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Re: Speaking of stirring things up....
2/20/2006 11:11:35 PM
Hi Martha; Boy - what a great conversation going here. Just a few thoughts. 1) The student loans coming in is a very valid concern. If it was my child, I'd ask him what his plans for handling those are. That's part of the decision he's making. 2) Gary mentioned the denigration of the "real" father in Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Jack mentioned that he thinks it's an example of a book sold for profit. I would agree with both to a degree. Overall, though, I think that many, many Boomer Age Dads (and Moms) don't understand finances very well. That's why over 90% of us Boomers will retire dependant on government or family if we don't change something and quickly. I do think that the book teaches simple concepts like the difference between an asset and a liability and how to make money work for you, instead of you working for money. Those are good concepts for your son to learn. For many of us Boomers, too. 3) Jack also mentioned "What the Bleep Do We Know?" -- he's spot on there. Make a movie night of it and watch it with your whole family. 4) Gary mentioned suggesting that Levi wake up an hour earlier to get "more time." That reminded me of something I have told my daughter to do, and that I do myself. I think it's a good "tool" for any of us. Suggest that for one solid week (or even two) that he keep a "log" of his day. Every day. Write down what time he gets up. What time he leaves for school. Etc. Every time he changes what he's doing - log it. Right down to lunch break, getting out of school, eating dinner, watching tv, and what time he goes to bed. Usually, a week or two later, we can look at the log and see exactly where we can "get more" time. Most people can usually improve the use of 1-3 hours per day - especially if they get up a bit earlier. 1-3 hours a day translates into 7-21 hours a week. Add a chunk of Saturday and Sunday and there's a LOT of "more time" available to us that we could put to good use. When I was still working offline and wanting to build my business online, that's how I did it. In stolen hours. Turning off the television. Dedicating weekends to developing something new for me. If he does that for the rest of this year, he might have the answer to what to do about those student loans by the time the year is done. : ) Linda P.S. I like his name, by the way. And - 20 is still very, very young!
Gary Simpson

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Re: Speaking of stirring things up....
2/21/2006 6:58:57 PM
Hi Linda & Martha & Forumites, I think I might head this up as "COMMITTMENT and CONSISTENCY." Referring to what Linda said: ===================== 4) Gary mentioned suggesting that Levi wake up an hour earlier to get "more time." That reminded me of something I have told my daughter to do, and that I do myself. I think it's a good "tool" for any of us. ====================== The way to conquer anything is to chip away at it. Be consistent and do a little bit every day. It's all about what is important to you. I'll give a couple of examples: 1 - I read every night before going to sleep - sometimes it will only be for 15 minutes, sometimes it can be for an hour or so. On occasions it may be longer. That is how I manage to read between 50 to 100 books per year. 2 - I practice karate every day. (Some people may roll their eyes on this one. I don't care. I just want to make a point). A few years ago I felt that I was losing some ability. This is something that I have trained in for more than 30 years. So I made a promise to myself that I would train a little bit every day. That committment was made on 31 December 2002. It was a "New Year Resolution." I commenced on 1 January 2003. Since that day I have not missed a single day in 1,147 days. After I finish this post it will be 1,148 days. Are these things difficult to get done? Yes, on occasions they are. The second one was particularly difficult after having major surgery last year - but I did it. So, you see, if something is important enough to you then you will find ways of getting it done. It's all about desire and committment. Martha, if Levi wants something bad enough he will find a way to do it. "Inch by inch, it's a cinch - or as Peter would say: "If it's to be, it's up to me." (Referring to Peter, what happened to your mug shot? Are you going undercover or something?) Like I said: "COMMITTMENT and CONSISTENCY." Best Wishes Gary Simpson
Re: Speaking of stirring things up....
2/21/2006 9:48:44 PM
Hello Gary, 1,148 days, baby steps if you ask me. He could so kick my Azz even after 30 years of practice. Got some catching up to do don't you. In regards to my mug shot, that is what happens when you leave the lens cap on. I am never under cover, I might be covert but not under cover. I am just thinking about my next move, stay or go. I am not sure what I will be doing, so in the meantime, I removed pretty much all of my profile while I posture on my position.
Re: Speaking of stirring things up....
2/22/2006 8:12:24 AM
Wow! Do a little work for a day and not read forums and look what happens. No Gary. I wasn't tending the garden. It's frigid out there! My garden is sleeping! So much good stuff. I wonder what Levi would say if he knew all this talk about him was going on. As far as work ethic goes and getting up early to find some extra time. Keeping a log. No television. $$$$. Peter, you are way past what Levi has in mind. No, he didn't learn any web design in school so nothing to unlearn there. For now I think most of the website design will be his own sites. Levi very rarely relaxes and has fun. Always training, learning, and working on business. Even when doing something fun he is learning. He already keeps a log. What he eats, training times and I would imagine the times he gets up and goes to bed. Even when he was really young he was making lists all the time. He is working out with this new training system and it really wipes him out so I don't know if he could get up earlier. His classes start at 8am so I know he is up quite early. I'm sure his mind is working on his walks to get to class. Levi put this little video together real quick right before Christmas break was over. He turned the camera on and just started talking so if it doesn't sound professional that is why. He sent it to me the other night. If you want to check him out go right ahead. Martha
Re: Speaking of stirring things up....
2/22/2006 3:50:33 PM
Hi Martha, Peter, you are way past what Levi has in mind. No, he didn't learn any web design in school so nothing to unlearn there. For now I think most of the website design will be his own sites. I only gace the information based upon you saying he had the desire to do documentaries. They were just some facts that I hoped he was at least aware of. In regards to not learning web design at school that is good, as he will not have to unlearn a lot of wrong information, he only needs to learn the right stuff now. I went and had a look at the video and took a brief look at his website. I think I know the perfect direction that Levi should be heading in, as it appears to be what he is most focused on. If I were to be giving any advice I would try to steer him into the realm of Sports Medicine. Not to be a doctor, unless that was a desire of his, but more into thr sports therapy side of things. Behind every good athelete is a great therapist and nutritionist. He seems to like nutrition and everything that goes along with fitness and training. Just a thought that he might want to explore.

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