God is exciting and wonderful, and knowing Him is what life is all about. In spite of this, for many people, even if they've accepted Jesus, Christianity is not exciting at all. This because, although the Spirit of God may be living in them, He's still locked up inside. He needs to be set free so that they can become more aware of Him and enjoy Him, and so God can work strongly through them to do the things He wants to do.
In the first two chapters of Acts, you can read how much the first friends of Jesus changed after the Spirit was set free in them. That cvan happen to you too. You can have the same kind of power, love and joy those first Christians had. You can be just as aware of God as they were. You can experience freely the gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit. God can use you to help other people supernaturally, by wisdom and knowledge, healings and miracles, and this will show them God is Real!! Set your spirit free, and help others, and this will cause a ripple effect, properly done, to reach the multitudes! God bless each of you, everyday!
Marsha Mckinney