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Bogdan Fiedur

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Act as if you were already happy...
3/30/2005 11:35:05 AM
"Act as if you were already happy, and that will tend to make you happy." – Dale Carnegie, Motivational Coach and Writer
Spirit Dove Durand

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Re: Act as if you were already happy...
3/30/2005 11:45:24 AM
Hi Bogdan, There is truth to this. Smiling even when you don't feel like it has been proven to lift your spirits. Laughter boosts our immune systems naturally. The bible say's:... "A merry heart is a good medicine.".... Joy is an inward gift to be shared. No matter what the circumstances of life may be no one can steal our joy. Joy strengthens us spiritually, physically and helps our minds to stay positive even in the most trying times of life. Don't worry be happy!!! I hear that catchy little tune in my mind right now. I pray that your joy will overflow today. Blessings,
Spirit Dove Durand Master Artist
Steve Chichester

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Re: Act as if you were already happy...
3/30/2005 11:54:34 AM
Sure enough, life tends to be a self fulfilling prophecy. The happier you feel, the happier you'll be
Steve Chichester Empowering Pro*Active People
Marie Gervacio

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Re: Act as if you were already happy...
3/30/2005 11:57:17 AM
Yup - so true and Donna your right... they even try to get people laughing in hospital settings now. See what I always say down there in my sig file! :D Enjoy! Marie
Marie Gervacio Your Personal Success Coach
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Thomas West

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Re: Act as if you were already happy...
3/30/2005 11:57:24 AM
This concept is called "The Law of Attraction." If you think about negative things, you draw those things to you. If you think about positive things, you attract those in the same manner. Read this post in my forum for methods to program your subconscious to draw positive things to you: Make it a great day (literally)

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