay in touch, John.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
This is what I use to help build my downline for free...
and you might like to check this out, while you are about it...
Ken Wolff

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RE: Mentoring For Free 2 My Friends In ALP!
2/18/2015 5:37:20 AM
Thank you John!

I had no intention of running away. My mission in life is to help people. I want to do that the best way I can and if I am restricted in what I can do to do that here I will do it somewhere else.

Yes I am an affiliate marketer. Now, to some that is not a good thing. Most affiliate marketers are in it for the money. That is not me. In fact if I earn a commission from someone who signs up for a program that I am promoting, and that commission exceeds what it cost me to be involved in that program I will donate the profits to that persons favorite charity or to mine. All that being said, most of what I promote has free options. I love free stuff. I can show anyone how to make money online without spending a penny and I will do that in my mentoring for free program. There are a lot of people that will tell you that same thing. I will be honest with you. Making money online is easy but you have to look at the numbers. People brag about making $.05 cents over and over again. I do that but I certainly do not brag about it. I get that every time I view 300 pages at one of the programs that I use every day. Now think about it. How long does it take to view 300 pages. There is a 10 second timer at that site but I only get about 5 sites viewed every minute. That is 300 in an hour. Would you be able to live on $.05 an hour? I still like that program though because of the traffic that it delivers to the sites that I post there. I share that site with others not for the money that they can earn, but for the value of getting traffic to the sites that you can promote there.

I use clickable graphics and links in the messages that I send because I think it is a lot more appealing than just words.

These tools are awesome:

your editing tools for messaging and forum posts

Play with them and use them in the messages that you send.

I will be back with more and respond to any questions anyone may have.

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
John Priestley

481 Posts
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RE: Mentoring For Free 2 My Friends In ALP!
2/18/2015 5:57:47 PM
It's OK Ken. I have read the book as well. Keep up the good work.

I am keen to see what you do next (smile).

Have a grand day, John.
Onward and upward,
John Priestley
This is what I use to help build my downline for free...
and you might like to check this out, while you are about it...
Ken Wolff

1889 Posts
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RE: Mentoring For Free 2 My Friends In ALP!
5/18/2015 2:36:48 PM
Hi John!

A couple of things brought me back to this forum today. I am mentoring a new friend here in Adlandpro. is charge. My new friend may be in your list of friends because it looks like he opted in to the Auto-Friend program.

His name is
Vishnuvardhan AdavalliVishnuvardhan profile picture

Click on his name and picture to visit his profile,
check out the forums that he joined.

TOP -your ad on the- TOP
The Beginners Marketers And Struggles!
Don't Spend a Penny...
You own this forum.Deal of the Day
City ForumDr.Pullman

The Deal of the Day forum has a star by it because it is one that I administrate. You will also not that he has only posted in that forum. The other forums that he joined are great including this one.

I have been in touch with Vishnuvardhan and made a few suggestions to him and he responded very well improving on what he is doing. If you have suggestions that will help him please feel free to reach out to him. Encourage him to post in your forums.

There is another reason I came here today. As I was paying the ad forward that Vishnuvardhan posted in the Deal of the Day forum I notice an ad in HotSpotMailer by John for Adlandpro. It was a different John though because I looked through my 83 downline members there and only found 1 John and that one is not a member of adlandpro.

Anyway make it a great day. I need to get back to helping
Vishnuvardhan. I hope you will help him too.


Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team