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A Prayer for Faith!
1/21/2006 7:19:02 PM
Oh!Jesus! The author and perfector of Faith,we kneel at Thy presence and ask humbly,for the gift of Faith.Our human faith is soooo inadequate at times,and we easily waver and falter,and our human spirit is profoundly limited, therefore we ask for Thy forgiveness.Help us to overcome our unbelief! Our lives are filled with obstacles,time to time it is filled with circumstances and problems that are simply overwhelming,we only see with our human eyes. Remove all our hindrences towards being faithful,get our mind off the physical and on to the spiritual and strenthen our faith.Give us the faith like Abraham.Allow our mind to understand and open to your spirit to work within us,thru Thy word and prayer,help us to keep our eye on Thee. For no obstacle is too great for Thee,no barrier is too imposing.We plead for The Living Faith-The one that would transform our lives,which would enable us to enjoy a close personal relationship with you.Give us the freedom from the shackles of worry ,doubt and fear.Give us the strenth,hope and wisdom in the obstacles,problems and chalenges of life. In Jesus name we pray.Amen!
Carla Carey

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Re: A Prayer for Faith!
1/21/2006 8:24:17 PM
AMEN SIS! God bless you for offering up this prayer and I stand in agreement with you! God bless you! Carla
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Re: A Prayer for Faith!
1/21/2006 8:45:55 PM
Thank you Lord,For Carla`s presence here. We thank you for using her to your Glory. Thank you for her Prayer forum.Thank you for using her as a vessel to Thy Glory.Thank you for The Faith she has in you. With God all things are possible.Mathew 19:26 In Jesus name we pray.Amen!
Re: A Prayer for Faith!
1/21/2006 9:14:34 PM
Thank you A beautiful prayer, to each of us is given a measure of faith. It's what we do with that measure that either makes it grow or become dorminent. If we keep the Word of God in our hearts, eyes and minds and meditate upon it then faith will surely come. Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.KJV May you be blessed in all that you set your hands to do.
Sheena webmaster, & Your Choices * Your Changes * Your Destiny
Re: A Prayer for Faith!
1/21/2006 9:27:31 PM
Father we adore Thee,and thank thee for Thy servants.We thank you for Sheena and her faith."Those who have not seen and yet have believed"John 20:29.In Jesus name we pray.Amen!