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RE: Thinking outside the box
8/10/2014 7:24:18 AM
I see I have some catching up to do here but this is kind of related. Please check out the ALP banner on this personalized splash page and tell me what you think:

I tried that banner in a number of Traffic Exchanges but it did not work. I think they needed the exact dimensions for normal banners and so I need to do some work on it but it worked in this splash page. Thanks again Diane.

Thank you also for the information on Tracking BJ. I am not a Gold level member here but I still manage to track most of what I do from time to time in different ways.
Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Flag of Diane Bjorling

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RE: Thinking outside the box
8/10/2014 6:37:04 PM
I see I have some catching up to do here but this is kind of related. Please check out the ALP banner on this personalized splash page and tell me what you think:

I tried that banner in a number of Traffic Exchanges but it did not work. I think they needed the exact dimensions for normal banners and so I need to do some work on it but it worked in this splash page. Thanks again Diane.

Thank you also for the information on Tracking BJ. I am not a Gold level member here but I still manage to track most of what I do from time to time in different ways.

Good afternoon Ken. While what I created is termed "banner", it is more like a presentation.
For example if you were to write a blog post about what to look for in a social community or a marketing community, then you could list some of the points made on that presentation and then put in that image for those people who are not into reading.
Presentations, infographics have been shown to be very popular..but to treat them as a regular banner will not work.

oops..... Your splash page is very cool Ken...
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RE: Thinking outside the box
8/11/2014 2:12:09 AM
ROFL Diane, ;-)

This is the banner I was talking about:

Ken's ALP Banner

Now, the infographic on top of the banner is way more than a banner and I love it. They say a picture does more than a thousand words. I never get tired of looking at this. It says so much about what we do here:


Thanks again and again for liking the splash page Diane


Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team
Flag of Diane Bjorling

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RE: Thinking outside the box
8/11/2014 3:02:30 AM
good grief and good gravy... thanks for the liking and I am wondering why your banner has so many issues
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RE: Thinking outside the box
8/11/2014 6:27:34 PM
It is a miner problem and an easy fix for someone that knows what they are doing Diane.
I tried a few things but have not come up with a solution yet. I first copied it and created a URL using Jing.

When I tried to post it on Click Voyager for example the last part of the URL was too long so it ended with:

I have not tried a URL Shortener but know that it has to end in a (dot) jif, png or one of those thingymagiggers.

Anyway we are getting ready to leave today on a business trip so will not have time to get it figured out. We are going to Shaklee Live 2014 in Long Beach, California. We will be doing a Spreecast from there and on August 23rd giving details on all the updates.

Ken Wolff

The Soaring Eagle Team

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