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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Secrets About our Faith
11/5/2014 12:31:09 AM

the video are fine. Their however,. when he says about God and Abraham. Abraham sacrificinag Issac. About God's wrath. I do not belief that all. This must be one place they made up this story about Abraham. God is a God of LOVE how in the world do they turn it around to be God's wrath. One word answer. FEAR. I think I am catching on to these people, anything to bring in fear.
They do baby sacrifices all the time, so I have read. I read where they need the blood because of being reptilian. Have you ever heard that?
So glad I learned all this stuff, so when it is announced I am not going to be on the floor. Cause some of the things are horrid to say the least. And I don't know that much either.

Jill Bachman died 2 years ago today. Still miss her.
Michael Caron

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RE: Secrets About our Faith
11/6/2014 5:02:45 AM
10_1_136.gifHi Myrna,
The sacrifice was a test of Abraham's faith. When Abraham was about to sacrifice his son GOD told him to stop, because he had proven his faith. He then directed Abraham to a bush where a lamb was tangled in and told Abraham to use the lamb as the sacrifice. Unfortunetly, through the years, people mis interpreted the message and began sacrificing humans in rituals to their faithfullness to Satan, Not GOD.
I was going to save this story until later, however I believe that it is appropriate to this Topic. When I was about eleven or twelve years old, my parents were running a summer stand at a local beach. Actually it was an enclosed building and we sold Hot Dogs, Burghers, Ice Cream, soda, and several other items. My father made friends with a family that lived up on the hill as we referred to it. They were French, like my father, so it was only right that he get to know them. Half way through this particular summer we were invited to join with them one evening when one of father of the family was celebrating his sister's return from Africa. She was a Catholic Nun and had a couple of other nuns with her along with the priest that was with them on their missionary ventures. When it began to get dark, the sisters set up a screen to show movies that they had taken at a particular tribe. There were different dances, spear throwing contests, and various traditions being carried out. Then, the drums began beating to a cresendo, and then stopped. The Nun began to get excited and explained that it was time for the sacrifice. Two of the natives took a young girl and removed what clothes she had on. The Nun explained that the sacrifice had to be a virgin and this girl was about fourteen or so. She was terrified. They set her down between two trees and while two of the natives held her down, two more tied her legs. I was already getting numb and got up to leave. My father told me to sit down, because it would be rude to walk out. I had tears in my eyes plus I was shocked because everyone around me were getting excited while I was getting sick. The nun explained that the cameraman was excellent. Finally, one of the natives cut the ropes that held the two trees in place and as the poor girl flew upwards you could hear the nuns and priest cheer as the body split in two. The rest of the conversation sounded like monotone, as the cameraman also filmed the natives cutting the body up to cook. Sometime during the film, someone asked what the meat tasted like. The one nun, that seamed to also be the spokesman of the group said that it was delicious. I could not believe that they were talking about this young girl like she was a side of beef. She went on to say that the meat tasted a lot like lamb, and that the natives added certain spices to it that made it taste even better. She then said that the priest even got a souveneir to take home. She talked him into passing it around so all could see. As each person looked at it and passed it on they would giggle. It finally got to me. I looked and quickly passed it on to my father who held it for awhile and passed it to my mother. It was the girl's nipples. I could not contain myself any longer and said that she was a human being. The priest smiled and told me that they were not christians and until they became christians they would be considered just semi intelligent animals. I had several nightmares after that and wondered just what or who the Catholic church represented. I am getting my answers now and I am not one bit surprised. Every single person on Earth deserves respect and dignity, and as far as being animals humans belong to the animal family. From what I have witnessed myself and from my research on the subject I am beginning to believe that the leaders of the Catholic Church just may be Jackels.
smogmeinichols3.jpgAnd people wonder why I refer to humans as Stupid.
Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Secrets About our Faith
11/6/2014 3:13:03 PM
Hi Mike,
I sure am glad I didn't read this before I went to bed last night. There are no words to say.

So what is the difference between Jackels and Reptilians? I would think they are the same or close to it.
I did a search, found this
Michael Caron

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RE: Secrets About our Faith
11/6/2014 7:57:07 PM
10_1_136.gifHi Myrna,

This article was absolutely fantastic. When I used the term Jackal's I had completely forgotten that it had been used in the Bible. I used it in referrence to how the church and others in cohersion with the church teams up to work together to undermind their victims. I have also pointed out from time to time that the bible has been translated from several different languages, some of whose words are similar with completely different meanings. It is nice to know that both of my observations were correct.
Who shall we trust?
ufofleet.jpgAshtar3.jpg?ascended-masters.jpg?Blossom-Goodchild-new-150x150.jpg?pleiadians1.jpg?smogmeinichols3.jpgI'll ask her. She will tell medancing-2.gifI was thinking of her, but she won't stand still long enough.
Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Secrets About our Faith
11/18/2014 6:15:42 PM
Hi Mike,

Sorry to take so long to answer. I am glad you liked the article, on Jackel/dragon


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