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Leon Horton

444 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Welcome All To POTW Forum! (28th Edition)
2/1/2006 12:31:06 AM
Hi Doc, I am sorry for not getting in here any sooner. I have a ton of email to weed through and have been leaving all of the forum notifications till last every day. If people would just change the subject of the email that is sent out, many of these important notifications wouldn't be overlooked. Nevertheless, I am finally here to say... CONGRATULATIONS! ! ! Peace and prosperity to you and yours, Leon
Paul Underwood

73 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Welcome All To POTW Forum! (28th Edition)
2/1/2006 5:04:44 AM
CONGRATULATIONS DOC CAREY, on being chosen and enjoy this special honour. I am sure the demo you do with Carla will be great. I wish you many bright blessings and long may your light shine.
Re: Welcome All To POTW Forum! (28th Edition)
2/1/2006 6:21:13 AM
Hi John, Congrats Doc, dont know you real well but give me time. Your doing a great job John and Kathy. Well Done! Thanks Leanne Busby
Re: Welcome All To POTW Forum! (28th Edition)
2/1/2006 7:14:46 AM
"Ray" Howdy and thank you for the pat on the back. God is awesome for sure!! :) Your Friend, Doc...Romans 8:28><> :)
Re: Welcome All To POTW Forum! (28th Edition)
2/1/2006 7:24:21 AM
"John" You are a mess you know that??? ;) By the way, GREAT picture you have on here. ;) Bout time we all saw you the way you really are, and your special lady, too ;) The picture I have on here is a few years old. But it is the ezest one I have for our friends to see on here, so I changed it to this one. The one with the coach behind me is what I looked like in November '05. Anyway, I am haveing a awesome time as the POTW :) God is blessing me with some awesome NEW friend's for sure!!! ;) It is like people you knew you would be friends with in the sweet by and by are comming out of the wood work and showing you how they really feel. That is cool if you as me ;) Well I got to get busy if I'm not that already!!! :) God bless you and your special lady ;) Your Buddy, Doc...Romans 8:28><> 8)

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