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Deal of the Day
Let's Get Over The $5,000 Goal
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Santa ...
Let's Get Over The $5,000 Goal
12/19/2014 5:59:25 AM
Hi Adlandpro Friends of
Diane Bjorling,
As you probably now our good friend
Diane Bjorling
and 2 of her daughters were involved in a terrible car accident about 1 month ago. Diane lost everything in the accident and amazingly survived but. Her recovery both financially and physically will be slow but we can help. Your positive thoughts and prayers will be appreciated.
A few people have thought of ways to contribute to the
Go Fund Me
Goal of $5.000. In this thread I would invite you to post your creative ways of raising money towards the goal.
I will start this thread out with an offer. I am involved in a case study and
30 day challenge
Tezak Traffic Power
. There several Adlanders involved in the study. It was a select group of 10 that volunteered for the study and we are down to just 9 now. We are learning a lot about what the best way to build your business. It involves building downlines in programs of individuals that are active and involved. I will invite others from the team to come and post their thoughts about the study and of course anybody else is welcome to click on new reply and ask questions and share your thoughts about raising money for the worthy fund.
My part in this! I will donate $5.00 to the Go Fund Me Campaign for everyone who signs up between now and December 31, 2014 from
my personalized Splash Page
Limited to the first 10 to sign up. All those who sign up need to click the confirmation link in the welcome message you receive and surf at least 25 pages. We will see how this goes I may raise it to 20.
There will be an opportunity for everyone to participate in a Skype chat room for support and training on how to get the most out of your internet activities.
Again this thread is open to all who would like to share their strategies for raising money for the
Go Fund Me
goal of $5,000 to help in Diane's recovery..
Click on New Reply below to Share your Ideas, ask questions or just make comments.
Ken Wolff
The Soaring Eagle Team
Santa ...
RE: Let's Get Over The $5,000 Goal
12/20/2014 1:12:07 AM
I just sent this message to all of my friends here in Adlandpro. Pay it forward to your friends and followers:
Hi Adlandpro Friends,
As you probably know, our good friend
Diane Bjorling
and 2 of her daughters were involved in a terrible car accident about 1 month ago. Diane lost everything in the accident and amazingly survived but. Her recovery both financially and physically will be slow but we can help. Your positive thoughts and prayers will be appreciated.
A few people have thought of ways to contribute to the
Go Fund Me
Goal of $5.000. You are invited to share your creative ways of raising money towards the goal.
Go to the
Let's Get Over The $5,000 Goal
" thread in the
Deal of the Day
forum. Click On New Reply at the bottom to share your ideas, ask questions, or make comments about my idea. I started the thread out with an offer.
I am involved in a case study and
30 day challenge
Tezak Traffic Power
. There several Adlanders involved in the study. It was a select group of 10 that volunteered for the study and we are down to just 9 now. We are learning a lot about what the best way to build your business. It involves building downlines in programs of individuals that are active and involved. I will invite others from the team to come and post their thoughts about the study and of course anybody else is welcome to join in the discussion about raising money for this worthy fund.
Here is my part in this! I will donate $5.00 to the
Go Fund Me Campaign
for everyone who signs up for Tezak Traffic Power between now and December 31st. Go to
my personalized Splash Page
yo sign up. This offer is limited to the first 10 to sign up.
We will see how this goes I may raise it to 20.
All those who sign up need to click the confirmation link in the welcome message you receive and surf at least 25 pages.
Let Us Power Up Your List And Traffic... Free!
There will be an opportunity for everyone to participate in a Skype chat room for support and training on how to get the most out of your internet activities.
Again this thread is open to all who would like to share their strategies for raising money for the
Go Fund Me
goal of $5,000 to help in Diane's recovery.
Warm regards,
Ken Wolff
My Skype & Facebook ID is: ken.wolff1
Follow me on Twitter: @KenWolff
Ken Wolff
The Soaring Eagle Team
RE: Let's Get Over The $5,000 Goal
12/20/2014 3:38:34 AM
This challenge is a real learning experience. Nice to be on this road with you Ken - and everyone else! Stay in touch, plz - I think we have more challenges and learning to do together beyond the 30 days...
RE: Let's Get Over The $5,000 Goal
12/20/2014 7:25:10 AM
Great idea Ken and good luck
Please feel free to visit my website:
Santa ...
RE: Let's Get Over The $5,000 Goal
12/29/2014 4:34:06 AM
Thank you
Tracy Lewis
AKA Teeray
Kris Rogers
for stopping by.
Please allow me to give you an update on the progress of the commitment I made on December 18th:
"I will donate $5.00 to the Go Fund Me Campaign for everyone who signs up between now and December 31, 2014 from
my personalized Splash Page
Limited to the first 10 to sign up. All those who sign up need to click the confirmation link in the welcome message you receive and surf at least 25 pages. We will see how this goes I may raise it to 20."
We are half way to the 10. I may extend this a few days and continue to promote it. Here is all of my TTP referrals:
So from rhaiymundt on down is 5...I will make the donation of $5.00 X the # of Referrals, and I will extend it to the 5th of January and up to 20 referrals.
Send your friends and followers to this Ebrand Personalized Splash Page to join:
Ken Wolff
The Soaring Eagle Team
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