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Welcome All To POTW Forum! (28th Edition)
1/29/2006 11:18:52 AM
*************************************************************** *************************************************************** Greetings To Everyone At AdlandPro From John Sanchez and LaNell! It’s time again for my favorite project of the week and that is the Feature of The Week! It is my favorite project because you folks and the POTW’s of the week make it a very special event. We are all so fortunate to be a part of this community that is made up of so many friendly and talented people. Thank you so much for your support and for making this event so special. Love and Blessings to you all! John R. Sanchez The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community. To qualify the person has to be an active member and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for selecting a member for the Feature of the Week (also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW). This criterion can be seen at the site below: Criterion How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week? To be chosen as Person of the week you: • Are highly visible on the community • Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful. • Must be nominated for the program by another member of the Community and voted on by other members. ****************************************************************** Folks, the month of January has been one of the best months of POTW’s we’ve had. We feel that in this month we’ve had the pleasure of honoring the cream of the crop, the best of the best. And what’s better than ending the month with another great man of faith, we’re talking about Doc Carey. Doc is another of Adland’s special souls. He’s a man who isn’t afraid to display his faith. He talks the talk and walks the walk, no shying away from his religious convictions. It is truly an honor to know this man. Congratulations Doc you’re this week’s POTW. Enjoy your week in Adland’s light as well as our Lords! ****************************************************************** Here’s Doc Carey’s Bio: Howdy ALL my Dear and Very Special Friends here at Adlandpro in the name of Jesus!! May this day be the best yet for you and your family's, friend's, and your businesses as well in Jesus Name :) I would like to THANK YOU ALL for letting me be part of a AWESOME group of people here that show us ALL every day of the week that GOD has blessed them and has helped them get to the top of their field in what ever they are doing or is letting them know how to get there with the help of some awesome people and friends here. I am like that. I am NOT a Computer King like the rest of you all. I was in the medical field for around 10 years till an illness hit me in October 2000. I was in Hospice and Home Care. I am a person who just loves to help any and ALL people the best way I know how and that is with Gods help. I was born in Dallas, Texas in the year of our Lord, 1956. I was born into a big family of 3 brothers, and 2 sisters. I am the 4th kid. Some call me that now..A kid that is cause I want to come to GOD as a kid and let HIM hold me for a while, like forever. Most of my brothers and sisters live in Texas still. Like me now, my next to the oldest brother moved due to work. I lived in and around Dallas for many years till I found someone you all know on here as "CARLA CASH". I found her on the net in a Friday night church meeting. I had never been married, and yea I was looking, but found out she wasn't. She was just in there to worship GOD and promote her business. She is a awesome Christian lady and we hit it off very fast. I had never lived out of Texas all my life, but went to different states as we all do to visit. So I did just that. I came up to Indiana to spend Christmas with her and asked her to marry me and you guessed it she said YES!!! :) Well I left her at the airport and came back here to Texas and packed and left my family behind. But wait, I am jumping the gun a bit.....I went to high school in Duncanville, Texas and got out of school in 1975 after we moved to Red Oak, Texas. I tried to find my life in different places, but God wanted me to be where I could help people. And so did I....God is so good...If you don't know HIM, PLEASE before you get done reading this, ask HIM to come into your heart????!!!!! HE will not fail you in anyway, shape or forum!!!! But before I went to get my medical training, I wanted to drive a truck like my dad who has been with the Lord for 23 years now. So I went, and got out 6 weeks later. And after 23 job searches, I got a job driving a truck for a carpet company around Dallas. Not what I had in mind. I wanted to go over the road like dad. But like we all do, we jump the gun and God has a way of showing us that we would be better off doing what HE wants and not what we want. SOOOOOOOOOOOO after a few years of driving in the worst town to drive in at that time, and one day as I was in Ft. Worth, I was getting out the back, and fell and broke my wrist and cracked my elbow. Well that was the end of that. So after 2 years trying to get my arm back in shape, a buddy told me of a medical school in Dallas that I could go to and train to help people in their homes. I guess GOD was talking through him. So soon as I could I went and did what I should have done in the first place. After school I was and still am Nationally Cert. In Hospice and Home Care, and a State Cert. Nurse Aide (CNA) That was in 1991. Well that is me....Went from a skinny kid in school, not too bad of a child hood. Not the one I want to do again. We all have some pain we don't want to bring up and that is me as well. Yes it is under the blood, but old split foot has a way of bringing it up every once in a while when I see someone else going through it. Oh well, GOD is a AWESOME GOD, and HE helps me through the rough times as HE will with you if you trust HIM and have faith in HIM. I am not a kid that will just sit around and let others do the work of the Lord. I was in the choir at a big church in Dallas. (Gospel Light House) I help build that one on west ILL, and loop 12 for all of you guys and gals who live in or near Dallas when I was 17 years old. I am 49 now so you can do the math to see how long it has been there. Oh by the way, it is on the highest part of Dallas and if you fly over it, you will see the world at the foot of the cross. I have seen a over view of it and it is cool :) I have been a elder and a solowest for many year's. I have work in the church doing many different things. And that was not to work my way into HEAVEN, but to show my love for GOD and HIS people. My goal in life is to get as many people I can into HEAVEN. HELL is too hot for anyone but for SPILIT FOOT and his ANGEL's. My Christian life REALLY started in 1978. And to this day I am NOT going to let the rocks cry out while I am around!!!!! I will pray for anyone, and tell anyone about GOD for I am NOT a shamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ AT ALL!!!! :) Carla and I sing in a 3 person group here now, and will be making a 4 song demo soon. God has blessed me with some awesome friends on here that I have learned to love and when I see them in Heaven they better be ready for a BIG HUGG!!!!!!!! Well that is me. God bless one and all and if I can help you in any way, PLEASE let me know. If I can help, I will pray and GOD will help you then I will call Carla and she will help you LOL!!!! :) Never forget..."THE NEED'S OF THE MANY, OUT WEIGH THE NEED'S OF THE FEW....OR THE ONE" In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen, and Amen!!! Doc...Romans 8:28><> :) Doc Carey ****************************************************************** Now let’s show Doc how much we love him. If you don’t know him take the time to invite him to be your friend, you won’t be sorry. Doc, put on your running shoes because you’re going to be busy! Enjoy! Love and blessings to you all from, 0:-) John Sanchez and LaNell *************************************************************** *************************************************************** My Blogs Goodwill Ambassador Try these out! 1st DollarRandomizer 2nd 12DailyPro 3rd Profits4Surfing 4th SafePlaceHyip< Easy. Safe. No risk.
Re: Welcome All To POTW Forum! (28th Edition)
1/29/2006 11:40:12 AM
Congratulations Doc on your person of the week!! I am a friend of Carla's but I see you are not on my list! I would be very happy if you would add me to your friends list! I am glad that you two found each other! God works in mysterous ways and by whatever means available! Well again congratulations and may God's Angels watch over you and Carla! As Always, God Bless! Sincerly, Susan
Re: Welcome All To POTW Forum! (28th Edition)
1/29/2006 11:40:50 AM
Hi John, Congratulations Doc you certainly deserve this honour of POTW. Your Story is so heartwarming, full of love and compassion. I wish both you and Carla much happiness both now and in the future you now have together. Yes my friend love has a way of finding us all, and you certainly don't have to be looking. Your love for your fellow man through your church is so admirable. Enjoy your week in the hot seat as our wonderful POTW. Love and Peace John
Re: Welcome All To POTW Forum! (28th Edition)
1/29/2006 11:43:07 AM
Hi John. Doc is a great Ambassador for Adlandpro, as you are yourself. Not only are you a POTW but POTY... Congrats to you John. However, it's the 'Doc' we are giving our Congratulations to today! I have had the chance to talk 'live' to both Doc & Carla via Skype. There is a no more likeable couple as these two & I would advise anyone who has Skype, to have a nice long chat with them, it will certainly brighten your day. Once again, Congratulations Doc, you two must be the first couple on Adlandpro to both be POTW's. Your Security Friend in Las Vegas.
Cheryl Baxter

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Re: Welcome All To POTW Forum! (28th Edition)
1/29/2006 11:51:31 AM
Hi John & LaNell, Thank you for making this excellent forum available to highlight our good friends. This week's winner is a special guy, & it's so obvious that he loves to help others and share his faith. ~~~~~~~~~~ CONGRATULATIONS Doc!!! I am so glad to see that you have won the honor of POTW. You are a wonderful brother in Christ, & I thank you for all that you do & share. Have a fantastic week...I know you'll be quite busy. ;-) Take care & "God bless you abundantly above all that you can ask or think". Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"

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